Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Mrs Denholm

Friday 21st January 2022

We have had a very busy week this week and our Lead Learners Ellie-Mae and Savvanah have been kept busy looking for examples of kindness, good listening and showing ambition. We have been learning about Andy Scott and his sculptures, in particular ‘The Kelpies’ and also about castles. We have started to make a large model of a tower in our class and we are very excited about how it will turn out. We have  looked at Paul Klee’s, Castle and Sun work of art and created our own works of art. We are learning some Scottish poems to share next week in class as part of our Burns celebration.

by Miss Ross

P3/4 – 21st January 2022

Our learning highlights in P3/4 this week were:

  • We enjoyed discussing news that we had seen on Newsround
  • Our classroom was invaded on Thursday by Vikings and we are excited to learn more about them 
  • We also enjoyed learning about Alexander Fleming and creating fact files about his life

This week some of us thought that these were tricky tasks:

  • We have started to learn about fractions with Mrs Flynn and will continue to work on this
  • While we have enjoyed learning Scottish poems we are working on making sure we understand the poems to be able to perform them next week
  • We are also working on being more confident with estimating within our measuring

Lead learner update:

Our lead learners found that the class worked very hard this week. They found their classmates were working hard to produce neat work. They also spotted pupils helping others and being kind.

by User deactivated

P2/3 Sharing our learning

Learning Highlights

  • We enjoyed learning about Scottish inventor Alexander Graham Bell and finding interesting facts about his life.
  • We had fun hot seating in drama this week. We pretended to be Alexander Graham Bell and had our friends ask us questions!
  • We enjoyed listening to The Gruffalo in Scots this week. It was interesting to hear the different words in Scots.

Tricky Tasks

  • We found dictation tricky this week. It was hard to remember the sentences to write down.
  • We found learning some Scots words tricky as we had not heard some of them before and did not know what they meant!

Lead Learner update

This weeks lead learners were Niamh and Jack. They were looking out for people being kind to others, not fidgeting on the carpet and writing neatly with their letters sitting on the line.

by Miss Ross

Primary 3/4 – 14th January 2022

Our learning highlights in P3/4 this week were:

  • We enjoyed learning about measuring in class and using units such as hand span, paces and centimeters to measure
  • During our French we played games to learn the days of the week
  • We also enjoyed experimenting in Science with Mrs Flynn as part of our Alexander Fleming topic

This week some of us thought that these were tricky tasks:

  • Some of us found measuring centimeters in a straight line with a ruler tricky but we will keep on practicing next week
  • We also worked hard using our measuring to create abstract straight line art
  • We enjoyed making models of bacteria, fungi and viruses as part of understanding Alexander Fleming’s work even though it was tricky to make the shapes

Our lead learners this week were Alfie and Che. They found that the class were showing good listening skills throughout the week. Within literacy they also spotted their classmates trying hard to remember to include full stops in their sentences and work on neat handwriting.

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 5/6 – 17th December 2021

Primary 5/6

Our learning highlights in Primary 5/6 this week were:

  • We really enjoyed continuing to work on our Science task to research and present information about renewable energy and non-renewable energy
  • We all loved working on our dramatisation of the poem “T’was the Night Before Christmas” and then being filmed performing the poem. The children hope that everyone enjoys seeing the finished video clip
  • We continue to enjoy our class novel, “Where the World Turns Wild”, as the story gets near the end. We were very surprised by some sad news that the main characters received today at the end of their long journey
  • Many of us enjoyed our Christmas spelling words this week and the activities that we did to practise them
  • We enjoyed our Reading groups this week and the new stories that we read together and discussed with Mr Hamilton

This week some of us thought that these were tricky tasks:

  • Our Christmas Maths quiz which had some really tricky problem solving questions and it was made even more difficult by each round of the quiz having a time limit
  • Rehearsing the drama was a little tricky this week, although it was possibly Mr Hamilton who found this task trickier than the children!
  • We found the Christmas-I – Spy activity challenging as there was a lot of counting and it was difficult to make sure we were being accurate

Our Lead Learners in Primary 5/6 this week were Harrison and Sophie S. They were assisted by last week’s Lead Learners, Rose and Levi. The three targets that our Lead Learners set for the class were as follows:

  • Being responsible in the playground
  • Not walking around class at times when we should be on task
  • Working independently

The Lead Learners and their assistants spotted lots of children in the class meeting all three of the targets this week. The trickiest target was working independently and this is definitely something for many of us to keep working hard on

Well done Primary 5/6 on another fantastic week and an excellent effort with the drama work on the poem.

by Miss Halliday

Primary 6/7 17th December 2021

Tricky Tasks

  • We continued to work really hard on our Christmas raps, with were filmed today. We had to create 3 verses plus a chorus and research a good beat to rap to. We demonstrated ambition, determination, cooperation and collaboration skills during this task. We are very proud of the results and can’t wait for our parents to see them.
  • In literacy we have been working on up-levelling our sentences but adding in adjectives, fronted adverbials and conjunctions. This led on to a free writing task where we used a picture as a stimulus and write a story around it. Our writing has definitely improved by using the up-levelling techniques.

Learning Highlights

  • In maths we were using weights to learn how to read scales with accuracy. We had to estimate the weight first then use a digital and analogue scale to check, then convert from grams to kilograms up to 2 decimal places.
  • We have been enjoying using Sumdog online this week. The website has given us full access for a while and we were able to practice spelling and grammar on top of the usual maths. It has been so much fun and we are learning lots through games and challenges. Miss Halliday has set us a challenge to earn 99,999,99 coins by answering a LOT of questions by the end of February!
  • We had a Spanish lesson on Teams with Eve, a 6th year languages ambassador where she recapped numbers, greetings and family. She gave our class a shoutout because Mrs Gordon told her how great we were with Spanish!

Lead Learners

The lead learners this week were Harry and Lily. They were looking for people being responsible, respectful and ambitious. Lily and Harry were quite tough and found a few people demonstrating these values but they were really looking for quality over quantity this week.

by Mrs Denholm

Friday 17th December – P1/2

What a fantastic week we have had in P1/2!  Our Lead Learners Rosa and Lily have been very busy looking for further acts of kindness in class, for those taking care of resources and the children who consistently show good listening skills. We have had a fantastic response to our Food Bank donations and they will be dropped off next week along with some festive messages from the children. Thank you all for supporting this cause and helping the children  realise that we really can make a difference, hopefully there will be less empty cupboards around West Lothian over the coming weeks. We had a great performance of our Nativity on Thursday and I am sure you will all enjoy the final recording and recognise all of the talent we have in our class. We finished the week with our class party, lots of games, dancing,  fun and a special guest!

by Miss Ross

P3/4 Friday 17th December 2021

Learning Highlights:

This week we enjoyed using different materials and shapes to create Christmas cards. We also designed our own bobble hats and learnt about arctic animals. This week we filmed our Christmas signing songs and made reindeer headbands to look festive.

Tricky Tasks:

This week we have been working on polar habitat models with others. We have had to work on our teamwork skills and will continue to try to help each other. As part of our spelling we are continuing to improve our listening and spelling skills through dictation which is sometimes tricky. Within our maths we have continued to work on our times tables. While we have been getting better at knowing these it is sometimes tricky when the questions using lots of different times tables. 

Lead Learner Updates:

This week our lead learners were Thomas and Calla. They were looking out for pupils to ask for help if they were stuck and never give up. They also spotted their classmates helping each other and showing kindness.

by User deactivated

P2/3 Sharing our Learning

Learning Highlights

  •  We enjoyed our nativity this week and are excited to share this with our families!
  •  We have enjoyed learning some christmas words in french
  • We worked hard to get on our class recognition board and have enjoyed our rewards for this!


Tricky Tasks

  •  We found fractions a difficult but we have perservered and are getting the hang of it now!
  •  We found some of our spelling words tricky this week.


Lead Learner Update

Georgia and Jake were our lead learners this week and they decided to look out for people who were taking care of school property, writing their name and date on all their work and being ready to learn!


by Mrs Baird

P2/3 Sharing Our Learning

Learning Highlights

  • It has been a very positive week in P2/3 and we enjoyed an elf draw along as a reward for everyone in the class getting on our recognition board.
  • We have worked hard and enjoyed our nativity rehearsals this week.
  • We’ve been thinking about giving to others and have made small Christmas gifts to deliver to some of the NHS staff in St Johns Hospital.
  • We worked hard to write persuasive letters to Mrs Egan to convince her to allow us to have an end of term treat.  We’ll let you know in due course if we were successful!

Tricky Tasks

  • We found some of our spelling words tricky this week
  • The work we did on fractions was difficult at first but we persevered and it got easier.
  • We had to follow directions to cut out snowflakes for our wall display and although it was hard to cut out the detail, we were pleased with the finished results.

Lead Learners Update

Our Lead Learners, Ben and Jodie, spotted the following pupils demonstrating the targets we had set for the class

Doing the right thing

Ryan, Frankie

Taking care of others

Emma-Jo, Isla, Georgia

Using word books to help with spelling

Ben, Jack, Niamh, Isla, Fraser, Jake

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