Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Mrs Wallace

P1 30th August 2024

We have had a great week in Primary 1!

Tickled Pink:

  • We have been enjoying learning more sounds and singing the songs to go with them. Thank you to Joey who brought in some castanets for us to explore with the ‘ck’ song. He very kindly let everyone have a turn playing them as we sang along.

  • We had lots of fun exploring colour by making a colour wheel. We explored the Primary colours and had fun mixing them to make new colours. We then used the paint to create our own wonderful artwork – it looks fantastic on our wall!

  • We have started our topic ‘Fairy Tales’ and focused on the Three Little Pigs story. We listened carefully to the story and then retold it by acting it out using puppets. We also worked with our buddies to create stick puppets so we could all act out the story.

  • We worked really well together to build a new home for the Three Little Pigs and learned all about different types of houses and what is needed to make a house.
  • We loved trying Judo on Tuesday and had lots of fun playing games and learning some moves.


Green for Growth:

  • We have enjoyed learning more about numbers using the Number Zoo stories, some children are finding it a bit challenging to form some of the numbers but we will continue to practise this.


Our Lead Learners this week were Freddie and Joey, the loved having their milkshake treat!

Our Lead Learners for next week are Ollie and Alice, well done!


Have a great weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 6/7 – 30th August 2024

Primary 6/7 have had a wonderful week in school with lots of great learning activities. On Friday morning, we discussed our week in school and decided that we would like to share these thoughts about our learning:

Tickled Pink (things that we feel went well):

  • We enjoyed working on our portraits as we are now seeing the hard work involved in the preparation become clear in the excellent portraits we have created of our friends in class
  • We enjoyed taking part in handball in PE as we worked on shooting skills and started playing games
  • We really enjoyed learning a new multiplication method in Maths and our enjoyed our angles work too
  • We really enjoyed making puppets for a well-known fairy tale with our Primary 1 buddies
  • We enjoyed continuing with our detailed “All About Me” piece of writing as most of us moved onto the redrafting part of the task

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning)

  • Some of us felt that learning the new multiplication method was a bit tricky and think we need a little more practice
  • We found it a little difficult doing the tracing part of creating our portraits
  • Some of us felt that our writing task was a bit tricky as it took quite a long time to complete the writing and then redraft it
  • Some of us feel that our research for RME and Outdoor Learning was a bit tricky as we found it a challenge to find the necessary information

Our lead learners for this week were Che and Brodie and they set the following class targets for the week; to get your work finished, to be good in the playground and to use a ruler properly. Our lead learners witnessed lots of our class meeting these targets, which was fantastic to see. Well done for a brilliant week, P6/7.

by Miss Cooper

P5/6 Friday 30th August

Tickled Pink:

  • Destination Judo were in this week teaching us some Judo moves. It was extremely fun and we learnt loads.
  • In writing this week, we watched a video and read a fact file about Leopards and took notes to help with our descriptions. We worked hard on creating a descriptive piece of writing rather than an imaginative one.
  • We made wind turbines as part of our climate change topic. It was little difficult to follow the instructions but we really enjoyed making them and testing them out.

Green for Growth

  • During outdoor learning, we were playing a game to look at how the suns rays, the earth and greenhouse gasses interact.  Next time, we need to focus on using our listening skills, looking after our resources and making sure to look out for others.
  • We set our glow accounts this week and it was challenging for us to set the accounts up and change the passwords.

Our lead learners are Georgia and Jack.

by Miss Halliday

Primary 3/4 Friday 30th August

Tickled Pink

  • In science we learned about forces. Some forces are called push, pull and gravity. We used ramps and toy cars to check the effect of friction on their movement.
  • In maths, we learned about the properties of 2D shapes, and focused on pentagon, hexagons and octagons.
  • P4s used the song ‘Flowers’ in handwriting to practise our joined up writing.

Green for Growth

  • We feel that we need more practise in using chimney sums in numeracy.
  • We still need to work on using information in comprehension to answer some questions.
  • In PE, we need to try to listen better to Mrs Robertson when she is teaching us a basketball skill.

The lead learners for next week are Fatoumata and Harley.

by Miss Halliday

Primary 3/4

Tickled Pink

  • Revising place value in numeracy and learning through lots of games and written practice.
  • Working as a team during a stem task to build the tallest tower using kapla.
  • P4s writing about a message in a bottle and using at least 5 adjectives to bump up our writing.

Green for Growth

  • Getting quicker at logging in to IDL every morning and doing our 3 daily tasks.
  • Practising our handwriting and making sure that we form each letter correctly.

Lead learners for Monday are Cade and Ellie.

by Mrs Flynn

Primary 1 23rd August 2024

We have had lots of fun in Primary 1!  It is hard to believe that we have had 2 weeks at school already.  We have been learning lots of new things.

This week we are are tickled pink because we learned lots of different letters and how to say the sounds.  We learned s, t, a, i, and p.  We know all the songs and actions too.  We also had lots of fun doing PE and we learned how to play new games and our favourite is banana tig.

Our green for growth is practising how to write number 3 and number 5.  Some of us found this a bit tricky.

We love being in Primary 1 and can’t wait to come back next week!

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 6/7 – 23rd August 2024

Primary 6/7 have had a great second week back at school with lots of wonderful learning activities in class. On Friday morning, we discussed our week in school and decided that we would like to share these thoughts about our learning:

Tickled Pink (things that we feel went well):

  • We loved our PE sessions this week as we started working on our throwing and catching skills again for handball and played some great fun PE games on Friday
  • We enjoyed our Spanish lesson as we started to learn new vocabulary and continued with practising greetings in Spanish
  • We really enjoyed doing some gardening and weeding in the playground for outdoor learning because after we had finished, we could see a clear difference in the way the areas in the playground looked
  • We enjoyed working on out portraits of each other in art and using a different process for trying to create portraits
  • We enjoyed continuing with our detailed “All About Me” piece of writing as we enjoyed writing about ourselves, our families and our interests.

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning)

  • Some of us feel that we need to work hard at getting a little better and more accurate with using protractors for measuring and drawing angles
  • We found it hard using charcoal in art for creating our portraits of each other
  • Some of us understand that we need to be a little more careful and think more about safety when playing football in the playground during breaks and lunchtimes
  • Some of us feel that we need challenged more in the addition and subtraction Maths review work that we have been doing this week

Our lead learners for next week will be Che and Brodie and they will set new class targets for us to work on next week. Well done for a brilliant week, P6/7.

by Miss Cooper

P5/6 Friday 23rd August

P5/6 have had an exciting and happy first couple of weeks back and have enjoyed getting to know our classmates more.

Tickled Pink:

  • We enjoyed some outdoor learning in the playground this week. We used different equipment to try and build the biggest structure we could. It was a great STEM activity and we had to think cleverly about the structure and stability due to how windy it was.
  • In Maths this week, we were starting to look at shapes. We had a refresher session to remind us of different shape names and discussing the language around shape. We are ready to move onto 3D next week.


Green for growth

  • We also looked at rounding in Maths this week, some of us were even rounding up to a million! We found it a little difficult to remember when we had to round up and down and will keep working on this.
  • We are doing descriptive writing this term and wrote our first piece about the Jungle on Wednesday. We know that in our next piece we need to focus more on describing the setting and using descriptive language to engage our readers rather than writing more imaginatively.


Our lead learners for this week are Abi and Ruaridh. They are looking for pencils cleared away, those following the values and following classroom expectations.

by Mrs Denholm

P5/6 Friday 21st June 2024

We have had a great week this week with a range of activities linked to our PBL topic and Play Challenges, finishing the week with Crazy Hair and an Achievement Assembly.

Things that went well.

  • We had a whole school treat today ! The ice cream van came and we all got an ice cream!
  • We had a play day on Thursday and took part in a range of play activities. Construction and Creative play, a range of board games, a times table treasure hunt and a Play Challenge to create a landmark from cardboard. Some of us made Big Ben, the Eiffel Tower and the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
  • Outdoor learning this week we were following trails, creating camps and looking for evidence of wildlife.
  • PE – we played games and took part in an obstacle course.
  • We were finishing our Project Based Learning Tasks ready to share.
  • Writing a recount of our school year


  • Measure math’s calculations
  • Writing
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