Low Port Residential – Archery

In archery we had to get enough food for our group by shooting cardboard animals like squirrels, bunnies, deer and ducks. We had to get enough food and calories to survive. We used our hands to see what arrow to use and we practiced with floo floos. We did it because that is how people got food in the past and we learned that they used every bit of the animals, they caught what they needed and that it was hard to get enough food from hunting. We learned it was hard even while the animals were not moving! We talked about food waste and the impact intensive farming has on our environment. All the dinners we had were really good and we didn’t want to waste any of it because that is bad for the environment. It was hard but really fun!

‘It was my first time doing archery. My team had 500 Kcal left over!’ – Kaya

‘Some teams got more than one deer!’

‘I felt like a real archer!’

‘Amina shot an arrow right into the deer’s tummy. I felt sad but I learned how to poach like William Wallace.’

‘I got a deer which was the best score.’ – Ellie

‘I shot a deer and the foxes leg.’ – Richelle

‘Some groups didn’t get a duck or two but I got ten foxes and deer.’

‘I nearly killed a bird.’

‘It was easier than I thought. It was really fun.’ – Olivia

‘My group had a cool name.’

‘Me and my group felt like real hunters.’

‘We got into groups of 4, 3, 5 and took shots of shooting arrows at the animals. I learned how to use the arrows and bows.’ – Lucy H

‘Not all people got very much.’ – Katie

‘I nearly got a deer.’ – Kieran

‘I liked archery because I shot a fox’s tail.’ – Tom

‘Nicola nearly shot a goose.’

‘Me and my group got as much calories as we needed to get and we got more than we needed.’

‘I was excited before I started archery.’

‘I felt awesome because archery was so fun and easy for kids. Archery was fun because we learned how many calories we needed per day per person.’ – Molly

‘We shot arrows into the middle of the animals and Olivia shot two deer.’ – Imogen

‘It was so fun. I was amazing at it.’ – Billie

‘It was fun with the real arrows because it felt like I was really hunting.’ – Amy

‘I had to use it accurately, I felt really excited and I got a deer.’ – Faheema

‘I had lots of food.’

One thought on “Low Port Residential – Archery”

  1. that was such a fun time wow sometimes i wish we were still there at lowport beacuse i had such a fun time i never wanted it to stop

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