Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 Friday 31st May

We have had a fantastic week for Health Week!

The children have loved all of the activities and engaged really well with them. Some quotes from the children:

“I liked the Police Officer because I got to wear the big jacket and helmet” Lilidh

“I liked the Doctor because it was funny learning about the different colours of poo!” Lucas F

“I liked the dancing with Emma Stewart because we got to do some cool dance moves” Emma

“I liked playing mud monsters with the ball because I was the catcher!” Fraser

“I liked doing all the kicks and punches” Murren

“I liked just dance with Mrs Wallace. It was really fun” Leo

“I liked mindfulness colouring in with Mr Hamiltion. We listened to calming music” Ryan


We have been working hard practising our assembly and the children were really excited to do it in the hall this week. It is looking fabulous and we are looking forward to showing the school and families next week!


Our Lead Learners next week are Emma and Fraser!


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 6/7 – Friday 31st May 2024

Primary 6/7 have had a wonderful week during our school Health Week with lots of fantastic active learning activities. On Friday morning, we discussed our week in school and decided that we would like to share the following thoughts about our learning this week:

Tickled Pink (things that we feel went well):

  • We really enjoyed dancing with Emma Stewart as it was wonderful to get the chance to develop our dance moves in a very active session
  • We enjoyed the Health Week round robin activities on Friday morning when we went round different classrooms doing lots of different activities linked to health
  • We enjoyed our martial arts activity with John from One Mind Martial Arts Academy on Monday as were able to learn about different ways of protecting ourselves
  • We had fun trying out bowling on Thursday
  • Some of us enjoyed our football session on Monday morning, even though we got caught in a very heavy shower

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning)

  • Some of us felt that our division marking and correction work in Maths was a little difficult
  • Some of us found continuing with our Writing task a little tricky
  • Some of us didn’t enjoy the football session on Monday morning as we got very wet in the rain

Our lead learners were Alexis, Preston, Coby and Jessica.  They decided on the following three targets for the class; to try to finish most tasks in class, to show great effort in PE and to be polite to adults around the school. They spotted lots of learners in class meeting those targets which is wonderful news. Well done for a fabulous week, P6/7.

by Miss Cooper

P2/3 Friday 31st May

Primary 2/3 have been very busy during Health and Wellbeing week this week and took part of lots of fun activities!

Tickled Pink:

  • We had great fun on Monday taking part in some martial arts. We learnt different moves and learnt how to place our hands and feet to keep ourselves strong and steady when practising the moves.
  • We had a visit from both Dr Brogan and PC Henderson as well this week. We really enjoyed hearing about their jobs and we had lots of questions for them both. We also got the chance to try on a police officers uniform and try out some of Dr Brogan’s tools like a thermometer and a stethoscope.
  • Today we had a wellbeing morning where we got to take part in a sensory walk, yoga, mindfulness colouring, playdough modelling and dancing. We all had a fantastic time and really engaged with each activity.

Green for growth:

  • We had a dance teacher in on Thursday and we loved being able to dance and learn lots of moves. It was quite a tricky dance that we were learning but we tried our best to keep up!
  • We created some scribble line art this week to learn about how lines are used in different art pieces. We found it a bit difficult creating our scribble lines and then using different lines to fill the gaps.

Our Lead Learners this week are: Brandon and Grace

by Mrs Baird

Primary 5/6 Friday 31st May 2024

What a fantastic week we have had in P5/6.  It has been Health and Wellbeing Week in school and there have been lots of fun activities. We also had a brilliant trip to The Forth Bridges on Wednesday and enjoyed the STEM challenge of being engineers and building our own bridges.  Some of these comments from the children show just how much fun we had this week.

Tickled Pink

” I loved everything, it was all so much fun!”

“The mindfulness colouring and music was peaceful and fun.”

” I found the dancing was amazing and brilliant and just so much fun. I would happily do it again.”

” The wellbeing morning on Friday was soooo good.”

“Yoga was so fun and relaxing, I enjoyed it very much.”

Green for Growth

“Next time try and put the football inside so it doesn’t need to be cancelled if the weather is bad.”


by Mr Hamilton

Primary 6/7 – Friday 24th May 2024

Primary 6/7 have had a fantastic week with lots of great learning activities in class. On Friday morning, we discussed our week in school and decided that we would like to share these thoughts about our learning this week:

Tickled Pink (things that we feel went well):

  • We really enjoyed our writing activity this week as we were given the chance to choose what we would like to write about for our last “Response” piece of writing
  • We enjoyed PE with both Mr Hamilton and Mrs Bain as we continued to develop our volleyball skills and improve our skills in game situations and we also had fun working on fitness activities in our other PE session
  • We enjoyed our learning in RME as we continued to learn about Ramadan and we had fun creating posters to demonstrate our learning
  • Our Primary 7s enjoyed sharing memories together as we continued to collect ideas for the Leaver’s Assembly
  • We enjoyed continuing to plan for our second debate
  • We enjoyed the Rights assembly on Friday morning which was prepared and led by our pupil rights group

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning)

  • Some of us felt that our division practice in Maths was a little tricky
  • A few of us found it tricky to work out the Maths problem solving activity that we did with Mrs Bain
  • Some of our P7s found the Literacy transition session on “Holes” to be a bit tricky as we had to catch up on the previous week’s session which we had missed due to school camp

Our lead learners were Coby, Jessica, Olivia and Caleb.  They decided on the following three targets for the class; to avoid making silly noises in class, to focus more on our work in class and not to shout out in class. They observed lots of learners in the class meeting those targets which is great news. Well done for an excellent week, P6/7.

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 Friday 24th May 2024

P1/2 have had a great week!

Tickled Pink

  • We have had a big maths focus on money this week. The children have been learning how to count a group of mixed coins. They have enjoyed role playing in our shop, taking turns to be the shop keeper and the customer.
  • We enjoyed PE, playing disco tig and games with the hula hoops. The children were very active and able to talk about what happens to their body during exercise.
  • We practised tricky words and the children are becoming really confident recognising them and enjoyed playing games (like fly swat) and building the words with the letter stones.
  • We did a recount during writing about our trip to Mill Farm. The children loved talking about everything they saw and done and created wonderful writing pieces.


Green for Growth

  • Some of the children were finding it a bit tricky to count the coins in maths. We spoke about good strategies like starting with the biggest coin and adding on to that or counting in 2s, 5s or 10s as we touch the coins.
  • We are trying to learn more songs for our class assembly which is coming up and it has been a bit tricky remembering all of the words. We will keep practising next week!


Our Lead Learners next week are Fraser and Lilidh.


Have a super weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Miss Halliday

Primary 4

Tickled Pink

  • Writing about a fantasy land based on our class novel, The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe.
  • Learning to use Scratch to teach us coding skills as part of our project.
  • Learning French words for body parts with Mrs Robertson and Mrs Bain.

Green for Growth

  • Throwing and catching skills in PE.
  • Division in maths is quite tricky but we will keep trying.
  • RME was tricky because we were learning to match up different religious facts to their pictures.

Lead Learners this week were Ruaridh and Kellan.

by Mrs Denholm

Friday 24th May 2024 P5/6

We have had a busy week this week and have been enjoying hearing all about our P6 campers adventures.

Things that went well;

  • Measuring outdoors –  using different measuring equipment.
  • Being back in class together and seeing our friends .
  • Writing a recount of camp or the activities carried out in school.
  • Getting camp letter for next year.
  • PE


Things that were tricky

  • Percentages
  • Measuring a mile


by Miss Cooper

Primary 2/3 Friday 24th May

Tickled Pink:

  • We have enjoyed participating in a full class football match in P.E. We are still learning how to be safe and give each other space when someone is trying to pass the ball but we absolutely loved having a go.
  • We are continuing to work on our multiplication. Some started on the 3 times table and found this to be quite easy. Others started their 4 times tables, they found it a bit tricky but enjoyed the challenge.
  • We learnt how to say different family members names in French this week which we enjoyed.


Green for growth:

  • We learnt about future verb tenses in literacy this week. It was a little tricky trying to decide what type of future tense to add to our sentences but we were resilient and worked hard.
  • We learnt about different types of tractors for our farming topic this week. We tried our best to figure out what the different part of a tractor was.

Our lead learners are Georgia and Fatoumata.

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 6/7 – Friday 17th May 2024

Primary 6/7 have had an amazing week at camp and had so much learning to reflect on. We had a discussion in class on Friday morning and the children said that they would like to share the following reflections on their learning this week:

Tickled Pink (things that we feel went well):

  • We loved doing the Zip Wire activity at camp and going down the wire at speed
  • We loved our Laser Tag activity on Tuesday night where we had a challenge in two opposing teams
  • We really enjoyed the Aeroball activity involving trampolines and a basketball shooting type activity
  • We really enjoyed the Trapeze activity at camp where we had to climb up a pole and then jump off and hit a ball – while attached securely to a safety harness!
  • We had fun doing the rifle shooting activity at camp
  • We really enjoyed the Jacob’s Ladder activity at camp as we were able to help each other climb the “ladder” and use our teamwork skills
  • Some of us enjoyed the chance to play football at camp during our free time
  • We all enjoyed the archery and archery tag activities at camp
  • We all thought the food at camp was great and some of us enjoyed staring seriously at the i-pad when the teachers were taking photos!
  • Finally, we all had a wonderful morning in school on Friday morning taking part in lots of activities to help us learn about children’s rights. Our RRS pupil group really enjoyed helping to prepare the activities and assist teachers throughout the morning

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning)

  • Some of us felt that Jacob’s Ladder was a tricky and challenging activity at camp
  • A few of us found it tricky to do the trapeze activity too
  • Lots of us found it a bit tricky to guess the songs that Tom (our PGL group leader) was playing on his mobile speaker
  • Some of us thought that archery was a bit tricky as the technique was a little difficult and there was a bit of waiting around
  • Some of us were a wee bit worried that the castle might be haunted
  • A few of us weren’t happy about having to drink English tap water while at camp!
  • Some of us found it a bit tricky to get to sleep while we were at camp

The children were a credit to Seafield Primary School whilst at camp and displayed our school values consistently. Well done for a brilliant week, P6/7.

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