by Mrs Baird
Good morning Primary 3/4, I hope you are all well. Here are some activities for today.
Maths Task
Learning Intention – To divide by 3 with remainders (Circles) and add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 (Squares/Triangles)
Success Criteria -I can use my times table knowledge to complete the calculations.
Task 1–Visit the Topmarks site and choose the division option on the Mental Maths Train game.
Task 2 – Squares and Triangles Teejay textbook – Complete pages 62-63
Circles – Teejay textbook page 155-156
Literacy Task
Learning Intention – To create short texts for different purposes.
Success Criteria – I can select and use a range of ambitious vocabulary suited to the task.
Task 1 –Use some of the Wordboost words we have learned in class ) to write a paragraph. Don’t forget your personal targets e.g. spelling, openers, connectives etc. Draw an illustration to highlight this.
Word boost mat
Science Task
Using what you have learned about coronavirus during the past few months, create a how to stay safe poster which highlights the different ways of preventing the spread of the virus. Think about how you can make your poster eye-catching e.g. use of colour, bold writing, illustrations etc.
Extra tasks to choose from 14th May 2020
- Spelling Grid Task
- David Walliams storytime
- Diary/Journal at the end of the day
- Physical activity