Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Miss Cooper

P2/3 Friday 26th April

Tickled Pink:

  • We enjoyed writing about a recount of a birthday this week. We either wrote about our favourite birthday party or a favourite birthday party that we attended.
  • We have planted potatoes this week as part of our farming topic and are excited to watch them grow.
  • We have been practicing for our class assembly this week and have been working hard on remembering our lines.

Green for growth:

  • We were working on our times tables this week. Some of us are finding the 2, 4 and 5 times tables a bit hard but we are trying our best.
  • We did a multiplication treasure hunt during outdoor learning however we found it a little tricky writing the answers to the sums as well as trying to find the letters.

Our lead learners this week are CJ and Chloe.

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 Friday 19th April 2024

We have had a great first week back after the Easter holiday!


Tickled Pink

  • Everyone done fantastic with their recount writing about what they done during the holidays.
  • The children created fantastic Gala Day Posters for the competition, our theme this year is Movies.
  • As a class we played boggle, I was so impressed with how many words the children came up with!
  • In PE we did an obstacle course which involved using a range of gross motor skills. The children loved the limbo and stepping logs.


Green for Growth

  • In Music we were playing the Boomwhackers – some children found it a bit tricky to play on the beat.
  • In Maths we were being ‘Sign Detectives’ and had to work out if the sum was addition or subtraction. Some children needed support for this by the adult asking where the largest number was because that will help us work out what sign we need to use.


Our Lead Learners next week are Murren and Leo.


Have a great weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 6/7 – Friday 19th April 2024

Primary 6/7 have had a fantastic first week back with lots of great learning activities in class. On Friday morning, we discussed our week in school and decided that we would like to share these thoughts about our learning this week:

Tickled Pink (things that we feel went well):

  • We enjoyed making our competition entries for the Gala Day programme competition because of the freedom we were given to choose different ideas around the movie theme
  • We enjoyed our activity with Mrs Denholm to design our own sustainable school
  • We enjoyed continuing to prepare for our first class debate this week as we considered what our arguments are going to be and how to argue back to the other team’s arguments
  • We enjoyed our writing activity as we were able to write about our own opinions of the class novel that we read last term
  • We had lots of fun in PE this week
  • We had great fun in buddying as we played games and got to spend time with our buddies again after the break

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning)

  • Some of us felt that writing was a wee bit tricky as it was tempting to summarise the story from the book when we had to make sure we were including our judgement about the book and how the author had written it
  • A few of us found the work with train and flight timetables a little tricky in Maths
  • Some of us found the Gala Day poster difficult because it was hard to choose which movie images to use

Our lead learners were Paige, Rose, Lily and Oscar.  The had decided on the following three targets for the class; to be responsible outside in the playground, not to make silly noises in class and to be respectful to all adults in school. They identified lots of children in class meeting the targets that they set, which is great news. Well done for a great week, P6/7.

by Miss Halliday

Primary 4

Tickled Pink

  • We enjoyed writing a recount about our Easter Holidays and everything we got up to during the time off.
  • We spent a long time working on our Gala Day poster competitions for the Gala Day programme this year.
  • In maths we have been learning about Carroll diagrams and making up our own set of criteria for it.

Green for Growth

  • For literacy we have focused on using speech marks and remembering that they only go around the spoken words.
  • In RME, Mrs Flynn was teaching us all about Joseph and his coat of many colours, there are so many to remember.
  • We did some drama about the Great Fire of London but it was hard at first to not giggle when others are acting.

Lead Learners this week are Ben and Noel.

by Miss Cooper

Primary 2/3 Friday 19th April

Primary 2/3 had a fantastic first week back from their Easter holidays.

Tickled Pink:

  • We started our new topic ‘Farming’ and discussed the different types of farms that can be found in Scotland.
  • We wrote a recount of an activity we did during the school holidays and were so proud of our writing.
  • In outdoor learning, we were putting our time knowledge to the test by becoming human clocks! We had lots of fun creating our clocks and pretending to be the hour and minute hands.

Green Growth:

  • We’ve been continuing with multiplication this week. Some of us found counting in 5’s tricky when learning our 5 times table.
  • During literacy this week, we had been learning about putting commas in a list. We are trying very hard to remember to use commas instead of ‘and’.

Lead learners this week are Ellie and Cade.

by Mrs Baird

P5/6 Friday 19th April

Tickled Pink

  • We really enjoyed creating our gala day posters, hopefully you’ll see one from P5/6 in the Gala Day programme when you receive it.
  • We were learning about chance and probability and had fun linking this to school life e.g. what was the likelihood of P1/2 arriving first to assembly.
  • Some of the class are feeling more confident about mental maths now and so this was a highlight of the week.
  • In outdoor learning we visited Deanburn River where we made a dam and were excited by the bone we found.

Green for Growth

  • Some of the class found multiplying 4 digit numbers tricky.
  • We also found it challenging doing French with Mrs Flynn and trying to remember the words for different items of clothing.


Lead Learner Update

The lead learners next week are Amelia and Faith.

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 28th March 2024

We have had a fantastic week in Primary 1/2 full of lots of Easter fun!

Tickled Pink

  • We enjoyed taking part in our Easter Service with the whole school, led by Reverend Boyd. We listened to the story of how Jesus died and came back alive again and focused on always trying to be good and do our best – if we do something wrong we need to say ‘sorry’. We loved joining in with the songs that we have been practising in class.
  • We enjoyed some Easter literacy and numeracy, where sums and words were hidden in eggs for us to find and write down. We also enjoyed an egg hunt during outdoor learning!
  • We had lots of fantastic entries for the egg design competition… Well done everyone who took part and a massive congratulations to Robyn who was the winner from P1/2!


Green for Growth

  • In maths we have been focusing on Days of the Week again and practising writing them in order, this was a bit tricky but we are very good at singing the song!
  • One of our craft activities was to draw a bunny using our hand – some children found this a bit challenging.


Have a fantastic holiday and stay safe… I look forward to seeing you all on Monday 15th April!

Mrs Wallace

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 6/7 – Friday 22nd March 2024

Primary 6/7 have had an amazing week with lots of great learning in class. On Friday morning, we discussed our week in school and decided that we would like to share these thoughts about our learning this week:

Tickled Pink (things that we feel went well):

  • We enjoyed our persuasive writing task this week which was based around children’s right to education (Article 28 of the UNCRC) because it was fun to learn about why we need school
  • We enjoyed our coding lesson in computer science because the tasks around a dance party and the scratch Easter challenge were great fun
  • We enjoyed splitting into our debating teams and starting to research and prepare our speeches about school uniform
  • We had lots of fun playing volleyball in PE
  • We had great fun in buddying as we helped our buddies make paper flowers

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning)

  • Some of us felt that we would have liked to continue with football in PE
  • Our Primary 6s found some of the questions in the Euro Quiz to be quite tricky
  • Some of us still found our Maths learning a bit difficult

Our lead learners were Paige, Rose, Lily and Oscar.  They identified lots of children in class meeting the targets that they set, which is great news. Well done for a great week, P6/7. Looking forward to another fantastic week next week as we come to the end of term! We would like to wish all of our children and families a Happy Easter and Ramadan Mubarak when the celebrations come. Have a lovely break.

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 22nd March 2024

We have had a great week in primary 1/2! It was lovely chatting to everyone at parents evening this week and sharing how well everyone is getting on!


Tickled Pink

– We have been learning about minibeasts this week and have enjoyed making our own butterflies to decorate our living things wall. We spoke about symmetry and tried to colour in our wings to match.

– In writing we chose a minibeast and drew it in our jotters then wrote descriptive sentences about it. These were fabulous sentences!

– In maths we have been learning about ordinal numbers and have been practising when lining up.


Green for Growth

– We have also been learning how to read numbers as words – some of them are a bit tricky but we will keep practising.

– We made paper flowers with our buddies to celebrate the start of spring. This involved cutting and rolling and sticking – it was a bit fiddly!


Lead Learners are Eadie and Harriet!


Today the children brought home a sunflower that they planted a couple of weeks ago – we have been looking after them in the classroom but now the children are responsible for helping them grow at home.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Miss Cooper

P2/3 Friday 22nd March

Tickled Pink:

  • In maths, we have been learning about data handling and have been working on our tally marks. Some of us even took surveys during our indoor playtime using our tally marks to work out our classes favourite colours, fruit, jobs and animals.
  • We were practising lots of different passes in our P.E., we felt like we were best at the chest and shoulder passes.
  • During our writing, we wrote a persuasive essay on why we should a class pet. We had lots of fun trying to convince Miss Cooper and Mrs Egan to try and get a class pet. Mrs Egan was very impressed with the writing that we done.


Green for growth:

  • We did a subtraction assessment in maths which we found a little bit tricky. We will keep practising our subtraction and are excited to move onto multiplication.
  • We were finishing off our extreme weather presentations today. Although learning new digital skills is a bit difficult, we are still enjoying making our PowerPoints.

Lead learners for this week are Finn and Ellie Mae.

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