Good morning everyone!
I hope you all had fun yesterday!
It was really lovely to see everyone again. You all looked amazing.
Even though it was nowhere near what I had planned for your Leavers’ Assembly, I hope you enjoyed seeing your friends, singing your song and being piped out of St Anthony’s for the final time.
I loved it and I hope you did too!
I have reduced your workload right down for the rest of the week. I have still included some tasks but there is very little written work. Today’s tasks include a virtual school trip to Yosemite National Park in California. I hope you enjoy it!
Please, please, please, if you have not already sent me your videos and photos etc., please do so as soon as possible. I don’t want to miss anyone out but I also need enough time to put all these things together. I have attached the ‘Request Letter’ again and the instructions for the tie video are in the powerpoint.
Have a great day!