Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Miss Halliday

P6/7 Friday 4th February

Learning Highlights:

  • Creating science experiments to test whether different water temperatures dissolve salt quicker or slower and to test whether table salt or rock salt dissolves quicker or slower in water.
  • Writing our own limericks using the set format of lines 1,2 and 5 rhyming and lines 3 and 4 rhyming.
  • Learning about number squares for NSPCC Number Day and finding out that subtracting any 4 numbers in a square will always result in zero eventually and always within 6 steps or less.


  • We have been learning to round decimals in maths to the tenths, hundredths and thousandths. The class were set a challenge when using this skill in 99math (online game). The first time we played we only managed to get 24% correct as a class. After a short 5 minute recap, we tried again and achieved an amazing 84% accuracy! We tried again the next day and got 89% accuracy.
  • In PE we have been challenged with Mrs Flynn in gymnastics, trying to create different shapes with our bodies and creating a short routine to show our balancing, rolling and movement skills.
  • For reading we looked at a Short Read called ‘The 3 Questions’ based on a Russian parable. We used a 4 Door challenge to study the text: predicting what it was about, summarising it, clarifying any words we didn’t know and asking questions about it to get a better understanding of it.

Our lead learners this week chose to look at the 5 school values and were able too many being demonstrated both in class and in the playground.

by Miss Ross

P3/4 – 4th February 2022

Our learning highlights in P3/4 this week were:

  • practising our hockey skills to play a team game of mini hockey.
  • learning about the customs of Chinese/Lunar New Year and creating our own dragon puppets to perform a dragon dance!
  • reading our class novel, “How to train your dragon,” by Cressida Cowell and creating our LOST dragon descriptive writing posters, using good adjectives.

Tricky tasks:

  • estimating perimeter and area of irregular shapes.
  • using our knowledge of fractions to design a fraction wall.

Lead learner update:

This week our lead learners were Shiva and Henry. They were pleased to spot people using kind words and being kind to each other by showing good listening skills. We have all been working hard on our handwriting skills too.  

We have had a great week in P3/4!

by Mr Hamilton
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Primary 5/6 – 28th January 2022

Our learning highlights in Primary 5/6 this week were:

  • We have continued to really enjoy learning about fractions and how to find fractions of a quantity when the numerator of the fraction is one and also when this number is greater than one.
  • We are still very much enjoying our topic work and researching our chosen famous Scottish person for our projects
  • We enjoyed writing our Scots poetry and learning Scots words for weather to include in our own poems
  • Many of the boys and girls enjoyed reciting their Scottish poems and using tone and expression to bring the Scots words to life
  • We enjoyed the discussions in our Reading groups this week and the new books that we read together with Mr Hamilton
  • We are loving our class novel, “Danny, the Champion of the World”, and hearing about the amazing plan that Danny and his Dad came up with this week
  • We enjoyed our new PE focus on Gymnastics this week and learning about different ways of balancing, jumping and landing

This week some of us thought that these were tricky tasks:

  • Our Maths work with fractions continued to be a bit tricky at times but everyone kept trying hard and asking for help when needed
  • A few of us found our reading group work a little difficult this week as we worked hard to read new words and phrases and discuss the detail in the books
  • Some of us found the focus on gymnastics in PE a little tricky as we get to grips with different ways of balancing and moving
  • Some of us thought that writing our own Scots poems was a bit tricky

Our Lead Learners in Primary 5/6 this week were Chelsea and Harris. They were assisted by last week’s Lead Learners, Paige and Jack. The three targets that our Lead Learners set for the class were as follows:

  • Trying to be kinder to everyone in class
  • Helping classmates at your table when they need it
  • Trying hard not to give up in Maths and work hard

The Lead Learners and their assistants spotted lots of children in the class meeting all three of the targets this week. There was a lot of success across all three targets.

Well done Primary 5/6 on another fantastic week and amazing hard work in Maths with fractions and wonderful poetry recitals for Burns Day.

by Mrs Baird
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Primary 2/3 – 28th January 2022

Learning Highlights

  • We’ve been doing some more work on patterns and number sequences, creating our own outdoors with natural materials and we’re more confident about this now.
  • We’ve been developing our descriptive writing skills by writing about the Loch Ness monster.
  • We learned about onomatopoeia and had fun thinking about words to use for various situations.
  • We’ve been learning about the hip hop style of music and comparing different songs.

Tricky Tasks

  • Some of the class found IDL tricky this week but we’ll keep working on this in class and perhaps the children can try at home too.  (Passwords are in Homework Diaries).
  • We’ve found some of the work we’ve been doing on times tables tricky.
  • We’ve been creating menus for different occasions and it was tricky to think of the different items we could include in them.

Lead Learner Update

Our Lead Learners this week were Archie and Kyle and they did a great job of spotting lots of pupils in the class who were listening to the playground supervisors, using capital letters correctly and keeping our work areas tidy.

by Mrs Denholm
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Friday 28th January 2022 P1/2

Learning Highlights

  • We were learning  more about the work of Andy Scott and the materials he used to create his sculptures.
  • We created our own sculptures using playdough and spaghetti.
  • We have been learning about Robert Burns and have been reciting poems in class.
  • We have been celebrating our Scottish culture in many ways  this week and particularly enjoyed listening to favourite stories in Scots.
  • We used Scottish vocabulary to express our feelings and emotions.
  • We had a Scottish themed obstacle course for PE where we had to run round Loch Ness and try to spot Nessie who was hiding in the deep water, we had to hurl the haggis, loup the burn, jump  on the stepping stones to safely cross the bog and then climb up Ben Nevis!

Tricky Tasks

  • We have been working on our  descriptive writing and have been  trying to add more detail.
  • We have been learning the names of 3D shapes and found some of these a bit tricky to remember.
  • We have been all been developing our addition skills and learning number bonds. P2 children have been working on numbers to 100 and counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.
  • We are working on our initial sounds, vowel diagraphs – ee,  oo, ai, oa  and some consonant diagraphs – sh, ch, wh.


We have all been trying to demonstrate good listening, show good teamwork and continue to be be kind, respectful and responsible to others. Lots of children have been spotted demonstrating these skills and qualities this week.


by Miss Ross
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P3/4 – 28th January 2021

Our learning highlights in P3/4 this week were:

  • We started learning about who the Vikings were in our topic this week
  • In our maths we enjoyed creating shapes using different lengths, perimeter and area
  • We enjoyed working on our dribbling skills in mini hockey and creating obstacle dribbling courses

Tricky tasks:

  • We found it tricky to estimate the area of shapes
  • We worked hard using our Viking and comprehension skills to complete cryptic wordsearches
  • For our Burns celebrations we practiced and performed Scottish songs using body percussion

Lead Learners update:

This week our lead learners were Oscar and Darcey. They found some of us were working hard to write neatly. They also spotted pupils being kind to others and showing good listening.

by Miss Halliday
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P6/7 – Friday 28th January

Three learning highlights for us this week were:

  1. We have enjoyed learning decimals through active maths games this week. We have been playing mental maths games through a website called Blookit, playing Press the Button (we even managed to persuade Mrs Egan to play with our teachers to try to beat our scores).
  2. We have all chosen a famous Scottish person to research and complete a personal project on. This has been fun because we have small books to present our information and we are using our research, presentation, summarising and clarifying skills.
  3. Primary 6s took part in a Euroquiz drop in session with other P6s across West Lothian. They are going to form a group to compete in a quiz to answer questions about European countries, foods and cultures.

Three challenges we faced this week were:

  1. Primary 7s had a transition task with the DCHS Humanities department where they had to do some reading and research about Antarctica which included some very sophisticated language.
  2. We have been memorising a Scottish poem in preparation for Burn’s Day on the 25th January. Everyone did fantastically well, each poem had some really hard Scot’s words, especially in Scot’s Wha Hae.
  3.  In maths we have been learning to work with decimals and this week some groups have been dividing decimals by large numbers, for example 8/4000! This proved quite tricky because each sum had to be completed in two different steps to get the correct answer.

The Lead Learners this week were looking for concentration, kindness and inclusion are are so pleased to have spotted many pupils demonstrating these values in and around our classroom.

by Mrs Baird

Primary 2/3 – Friday 21st January 2022

Learning Highlights

  • We learned about alliteration and had fun creating our own phrases.
  • We invented our own tartans and learned the Scots names for different animals.
  • In numeracy we’ve been working on patterns and sequences and we enjoyed creating our own versions using beads, coins, craft materials and also using the games on our Ipads.
  • We started reading a new class novel ‘The Sleekit Mr Tod’ which is the Scots version of Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl.

Tricky Tasks

  • The Sleekit Mr Tod book had lots of new words and because it is written in Scots we found it difficult to understand but fun to listen to.
  • Some of the boost words for this week were tricky.
  • Our spelling words were quite uncommon so we had to work really hard with these.

Lead Learner Update

This weeks lead learners were Zac and Emma-J0 and they worked very hard finding their classmates who were not shouting out, who were playing well together and who were remembering to write the date and title on their work.  Well done to all our pupils who were spotted doing these things.

by Miss Halliday

Primary 6/7 – Friday 21st January 2022

Our Learning Highlights this week are:

  • Learning how to play bench ball in PE. We found this new game exciting, fun and inclusive because everyone can play as long as you can catch and throw a ball. We also liked playing some new warm up games that were challenging and fun.
  • We have been writing some different types of poems this term, last week we wrote cinquain poems but this week we really liked writing kennings. These are poems that use 2 word phrases plus a hyphen to describe something without actually saying what it is. Mrs Jess has helped us make a ‘Poe-Tree’ on the classroom wall and some children helped her to collect twigs to make a real tree that we will hang our poems from.
  • Our final highlight is learning about substance misuse in Health and Wellbeing. We have been discussing legal and illegal drugs and the effects they can have on our bodies. We discussed the impact taking drugs can have on relationships with our family and friends and how it could impact our later lives.

Tricky Tasks:

  • One tricky task which stuck out was in maths; we have been learning about the properties of 2D shapes but we are using technical language such as abstract, parallel, diagonal, interior angles and adjacent. We were set the task to define the words and demonstrate our knowledge by drawing or writing it out to create a display to help us for future lessons.
  • We have been learning a Scottish Poem for Burn’s Night next Tuesday. We had the option between 4 to choose from and have been learning them off by heart in class and at home. This is really hard because some of the words in a Burns poem aren’t the same Scots language that we are used to.
  • P6/7 are researching an influential Scottish person to complete their own project on. This is a home and class project. We have been given specific criteria on what has to be included which can be tricky to keep a track of, good job is that we have a sheet to help us and it is also on Teams if we forget.

The Lead Learners this week have done a great job looking for people showing outstanding work, excellent behaviour and who have been trying really hard to help others.

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 5/6 – 21st January 2022

Our learning highlights in Primary 5/6 this week were:

  • We really enjoyed learning about equivalent fractions and how to simplify fractions
  • We have really enjoyed our topic work and researching our chosen famous Scottish person for our projects
  • Many of us enjoyed the art activity that we took part in this week when we were working on shading and using art pencils to produce different art effects
  • Lots of the boys and girls have been enjoying working on their Scottish poems and becoming familiar with the Scots words
  • We enjoyed restarting our Reading groups this week and the new books that we read together and discussed with Mr Hamilton
  • We are still loving our class novel, “Danny, the Champion of the World”, and learning about the different characters and the exciting events that happened with Danny and his dad this week
  • We enjoyed our writing task with Mrs Egan this week and learning about creating an imaginative story

This week some of us thought that these were tricky tasks:

  • Our Maths work with fractions was a little tricky at times but we all kept trying hard and asking for help when we needed it
  • We have found learning our poems a bit tricky as we get to grips with some of the Scots vocabulary and pronunciation
  • Some of us found the art task a little difficult and getting the different grades of shading was a bit troublesome
  • Organising our personal project work was a little difficult for some of us and a few of the boys and girls have found it tricky choosing a person to focus on for their project
  • Some of us thought that reading and writing tasks were a bit tricky this week

Our Lead Learners in Primary 5/6 this week were Paige and Jack. They were assisted by the previous week’s Lead Learners, Harrison and Sophie S. The three targets that our Lead Learners set for the class were as follows:

  • Being resilient during our Maths work
  • Not walking to other tables in the classroom during learning time
  • Not talking during quiet learning time

The Lead Learners and their assistants spotted lots of children in the class meeting all three of the targets this week. The trickiest target was not walking to other tables and this is definitely something for many of us to keep working hard on

Well done Primary 5/6 on another fantastic week and excellent work with the Scottish poetry and projects.

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