St Anthony's Primary School Blog

June 26, 2020
by User deactivated
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P7 Friday 26th June

Good morning everyone!

The day has finally arrived, your last day of primary school!

I can’t believe it!

Take a bow because you have worked so hard and achieved so much over the last 7 years.

I am so proud of you all!

Needless to say, I am not posting any work for you today. Instead reward yourself by doing something you love doing eg. watching a movie, listening to music, going for a bike ride. YOU HAVE EARNED IT!

Father Sebastian is saying a special mass for you all at 10am this morning and the staff will be joining this service online and praying for you all. The mass is available to watch on the parish Facebook page.

Later this morning, I will be sending you a sway filled with photos and messages, so watch out for it.

It took many hours to put it together [my kids are going hungry and I have a huge pile of washing!] but do you know what, it was worth it because you are all so so special!

So enjoy your last day and enjoy your ‘Class of 2020 Sway’ when it arrives.

Well done to you all and please, please come back for a visit to Anthony’s. We would genuinly love to hear how you are all getting on.

Have a wonderful summer holiday, stay safe and I hope you have a fantastic time at high school!

Reach for the stars and follow your dreams!!!

Lots of of Love and God Bless,

Miss Docherty xxx

June 25, 2020
by Mrs Llaza

Day 4 St Anthony’s Summer Reading challenge 25 the June .20

Welcome to day 3 of St Anthony’s Summer Reading Challenge! I hope you loved the Micheal Rosen day yesterday! If you haven’t completed the survey for your favourite Rosen poem please do so now so that I can share the results with everyone!

IMPORTANT – Remember the reading challenge is for the whole of the summer and not just this week. Sign up so that you can access lots of books for free through the links below.

The Summer Reading challenge has gone digital this year to ensure children can still take part even though they’re unable to visit our libraries just now. Here are some details of this year’s challenge and information on how to join in:

Join the #SillySquad2020 by signing up at

Check out your West Lothian libraries webpage and search for books you can borrow from us at


Everybody loves Katie Morag stories! Some of you may have loved your Katie Morag and Island life topic too!

Here are some of the most popular Katie Morag stories for you to read along to.




Children, here is some exciting news! Friends of mine live on an island in Scotland just like Katie Morag and they have made this video just for St Anthony’s primary school! Betsy- Mae is a real life Katie Morag and she is going to tell you what it is like to live on the Isle of Eigg!  I hope you enjoy!

  • Now that you have read some Katie Morag stories and seen Betsy -Mae give you a tour of her island, write the things that you think are the same for Betsy Mae and Katie Morag and write things that you think are different.
  • What is different about Betsy-Mae’s school and yours?
  • Write the things you think would be great about living on the Isle of Eigg.
  • Write the things you would not like about living on the Isle of Eigg
  • Draw a picture of you and Betsy -Mae on her quad bike, zooming through the island, try to include pictures of all the things Betsy – Mae told you about.


Now something for older children in our school.  Here is a special appearance by my husband who would like to talk to you a little about why he became a writer and is going to read a poem by his favourite poet, playwright and writer, T.S.Eliot. P.S I think Mr Llaza should be first in the queue for a haircut on the 15th of July, don’t you 🙂

Your challenge is to find out which character in Sherlock Holmes inspired T.S Eliot to write Macavity the mystery cat.  Post your answers on Twitter, Teams or the Blog please. 

Here  the full poem ‘Macavity the Mystery Cat’ by T.S Eliot


Here is the famous west end musical CATS showing the character of Macavity


Thank you for taking part in St Anthony’s Summer Reading Challenge! If you spent most of your time outdoors enjoying the sunshine yesterday, you might want to look at yesterday’s challenge and complete that too.

Have a great day and make sure you KEEP READING!

Mrs Llaza x







June 25, 2020
by User deactivated
1 Comment

Nursery Returner’s 2020

Hello Everyone

The nursery team just wanted to let the boys and girls who are returning after the summer know that we miss you very much and can’t wait to see you again in August.

We are all busy just now making sure the nursery is a safe and fun place for you all, so in the meantime please make sure you have lots of fun over the summer!!

Take Care

Nursery Team

June 25, 2020
by User deactivated
1 Comment

Nursery Leaver’s 2020

Hello Everyone

Instead of our usual graduation ceremony this year, the nursery team have made a power point to wish all the boys and girls starting primary 1 in August the very best of luck!!

graduation-2020 (1)

Even though we can’t see you at the moment we are all still thinking about you and wanted to say goodbye!!

Please take care over the summer and remember to have lots of fun!!


Nursery Team

June 25, 2020
by Mrs Moffat

P5/4 Bitmoji Challenge!

Bitmoji Image
Today is our second last day together before summer officially starts.
I hope you have all been enjoying doing the grid activities and joining in with the reading challenges as well.
I had an idea last night and for it to work, you all need to create something for me. I know a lot of you have enjoyed seeing ‘virtual me’ (my Bitmoji) every day and wanted to create one yourself, well here is your chance.
I would like all of your to create your own Bitmoji that looks like you (Here is a video here on how to and then send your Bitmoji to me on here doing something, maybe a hobby of yours; here is an example picture of my Bitmoji doing multiple things:
I am hoping to create something special using all your Bitmojis but will need your Bitmoji sent to me (on teams preferably) by the end of the day today, I know it is only a days notice but hope you can all join in.
P.S. It will ask for an email, you could always use your glow email ‘wl[your username]’
Have fun creating!
Mrs Moffat

June 25, 2020
by User deactivated

P7 Thursday 25th June

Good morning everyone!

It’s your 2nd last day of primary school – can’t believe it!

We are in day 4 of the Summer Reading Challenge. Please look at what Mrs Llaza has prepared for you today. I hope you’re enjoying reading, this week. If you’d like to borrow a book from the library over the Summer, they are making this possible with their online service, something to keep in mind.

I have also posted the grid of fun tasks.

Remember to log in to Teams for your Transition lesson at 2.30pm – it’s the last one,

Hope you have a great day!

P7 Final Week Fun Tasks



P7 General Knowledge Quiz 1

P7 General Knowledge Quiz 2

Quiz 1 Answers

Quiz 2 Answers





June 25, 2020
by wlcaitlyn.kerr@glow

Primary 6 Thursday 25th June

Good morning Primary 6,

I hope you are all well and managed to enjoy the sunshine yesterday. Hopefully it stays sunny today!

Remember to say ” hi” on teams or post your code below.

Mrs Moffat’s learning grid is at the top and Mrs Llaza’s new reading challenge is up too.


Have a lovely day!

June 24, 2020
by User deactivated

Nursery Teddy Bear Picnic

Hello Everyone

Instead of our usual end of term nursery trip, today we are having a teddy bears picnic.. as it’s such a nice day maybe you could have one too!!

Here are the nursery team enjoying a picnic with their teddies


We hope you all enjoy your picnics and remember to send us some photos if you can

Take Care

Nursery Team

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