Another fun filled week in Primary 1S

We have had another super learning week in Primary 1S, what a great learning team we are.

A visit to the school garden resulted in lots of vegetables found. We were all super excited to find out what was growing under the soil. Carrots, potatoes, leeks and onions were all found.


We took all our vegetables back to our classroom to share them out to take home. We then cleanedย  the vegetables and chopped them up to make soup in the classroom.

We had soup with bread and butter, some of us loved the soup and some of us did not like it but that’s okay as we all like different things. Everyone enjoyed washing, peeling and chopping the vegetables, even if we didnโ€™t want to taste the soup.

Everyone is doing very well learning how to use some of the technology we have in the classroom. The focus has been logging into the iPads independently and scanning QR codes. We all did very well!

For our topic we are thinking โ€œall about meโ€, how old we are, our names, how we are unique and special and how we all belong to a family, our family at home and our school family. We have created lovey family pictures.

Books are amazing and we are trying to develop a reading culture in the class and although we cannot read yet we are very good at looking at pictures in books and thinking about what the story could be. Reading for enjoyment ๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ˜€

Have a lovely weekend!


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