Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

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P2/3 – 25.02.22

Learning Highlights

  • We enjoyed an Encanto dance as our recognition board reward!
  • We enjoyed learning about forces and finding magnetic items in the classroom
  • We loved creating our own monsters and using the describing bubble to write a description of it.

Tricky Tasks

  • Some of us found it difficult to share items equally in our divison.
  • We found learning the months of the year in French quite tricky.

Lead Learner update

This weeks lead learners were Fraser and Frankie They were looking out for people making good choices, being responsible for table resources and looking where they are going in the playground.

by Miss Ross

P3/4 – 25th February 2022

Our learning highlights in P3/4 this week were:

  • We enjoyed using Viking patterns to design and make Viking brooches
  • We also enjoyed starting to learn the 9 times table
  • As part of our times table work we also enjoyed playing math’s games

Tricky Tasks:

  • We found it tricky learning and speaking French vocabulary for birthdays
  • While we enjoyed making Viking brooches the string was very fiddly
  • We started learning about a story mountain plot for our narrative writing called Animal on a Bike.

Lead Learner update:
This week our lead learners spotted pupils working hard and listening well. 

by Miss Ross

P3/4 – 18th February 2022

Our learning highlights in P3/4 this week were:

  • We continued our multiplication and enjoyed learning about our 7 times table
  • We enjoyed being archaeologists and learning about how Vikings lived such as what clothes they wore
  • While learning about the Vikings we also started to design our own Viking jewelry

Tricky tasks:

  • We are continuing to work on fractions
  • We were also practicing how to say, write and read dates in French
  • While we enjoyed learning our 7 times table, it was sometimes tricky to remember them 

Lead learner update:
This week our lead learners were Matthew and Preston. They spotted pupils keeping on task and being responsible. They were also looking for pupils to be respectful to their classmates using kind words.

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 5/6 – 11th February 2022

We have had a very busy week in Primary 5/6 this week as we rehearsed for our class assembly. The boys and girls worked so hard to prepare for the assembly and it all paid off with a wonderful level of performance when we presented to the rest of the school on Friday morning (11th February).

The children’s singing was amazing and they recited their poetry and shared their artwork with great confidence, clearly demonstrating what successful learners and confident individuals they are.

The classes in the school thoroughly enjoyed our assembly and we are also very excited to share our performances and work with all of the Primary 5/6 families. Please look out for the link to our video recordings being sent out so that you can share in these wonderful performances.

Our Lead Learners in Primary 5/6 this week were Lily and Coby. They were assisted by last week’s Lead Learners, Alexis and Olivia. The three targets that our Lead Learners set for the class were as follows:

  • Be respectful when reading groups are reading with an adult
  • Be honest and tell the truth
  • Try not to skip in the line when we are lining up as a class

The Lead Learners and their assistants spotted lots of children in the class meeting all three of the targets this week. There was a lot of success across all three targets.

Well done Primary 5/6 on another fantastic week and the incredible hard work on our class assembly. It paid off and you were all amazing.

by Miss Halliday

11th February 2022 P6/7

Learning Highlights:

  • Making Regulation Strategies spinning wheels. We drew 5 strategies that we can use ourselves to help us to regulate our emotions if they become unmanageable for Health and Wellbeing.
  • P7 Transition task was based on Modern Studies and the danger of overfishing in Antarctica. We learned that some ships will abandon their nets which mean that fish get caught and die.
  • The class did some Scottish art with a Tunnocks Teac Cake wrapper where they had to incorporate the wrapper into a Scottish themed drawing. Some chose to do the Loch Ness Monster, others did thistles and some people did Scottie dogs. They looked fantastic.

Tricky Tasks:

  • In maths we were looking at the properties of different triangles and having to work out the interior angle of scalene, isosceles, equilateral and right angled triangles. This was tricky at first but once we knew that all interior angles in a triangle make up to 180 degrees, it became easier.
  • For Writing we started thinking about a narrative story that we are going to plan, write, edit and publish into a class book. There is a lot to think about and keep in mind when writing these.
  • In RME we started looking at Buddhism and who the Buddha was, how he became the Buddha and what it means for people around the world.

Our Lead learners this week were looking for kindness, concentration and people working hard and are very pleased with the amount of classmates spotting demonstrating these values.

by Mrs Denholm

Friday 11th February 2022 P1/2

Things that went well

  • We created our Tappitourie Tower this week and we had to find ways of lighting the tower using glow sticks, shiny paper, tissue and battery operated candles.  Lots of great learning.
  • We created signs for our Tower and also converted our home corner into Tappitourie Gift Shop. We have been planning how we set these areas up and have been developing our skills so that we can problem solve, communicate with others , share ideas and create our end product.
  • We have been learning more about the Winter Olympics and set up our tuff tray with snow and the challenge of creating ski jumps and marble runs. We have been investigating forces and have been adding ramps and different surface materials to our play.
  • Great work this week with descriptive writing. The children wrote about Tappietourie Tower and considered what it looked like and where it was located.


Our Lead Learners this week Mustafa and Leon saw lots of evidence this week of people listening to each other, sharing ideas and being kind. They were also looking for children to take care of our classroom resources, especially putting lids on pens!

Well done P1/2 have a lovely holiday weekend.

by Miss Ross

P3/4 – 11th February 2022

Our learning highlights in P3/4 this week were:

  • In maths we enjoyed learning our 6 times table and being able to do sums where we multiply a 2-digit number by 6 and we were also continuing fractions
  • We enjoyed doing fitness in PE, particularly the stretches and stations
  • As part of Children’s Mental Health week we thought about how we can grow by designing a garden and drawing support hot air balloons

Tricky tasks:

  • It was sometimes tricky to remember our times tables but we used multiplication wheels to help
  • In our topic we were learning about where Vikings come from and created maps to show this. It was sometimes tricky to remember all the new information
  • During fitness in PE some of the stations were tricky such as the sit ups

Lead learner update:

This week our lead learners were Faith and Meg. They spotted pupils showing kind actions towards others. They also saw others working hard, trying their best and helping others.

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 5/6 – 4th February 2022

Our learning highlights in Primary 5/6 this week were:

  • We have enjoyed making posters in Maths to demonstrate all that we know about fractions
  • We very much enjoyed our art task this week, where we were creating a pop art background for our favourite Scots words
  • We enjoyed creating a rhyming poem in our Writing lesson
  • We have really enjoyed singing songs this week as we practice for our Assembly next week
  • All of the Reading groups enjoyed the discussions in our Reading groups this week and the non-fiction books that we are reading and discussing together with Mr Hamilton
  • We still love our class novel, “Danny, the Champion of the World”, and listening to a really exciting part of the story this week when Danny and his dad carried out their amazing plan
  • We enjoyed our PE focus on Gymnastics this week and learning about different ways of jumping, landing and rolling

This week some of us thought that these were tricky tasks:

  • Creating our Maths posters on fractions was a bit tricky at times as we needed to remember all of our fraction work back to the beginning of term
  • A few of us who are going to recite our poems at assembly next week found practising our poems tricky
  • Some of us found the focus on gymnastics in PE a little tricky as we get to grips with different jumps and rolls
  • Many of us thought that writing our own rhyming poems was a tricky
  • Some of us felt that working on our project was quite tricky and some of us also found the cutting for our art task a bit difficult

Our Lead Learners in Primary 5/6 this week were Alexis and Olivia. They were assisted by last week’s Lead Learners, Chelsea and Harris. The three targets that our Lead Learners set for the class were as follows:

  • Try to concentrate and focus on your work during task time
  • Try to stay in class and listen during the teaching part of a lesson
  • Get along with everyone and be respectful in the playground

The Lead Learners and their assistants spotted lots of children in the class meeting all three of the targets this week. There was a lot of success across all three targets.

Well done Primary 5/6 on another wonderful week and amazing hard work on your Maths posters, rhyming poems and preparing for our class assembly.

by Mrs Baird

P2/3 Friday 4th February 2022

Learning Highlights

  • We had lots of fun playing number games and going on a money hunt to raise money for the NSPCC Number Day.
  • We’ve been learning more about digital and analogue clocks and developing our skills at telling the time.
  • We learned about similes and created similes about ourselves.
  • We celebrated West Lothian Loves Languages week by learning more Scots words.

Tricky Tasks

  • Some of the class found multiplication using groups tricky.
  • It was also tricky for some of the pupils who were learning to find definitions from dictionaries.
  • Our descriptive writing this week was about the kelpies and although everyone was very interested in learning more about the kelpies some children found it tricky to describe in detail.

Lead Learner Update

As our Lead Learner Jason was absent for most of the week, his partner Harvey had to work extra hard to find pupils who were meeting our targets of using kind words, always telling the truth and moving safely around the class.  Well done to all the children in P2/3 who met these targets.


by Mrs Denholm

Friday 4th February 2022 – P1/2

Things that went well ;

  • Celebrated Chinese New Year with music, poetry and a Dragon Dance!
  • Looked at Chinese writing and wrote our names.
  • Great work using the describing bubble to help with our writing.
  • Created a very large shape dragon !
  • We had a number day game show with number fans and buzzers- it was great fun!

Thinks that were tricky;

  • Saying Happy New Year in Chinese – Gung  hay fat choy!
  • The names of 3D shapes like sphere, cylinder, square based pyramid.
  • Counting in 2’s , 5’s and 10’s


Our Lead Learners this week, Abi and Harris,  were kept busy looking for examples of people trying their best and showing our school values, well done Primary 1/ 2 another great week.

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