St Anthony's Primary School Blog

Make Land Art


Morning everyone…

I would like to explain to you today how to make land art.

In this activity we are going to create your own land art using a variety of sticks, stones, leaves, pebbles, any natural object you can find out walking, in the garden or even items you have found at the beach on previous visits etc.  You can make these pictures directly on to the ground or grass or even make a picture with a stick in the mud where you are walking.  These can be as simplistic or complex as you like.

For example you could be out walking find a stick and some leaves and berries.  Place the items on the ground to make a picture or pattern or mark some wiggly lines in the mud this is land art.  There is no right or wrong way to do this, even the adults can have fun trying this as well.

Examples of things that can be used, sticks in a variety of sizes, stones large or small, pine cones, pine needles, moss, flowers, berries (remember these can’t be eaten) or even some feathers.  Remember to take a container of some kind to collect your natural materials.  A plastic bag, bucket or even an old shoe box can be used.

Once you have collected your items,  decide where you are going to create your land art outside in the garden or inside if your grown up allows. Often a good idea is to start with a main feature like a large stone or a flower and work outwards it is entirely up to you and can be as big or small as you want it to be and you can even add to it over time.

Creating land art is a useful mindfulness tool that can give your children or yourself space and time to relax and calm down relieving any stresses of the day increasing wellness and self-control and have fun at the same time.

Look forward to seeing examples of your land art. Remember you can create these when your out and about spur of the moment and leave them for others to admire and add to. Maybe even going back to the same spot to see if they have changed any.

See below for some more examples:

We are missing you all, stay safe.

Nursery Team.

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