Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Miss Ross

P3/4 – Friday 11th March 2022

Our learning highlights in P3/4 this week were:

  • We were learning about Viking longships where we decorated our own longship magnets and explored what in our classroom was magnetic
  • We were also revising telling the time in Maths
  • In PE we were working on our strength during scorpoions and spiders tig

Tricky tasks:

  • We continued our Viking sagas and worked hard to develop our ideas through drama and writing
  • In Maths we have been working on 5 minute intervals and will continue this next week
  • We have also started designing Viking shields using Viking designs and colours

Lead learner update:

This week our lead learners were Amelia and Abbie. The spotted pupils showing good listening and being kind in the playground. They also noticed their classmates following instructions and being respectful of others.

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 5/6 – Friday 4th March 2022

Our learning highlights in Primary 5/6 this week were:

  • We have enjoyed continuing to learn about decimals in Maths this week. In particular we were learning about how to round to the nearest whole number and to one decimal place.
  • We enjoyed writing our imaginative story during our Writing lesson this week. We used the character and setting descriptions that we had written over the previous two weeks to help us get started with our stories.
  • We have really enjoyed starting our new focus on Handball in PE this week. We have very much enjoyed developing our throwing and catching skills this week.
  • A lot of us have enjoyed getting started on our personal choice projects this week. There has been great excitement in the class as we have started to make plans for what we are hoping to achieve through working on our chosen projects.
  • Lots of the children enjoyed working on posters for the Show Racism the Red Card creative competition this week.
  • We continuing to enjoy our new class novel, “Kensuke’s Kingdom” by Michael Morpurgo. There has been a lot of excitement in the story this week as Michael’s voyage around the world with his mum and dad came to a very sudden end.
  • We were also very excited to take part in our World Book Day activities yesterday. A massive well done to all of the children for their fabulous wooden spoon book characters and for the amazing pictures that were taken of them reading in unusual places.

This week some of us thought that these were tricky tasks:

  • Some of us felt that it was quite tricky to write our creative story in our Writing focus this week as it can be difficult to come up with ideas for a detailed story
  • Some of us found the focus on rounding decimal numbers in Maths to be tricky
  • A few of us found planning and getting started on our personal choice projects to be tricky, especially planning goals and tasks that we hope to achieve.
  • Some of us found it tricky to come up with ideas for pour anti-racism poster for the competition run by Show Racism the Red Card.

Our Lead Learners in Primary 5/6 this week were Logan and Sophie A. They were assisted by last week’s Lead Learners, Jessica and Caleb. The three targets that our Lead Learners set for the class were as follows:

  • Work hard in every lesson
  • Try to be kind to others who are different from you
  • Be respectful to adults and children in class when speaking together

The Lead Learners and their assistants spotted lots of children in the class meeting all three of the targets this week. The lead learners particularly spotted a lot of pupils being successful with the first target. Well done!

Well done Primary 5/6 on a fantastic week and all of your brilliant efforts with the book character and reading photo activities for World Book Day. Massive congratulations to Jessica for winning the P5/6 wooden spoon competition for your incredible design of the character from the book “There’s a Yeti in the Playground!”

by Mrs Baird

Primary 2/3 – 4th March 2022

Learning Highlights

  • We learned more about Fairtrade and the journey of chocolate from cocoa bean to shop. We also worked really hard to create Fairtrade posters.
  • We had lots of fun doing paired reading on World Book Day and we are delighted we can now resume our weekly buddying sessions.
  • Smarties helped us understand division and this was something we particularly enjoyed doing this week.

Tricky Tasks

  • We found it difficult to find Scottish wildlife on our walk around Seafield Law, perhaps we were too noisy  having so much fun!
  • One group found learning about adverbs tricky so we’ll need to revisit this.
  • We really enjoyed our outdoor time durations hunt but some of the problems were tricky and we needed number lines and cardboard clocks to help us solve them.

Lead Learner Update

Our lead learners Jodie and Noel did a great job of finding classmates who were being helpful to others, showing good listening skills and tidying up/tucking chairs in.

by Mrs Denholm

Friday 4th March 2022 P1/2

Things that went well.

This week we have continued to learn about Fairtrade  and different products. We have looked at maps and learned about bananas, chocolate and coffee beans. These items and more have been added to our Tappietourie Gift shop and we have used our learning about money to help us purchase items in the shop. We have linked our learning about books this week – Jack and the Beanstalk and have had a sign on a mystery jar saying do not open. We have been very curious about what is inside the jar and we didn’t find out until Friday! Some people thought it might be potions – Alice in Wonderland? or a genie? – Aladdin ? But it was in-fact coffee beans! These have been investigated today and we are looking to add coffee to our gift shop and have been making a menu.  Our chocolate playdough has been used to create birthday cakes this week and we added candles and decorations.

As part of World Book day we did a Stop, Drop, Read challenge and also decorated a wooden spoon as one of our favourite book characters. These were wonderful and we enjoyed getting the opportunity to see what other classes had created as all were displayed in the hall for a while.

For the second half of the week we had another favourite book in our tuff tray, Six Dinner Sid and the children really enjoyed creating crates for animals at the vets, using their knowledge of time to book appointments and to use test tubes and syringes in their play!

We wrote persuasive texts to Mrs Egan to ask if we could have a Fabulous Fairtrade Friday Feast on the 4th to celebrate the end of Fairtrade Fortnight. Some children created tickets for the event and planned what we would do.

The Lead Learner, Rosa and Adam had a busy week looking for examples of kindness, good listening and taking care of our resources – lids on pens and glue! The boys and girls are becoming much better at this,

We had another great  week of learning!

by Miss Ross

P3/4 – 4th March 2022

Our learning highlights in P3/4 this week were:

  • We enjoyed looking at everyone’s World Book day spoon characters
  • We also enjoyed working on our fitness in PE with fitness bingo
  • We also designing masks as part of learning about Mardi Gras 

Tricky tasks:

  • It was sometimes tricky creating our Viking art like our brooches and Viking world pictures
  • Although we enjoyed PE some of the fitness and hockey exercises were tricky
  • In maths we were learning the 9 times table

Lead learner update:
This week our lead learners were James and Calla. They spotted pupils showing our school values such as kindness, responsible and ambitious.

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 5/6 – 25th February 2022

Our learning highlights in Primary 5/6 this week were:

  • We enjoyed the beginning of our new class novel, “Kensuke’s Kingdom” by Michael Morpurgo. It was interesting to learn about the main character and his family and the adventure that they went on.
  • We really enjoyed our new Maths topic this week as we learned about decimals. we thought a lot about place value and number lines to help with our understanding.
  • We enjoyed our Writing lesson where we were writing a description of a setting which we will use in a creative story next week.
  • We have really enjoyed our continuing focus on Gymnastics in PE this week and learning about joining together different ways of jumping, landing and rolling.

This week some of us thought that these were tricky tasks:

  • Some of us felt that our new reading books were a little tricky but we were also really glad that we are making progress
  • Some of us found the focus on decimals in Maths to be tricky, especially when we had to decide what the intervals between numbers were worth when using number lines
  • A few of us found writing our description of a setting tricky, especially using similes and metaphors.

Our Lead Learners in Primary 5/6 this week were Jessica and Caleb. They were assisted by last week’s Lead Learners, Lily and Coby. The three targets that our Lead Learners set for the class were as follows:

  • Be respectful to adults in the classroom when they are talking
  • Try to keep the classroom clean and tidy
  • Telling the truth makes us more responsible

The Lead Learners and their assistants spotted lots of children in the class meeting all three of the targets this week. The lead learners particularly spotted a lot of pupils being successful with the first target. Well done!

Well done Primary 5/6 on a fantastic week and lots of great hard work.

by Mrs Denholm

P1/2 Friday 25th February 2022

We have had another fantastic week of learning in P1/2.

Thinks that went well this week.

The finale of our Winter Olympics where we reflected and shared  our learning . We had been creating our own ramps for different sports and designed our own equipment. We discovered ways to make our boards or sleds to go faster by adding different materials underneath. We timed how long different journeys took and had to problem solve by adding barriers when some of our lego people went off- piste! We took into account health and safety issues.

Work continues with our Tappietourie Tourist attraction and it now has interior light fittings, signage is now displayed and the gift shop will soon be opening. The children have been busy designing and making items to sell in our gift shop and planning has continued to add food! We are revisiting money in preparation for the shop opening and it has been a little tricky remembering different coins have different values but we will carry on with this next week.

As we have been learning about Fairtrade this week we have added chocolate playdough to our classroom and this smells amazing. The children have been creating cakes and biscuits to sell in our gift shop as well as more bespoke items such as picture frames, sculptures and  models. We have also been designing and wrapping our own Fairtrade  chocolate bars ( wooden blocks)

We have also turned each child into a knight with moving arms and legs and these characters will shortly be on display on our Counting Castle wall but have been used for addition and subtraction table top activities this week.



by Miss Halliday

Friday 25th February P6/7

Learning Highlights:

  • This week we started on our own person projects. We have full control over what we want to learn 2 afternoons a week. Some of us have chosen volcanoes, WW2, tsunamis, design, sewing, engines, etc.
  • We have started a Modern Languages competition on the Language Nut Website with Mrs Flynn. This is a website where we learn Spanish and French through games and activities and you win medals for each one completed.
  • We were given responsibility to plan and design the layout of our classroom since we are the oldest pupils in the school. We have chosen a mixed design of smaller group tables and rows. We are trialing it this coming week to see how we feel about it.


  • Next Friday is our class assembly which we have spent a long time working on, writing scripts, rehearsing and making props. We can’t wait to show everyone next week.
  • For writing we have been working on the orientation paragraphs for our narrative stories, focusing on adverbial phrases and expanding sentences.
  • For art with Mrs Jenkins, we have been creating Scottish comic strips. These are tricky because we have to write in Scots Language.

Lead Learners, Bonnie and Frankie, were looking for ambition, hard work and kindness from the class this week. There have been 6 outstanding examples of this being demonstrated.

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