Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 5/6 – Friday 10th December 2021

Primary 5/6

Our learning highlights in Primary 5/6 this week were:

  • Working with partners in our Maths work on volume and capacity
  • We really enjoyed our group reading discussions this week and exploring the different ideas in the texts that we are reading
  • We continued to enjoy our Science task this week where we have been working on researching and presenting information on renewable energy resources and fossil fuels
  • Our task for Christmas has been a lot of fun and the children are really looking forward to sharing our work with you after we have filmed next week
  • The children really enjoyed our Spanish lesson yesterday and learning the numbers from 1-10 in Spanish and the fun activities that we took part in to help learn them
  • We are still loving our class novel, “Where the World Turns Wild”, as the story gets near the end
  • We also really enjoyed our Christmas lunch yesterday!

This week some of us thought that these were tricky tasks:

  • Learning about Volume and Capacity was a little tricky at times and we worked hard to learn how to convert between millilitres and litres and how to calculate capacity of solid shapes, in particular cubes and cuboids
  • Some us found our spelling a bit tricky this week because it was a review week and therefore a mixture of patterns and some of the trickiest words that we have learned over the last couple of months
  • Some of the children know that they still have to keep working hard on completing tasks in the time they have been given by staying focused for longer

Our Lead Learners in Primary 5/6 this week were Rose and Levi. They were assisted by last week’s Lead Learners, Isabella and Aaron. The three targets that our Lead Learners set for the class were as follows:

  • Looking out for people that are hurt or needing help
  • Taking care of our classroom and school resources
  • Completing our learning tasks in full detail

The Lead Learners and their assistants spotted lots of children in the class meeting the targets. Lots of boys and girls were seen taking care of our resources and some of our children also managed to meet the first and third targets but they were a little more difficult to achieve.

Well done Primary 5/6 on another fantastic week.

by Mrs Denholm

Friday 10th December 2021

We have had another great week of learning and our Lead Learners, Savvanah and Harris were kept busy looking for acts of kindness in the class, taking care of our pens and glue sticks by putting lids on and watching out for good listening skills. They spotted lots of children meeting these targets over the course of the week and they were recorded in our class log. Well done!                                              This week we have been creating posters for each class in school telling them about our Food Bank collection, decorating a box and collecting items to donate. We have received a great number of donations already and we Thank you all for your support. We have continued to practice our Nativity and have our costumes allocated. In art we drew some London Landmark’s  and these have been displayed with our Paddington Bear writing tasks. Some festive themed crafts and activities have been taking place this week and maybe some surprises to take home at the end of term!

by Miss Ross

P3/4 Friday 10th December

Learning Highlights
We enjoyed learning about the polar climate. We have started making arctic models that we will continue next week. We also were continuing to work on our times tables and enjoyed practicing the 4 times table. In PE we were learning Scottish Country dancing and the Virginia reel which was fun.

Tricky Tasks
While Scottish Country dancing was fun, it was also tricky to remember the steps and to go the right way. Some of us found the 4 times table tricky but we will keep on practicing. When presenting our endangered animal talks, some of us were nervous but our class showed good listening and were very kind.

Lead Learner Update
This week our lead learners were Abbie and Mason. They found that our class were working on kind words and actions. They also were looking for good listening which they saw evidenced during our class talks.

by Miss Halliday

Primary 6/7

3 Challenges 

  • We are currently writing and rehearsing Christmas Raps which is tricky. We have been using online rhyming dictionaries to help us and trying to find the perfect back beat to rap along to.
  • We are completing a short assessment on fraction in numeracy that is checking how well we remember how to create equivalent fractions, simplify fractions, find fractions of amounts and adding and subtracting top heavy fractions.
  • In Emotion Works we were thinking of different synonyms for basic emotion words like happy, sad or angry. We learned that some words have different degrees of emotion and can be used in different contexts.

3 Enjoyable Moments

  • We really enjoy Circle Time together where we play class games such as the Vampire Game, Grandma’s Knickers and Wink Murder. We use this time to talk about any feelings or issues we have and it’s a nice time to share news and achievements.
  • Buddying is always a favourite time of ours. This week we helped our P1/2 buddies to make posters to advertise their Kindness Food Bank and displayed these around the school. We also hear them read and ask them lots of questions to help their understanding of the books and play games to teach them to take turns.
  • For the Christmas raps we have been making masks. We have been using different craft materials and paper to make the most extravagant masks you’ll see!

Lead Learners this week were Dan and Harris W. They chose kindness, respect and ambitious to focus on this week and we are so pleased to see lots of names displayed under these headings.

by Miss Ross
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P3/4 Friday 3rd December

Learning highlights:
This week we enjoyed French with Ms Gordon revising how to count up to 20 in and learning about endangered animals in French.
In Maths we were looking at the 3 times table. We learned how to do times table sums and group them to help find the answers. We also worked on adding 3s to help us as well.
In music we enjoyed playing the song games in particular the bing bong tapping song. We were learning to keep the beat.

Tricky Tasks:
In art we were working on drawing kind hands. It was tricky to draw round our hands. We also were continuing to work on our persuasive endangered animal posters making sure that we were including facts and reasons why these animals should be saved. We used technology to help us when drawing the animals to search up pictures.
In Maths when we found our 3 times table tricky we used our patterns of adding 3s on our hundred square to help us. We will keep on practicing our 2 and 3 times table.

Lead Learners:
Our lead learners this week were Brodie and Meg. They decided that they wanted to look out for people who were focusing on their work and helping others do the same as well as remembering to use capital letters and full stops in their writing.

They noticed Amelia focusing well on her work and Abbie helping others by setting a great example of how we listen and keep on task. Many of the pupils were also spotted remembering their full stops and capital letters, especially when reading over their writing practicing for persuasive talks.

by Mrs Denholm
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Primary 1/2 Friday 3rd December

Primary 1/2 have had a great week learning together. We have introduced Lead Learners to our class and this week Abi and CJ  were looking to see examples of children being kind, showing good listening and taking care of our classroom resources. We were trying really hard all week to make sure all pens had lids and so did our glue sticks! At the end of each day we recorded examples in our Lead Learner Log.

We have been practising our Nativity songs this week and as part of Bears in Books topic,  Paddington , we have been learning about London Landmarks. We wrote letters from Paddington Bear telling Aunt Lucy about some of the things he saw in London and we made a graph of places we would like to visit. After having the read the book, ‘It’s a No Money Day’, the children decided that it would be kind to decorate a box and collect items for our local food bank, we created short videos to persuade Mrs Egan. We are very excited that Mrs Egan has agreed and next week we will start to decorate a box and collect items.




by Mr Hamilton
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Primary 5/6

Our learning highlights in Primary 5/6 this week are:

  • Researching renewable energy and fossil fuels because it’s really interesting to learn about and we’re keen to find out more
  • We enjoyed learning about measuring weight in Maths because it’s something we could use to help at home for baking or cooking
  • We have enjoyed our reading tasks in school and at home and the different books that we get the chance to read as we can find out new things through our reading tasks
  • We enjoyed our persuasive writing task on why we should look after our world because we could concentrate completely on a detailed task and get in flow
  • We enjoyed our class novel, “Where the World Turns Wild”, this week because the story was really exciting and interesting

This week some of us thought that these were tricky tasks:

  • Some of us found Maths a bit tricky where we had to decide whether we were adding, subtracting or dividing the weights in our word problems and also deciding whether to do the calculations mentally or written
  • Some us found our spelling a bit tricky this week because the sound that we were working on (“ough”) can be said in many different ways and some of the words were quite long
  • Practising the more difficult times table for homework was a bit tricky for some of us

The three targets that our Lead Learners set for the class were as follows and these are the people that the lead learners saw demonstrating these targets:

  • Being focused on our work in class: Harrison, Rose, Harris Caleb, Chelsea, Lexi, Aaron, Olivia, Paige and Logan
  • Being kind in the playground: Lily, Chloe, Isabella, Megan, Levi, Rose, Paige, Jessica, Olivia and Lexi
  • Being independent: Logan, Sophie S, Aaron, Coby, Alexis, Sophie A, Lexi, Olivia, Rose, Isabella and Harrison

by User deactivated

P2/3 Sharing our Learning


Learning Highlights

  • We learned all about emotion words and found out we know 33 words to describe our emotions!
  • We have been learning our nativity songs this week!
  • Our spelling rule this week has been words ending in -rt. We have enjoyed rainbow writing and playing hangman!

Tricky Tasks 

  • We have been learning to use column sums as a strategy to solve subtraction problems. Exchanging has been tricky!
  • We wrote persuasive letters about why we should save the world. This was hard work and we had to use lots of persuasive vocabulary!

Lead Learner Update

Isla and Noel have been our Lead Learners this week! They decided that they wanted to look out for people who were showing kindness, respect and remembering full stops in our writing!

They noticed Archie, Harvey, Ben and Zac showing Kindness. They were playing nicely with others and using kind words! Jodie, Emma-Jo and Georgia were caught showing respect this week! They have been helping to tidy the classroom and have been fantastic listeners!  Ryan, Jake and Niamh were spotted remembering their full stops!


by Miss Halliday
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Primary 6/7

In P6/7 this week we enjoyed:

  • An interactive online money workshop from The Museum on the Mound, we learned where currency and money came from, the original items for money such as shells, tobacco, tea, salt and cocoa beans.
  • Discovering our fingerprint patterns in Crime Lab Science – we took our own fingerprints to study the shapes such as whorls and arches, we then did them on a balloon and blew it up for extra details.
  • We learned Spanish twice this week, once online with DCHS and the second time with Mrs Gordon where we learned about the Spanish Royal Family, numbers to 20 and colours.

Tasks that challenged us were:

  • Persuasive writing about why we should look after our world, this was our assessment to see how well we can persuade the reader to help stop climate change.
  • Reciprocal Reading workshop online with Mrs Cochrane where we were working on using our summarising skills in reading.
  • In maths some groups are finding the fractions of a quantity where you have to divide the number by the denominator and multiply by the numerator. Other groups were adding and subtracting fractions but had to make sure the denominators were the same value first.

Lead Learners this week were Keela and Samantha who were focusing on 3 areas that they chose on Monday and wrote down the names of the people they saw showing that value.

  • Concentrating – Harris G, Lana, Dan & Aneta
  • Responsibility – Bonnie & Lily
  • Manners – Summer

Well done everyone.

by Mrs Egan

Sharing our learning with our families

Good afternoon everyone, I am delighted to say that classes will be returning to using our blog on a weekly basis from next week.  We will be sharing our weekly learning highlights with you and look forward to letting you know about all of the great things that are happening in our classrooms!

Mrs Egan.

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