Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Miss Halliday

Primary 4

Tickled Pink

  • Using technology to practise our times tables and division skills – we have been using a website called where we have to work together as a class to achieve an overall percentage of correct answers.
  • Our handwriting is improving and we used a verse and chorus from Bob Marley’s ‘Three Little Birds’ song to practise with.
  • Rights respecting Day on Friday was fantastic. We had 5 different stations to learn about our rights, water aide, competitions, outdoor learning, puzzles and a scavenger hunt for rights.

Green for Growth

  • We are still working on writing a full answer in comprehension tasks and not just one or two words.
  • Maths with Mrs Denholm was tricky where we were matching digital to analogue times.
  • Some of us need to work on using our word books or dictionaries to check our own spelling in our writing.

Lead Learners for next week are Kellan and Ruaridh.

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 Friday 17th May 2024

P1/2 have had a fantastic week!

Tickled Pink

  • In maths we have been counting in 10s and the children are doing really well with skip counting.
  • We have been discussing how to be a good friend and learning some nice songs about friendship.
  • We had our class trip to Almond Valley (Mill Farm). We loved meeting and petting a rabbit called Theo, a ferret called Fabio and a guinea pig called Eclipse. There was lots of other animals that we got to see including a Clydesdale horse and little lambs, which were very cute! We had lots of fun playing and exploring the areas and the children were all very responsible and represented the school well!


Green for Growth

  • The song about friendship was a bit tricky to learn but we are remembering most of the words now.
  • French was a bit tricky to remember the different words to talk about weather but playing games and singing songs helps us.


Our Lead Learners next week are Robyn and Evie!


Have a lovely long weekend and I will see you on Tuesday 21st May.

Mrs Wallace

by Miss Cooper

P2/3 Friday 17th May

Tickled Pink:

  • In our writing this week, we wrote acrostic poems about our own monsters that we had created. We used alliteration and adjectives to make our writing interesting.
  • Today was our Rights Respecting Day and we had lots of fun trying out all the different activities and learning more about our rights. We also wore blue and raised money for UNICEF.
  • We absolutely loved our trip to Mill Farm yesterday. We had lots of experiences with animals and farming equipment which helped us with our farming topic.

Green for Growth:

  • We are continuing to practice our multiplication and making sure to use our strategies to help us. We have been using skip counting, repeated addition and arrays as well as some time table songs which has made it a bit easier.
  • During P.E., we have started to do some athletics. This week we were doing running, jumping and throwing. We had different sizes of hurdles and while we were apprehensive of some of the taller ones, we were resilient and challenged ourselves.


Our Lead Learners this week are Cade and Rosa.

by Mr Hamilton

Day two at school camp 2024

Our primary 6 and primary 7 children have had another brilliant day at school camp taking part in lots of activities and enjoying the wonderful setting at Ford Castle. The weather was cooler today which was good. There was a little rain but not anything too bad. The food and staff have been fantastic. Here are some photos which show how much everyone has been enjoying themselves. We have been packing bags and tidying rooms getting ready to come home tomorrow. however, we are also looking forward to more fun activities tomorrow morning.

by Mr Hamilton
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First day at school camp May 2024

We have had a fantastic first day at school camp taking part in activities and settling into our rooms. It was a lovely sunny, warm day. We are looking forward to another fun day tomorrow and hopefully it might be a little cooler!

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 6/7 – 10th May 2024

Primary 6/7 have had a great short week with lots of wonderful learning activities in class. On Friday morning, we discussed our week in school and decided that we would like to share these thoughts about our learning this week:

Tickled Pink (things that we feel went well):

  • We loved our volleyball sessions in PE as we developed our skills in game playing situations
  • We enjoyed debating as we started researching and preparing speeches for our second class debate
  • We really enjoyed learning about fake news and trying to figure out what we can trust online
  • We enjoyed learning some Spanish and our fun Maths activity with Mrs Baty

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning)

  • Some of us felt that our it was a little difficult to find arguments for our new debating topic
  • A few of us found it tricky to get the ball over the net during our volleyball games in PE
  • Some of us found it a bit tricky to think of memories for our leavers assembly

Our lead learners were Alieu, Chloe, Brodie and Shiva.  They decided on the following three targets for the class; to be resilient in PE, to not throw things in the classroom and to be responsible in the playground. They witnessed lots of learners in the class meeting those targets which is great news. Well done for a brilliant week, P6/7.

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 Friday 10th May

We have had a great few days in Primary 1/2


Tickled Pink

  • We have been focusing on rhyming words this week. The children have done really well identifying the rhyming sound and coming up with words that sound the same. We enjoyed Outdoor Learning, where we had to find a card with two pictures on it and then try and match the rhyming words to create a loop.

  • For buddying this week we went outside to learn more playground games. We had so much fun making our own hopscotch, playing ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’ and different parachute games.
  • We enjoyed being creative by doing a ‘Finish the Drawing’ task, the children were all given an arch and had to turn it into whatever they wanted (but not a rainbow!). The children created great pictures including handbags, flowers, cars and a pug!

Green for Growth

  • We have been counting in 5s this week and some children are finding it a bit tricky to get started but once we get to 20 they follow the pattern (25, 30, 35, 40, 45 etc).
  • We have been learning about different punctuation marks (question marks and exclamation marks). Some children found it a bit tricky to work out what kind of punctuation would be needed at the end of various sentences.

Have a fabulous weekend (hopefully sunny!)

Mrs Wallace

by Miss Cooper

P2/3 Friday 10th May

Ticked Pink:

  • We’ve been enjoying watching our potatoes grow. We keep adding soil and water and it grew loads over the long weekend. We look forward to harvesting them and cooking something tasty with our potatoes.
  • We made portraits of ourselves during outdoor learning this week. We enjoyed finding lots of sticks, leaves, rocks and flowers that were on the ground to help us. We created beautiful self portraits.


Green for growth:

  • We’ve been continuing with our 5, 8 and 10 times tables this week. It’s been a little tricky but we have been using our strategies to help us succeed!
  • We’ve been continuing to practice our football skills this week in P.E. by concentrating on passing the ball to others and learning how to do keepy uppies. We need to remember to be safe in P.E. and watch out for others around us.

No lead leaders this week as it was a short week.

by Miss Halliday

Primary 4 – 10/5/24

We had an excellent time at Dynamic Earth on Thursday! We started off with a workshop about the rainforest where we got to see some real life spiders, grasshoppers, butterflies and beetles (they were dead and in a glass box but still very cook to see!).  We then moved onto to going around the museum ourselves. It was so interesting seeing volcanoes, icebergs and pretending to fly around the globe! It was brilliant fun wearing 3D glasses in our own little cinema.

We decided to have lunch outside since the weather was nice. Afterwards, we went to the Planetarium and watched show called ‘Don’t Panic!’, all about natural disasters and climate change.

Overall, we really did have a great time and learned a lot about the Earth!

by Mrs Denholm

Seafield Primary P5/6

It was a short week this week but we have been busy.

Things that went well:

  • We were writing an explanation about how to make vegetable soup, it helped some of that we had made soup in class.
  • Cluster League Football was super for the members of the school football team who attended. First Place!
  • Shut  the Box Uno game.
  • PE – running
  • Sinclair Smile Time
  • Fruity Friday
  • Our Paddleboard designs

Things that were tricky;

  • Multiples and Factors
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