Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Mrs Flynn

25th March 2022 Primary 1/2

In Primary 1/2 this week, our learning highlights are:

  • We enjoyed lots of outdoor learning to help practise our numbers and tricky words.  We even did some outdoor art, inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.
  • We worked with our buddies to make some Spring chick models.
  • We went on a Spring hunt to find all the signs of Spring and did some writing about Spring.

Tricky tasks:

  • We have been practising our tricky words!
  • We have been practising our adding skills and counting in twos.

The lead learners found lots of people of being kind and working on their listening skills.  We are all working very hard to keep our classroom tidy!

We are looking forward to enjoying the Spring sunshine this weekend!

by Miss Ross

P3/4 – Friday 25th March 2022

Our learning highlights in P3/4 this week were:

  • We enjoyed Miss Herd taking our class for the day and working on some number sums.
  • We had fun creating fitness routines to music in PE.
  • We also used our writing skills to create Spring poems.

Tricky tasks:

  • This week we learned about Viking Kenning poems. It was tricky for some to use our noun and verb descriptions for the 2-word poems.
  • We have been working hard this week practicing our assembly and were very responsible when a practice fire alarm occurred in the middle of a practice.
  • We have also been working on props for our assembly which was sometimes fiddly.

Lead learner update:

This week our lead learners spotted their classmates focusing well on their work. They also saw pupils being kind and helping others when they needed it. Some pupils have also worked hard to keep their work neat.

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 5/6 – Friday 18th March

The learning activities that we really enjoyed in Primary 5/6 this week were:

  • Many of us continue to enjoy our work on our personal choice projects this week. It is wonderful to see the children developing a wide variety of skills from woodworking to clay modelling and from music making to various art projects, which they have chosen to work on.
  • We are still enjoying our poster competition for Show Racism the Red Card as we finish off our posters for them to be sent away and entered into the competition.
  • Our class novel, “Kensuke’s Kingdom” by Michael Morpurgo, is still very enjoyable and exciting. Kensuke and Michael have developed a strong relationship but unfortunately Kensuke felt that Michael had betrayed him after one of the events in the story this week.
  • We really enjoyed our learning about adding and subtracting decimals in Maths this week.
  • We have really enjoyed continuing to write our fairy tales in our Writing lesson and there are some very imaginative ideas being developed
  • We have also really enjoyed continuing to develop throwing and catching skills during our handball focus in PE and we are now starting to play competitive games
  • We enjoyed activities in Science linked to British Science Week where we learned about different illusions. We also learned about viruses and antibodies.

This week some of us thought that these were tricky tasks:

  • Some of us felt that our Maths work with decimals was tricky as we finished off this topic. The word problems were a little difficult to decode and find the important numbers and information.
  • Some of us found the Writing task difficult as it can be tricky starting our own fairy tales from the beginning. Lots of support helped us to make a good start and develop our stories effectively.
  • Some of us found our personal choice projects to be tricky We are working hard to develop skills of resilience, determination and independent learning through these projects.

Our Lead Learners in Primary 5/6 this week were Sophie S and Harrison. They were assisted by last week’s Lead Learners, Megan and Chloe. The three targets that our Lead Learners set for the class were as follows:

  • Look after everyone in our class
  • Look after laptops, devices and other classroom resources
  • Look after the resources that we are given to play with in the playground

The Lead Learners and their assistants spotted lots of children in the class meeting all three of the targets this week. The lead learners particularly spotted a lot of pupils being successful with our second and third targets. Well done!

Well done Primary 5/6 on a fantastic week filled with exciting and interesting tasks.

by Miss Halliday

P6/7 March 18th

Learning Highlights:

  • Paired reading with our P1/2 Buddies on Wednesday then getting to play with them outside.
  • Creating a positive message to the people if Ukraine, we each had a sunflower petal to decorate using yellow and blue.
  • Writing our narrative stories, we have really improved and are using descriptive language very effectively.

Tricky Tasks:

  • Our personal projects are coming to an end soon, we are identifying the skills we have learned or strengthened and how to round off our projects.
  • In numeracy we are finding percentages of amounts in some groups and ratios in another group.
  • For RME, we are split into groups and each given a part of the Easter story. We have to plan and teach a 20 minute lesson for the rest of the class to learn but we are not allowed to have them use devices.

Lead learners this week were David and Keela who did a super job at collecting and counting the Red Nose Day money for the school.

by Mrs Baird

Primary 2/3 – Week Beginning 14th March 2022

Learning Highlights

  • We made bird kites during our Buddy session to celebrate British Science Week.
  • Thinking about our bodies as starfish helped us feel calm during a mindfulness activity.
  • We tried really hard to think about presentation when we were doing our Literacy work on sentences and many of us were really proud of our efforts.
  • Everyone loved our Scavenger Hunt and Red Bingo during Red Nose Day.


Tricky Tasks

  • Creating our own tesselation drawings using 2d shapes and also digitally using the Ipads was fun but really tricky.
  • We worked as a team to create a tower using cups and lollipop sticks and we needed to show determination and perseverance to complete the tasks.


Lead Learner Update

Our Lead Learners Ben and Imogen chose the following targets for this week and worked hard to find people who were achieving these targets.

making sensible choices          keeping lids on pens          perfect presentation


by Miss Ross

P3/4 – Friday 18th March 2022

Our learning highlights in P3/4 this week were:

  • We enjoyed playing red nose day fitness in PE
  • We have been working on 5 minute intervals in our time topic and learning how to tell the time in different ways
  • We enjoyed painting our Viking shields that we had designed for our assembly

Tricky tasks:

  • In our time work it was sometimes tricky to add and take away hours on the clock
  • We worked hard this week in our writing creating stories about the Viking gods
  • While we enjoyed painting the Viking shields it was tricky for some to paint their designs

Lead Learner update:

This week our lead learners were Mason and Brodie. They spotted pupils listening well and working hard on their writing. They also saw pupils trying hard to focus on their work.

by Mrs Egan

P1/2 Week beginning 14th March

P1/2 have had a very busy week with Mrs Egan and Mrs Flynn!  Today we took part in some fun activities for Red Nose Day.  We made superhero masks which we really enjoyed!  We then went to our very first whole school assembly in the hall and we loved it!

On Tuesday we did something very exciting!  We went out to the garden and planted potatoes!  We had a visit from a lady called Jess who showed us what to do and told us all of the things that we need to do to make sure our potatoes will grow.

Some of our favourite things in school this week:

Fatoumata – writing; CJ – being outside; Ellie – writing; Rosa – planting potatoes

We are hoping for a sunny weekend so that we can all enjoy being outside in the fresh air!  Have a good weekend 🙂

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 5/6 – Friday 11th March 2022

Our learning highlights in Primary 5/6 this week were:

  • We very much enjoyed continuing with our Art activity this week where we were designing and creating posters to enter the creative competition that is being run by Show Racism the Red Card. We have been including some excellent anti-racist messages in our posters and drawing some wonderful illustrations to bring the messages to life.
  • We have all enjoyed continuing our work on our personal choice projects this week. There has been great excitement in the class as we have been learning a wide variety of skills from woodworking to clay modelling and from music making to various art projects.
  • We are still very much enjoying our class novel, “Kensuke’s Kingdom” by Michael Morpurgo. Last week there was a very exciting moment as the main character was stung by a jellyfish and then we started to learn a lot more about Kensuke and his life on the island.
  • We really enjoyed our learning about adding and subtracting decimals in Maths this week.
  • We enjoyed our Writing lesson where we were building on the imaginative story that we wrote last week by planning and writing our own fairy tale
  • We have also really enjoyed continuing to develop our skills with throwing and catching during our handball focus in PE.

This week some of us thought that these were tricky tasks:

  • Some of us felt that our new reading books were a little tricky but we were also really glad that we are making progress
  • Some of us found the addition and subtraction of decimal numbers in Maths to be tricky but we made good progress with this as the week went on
  • A few of us found writing our own fairy tale of a bit tricky, but we got lots of help in class including ideas for altering fairy tales from the hilarious Roald Dahl fairy tales in “Revolting Rhymes”
  • Some of us found our choice projects to be tricky as we worked out how to work with clay or make electrical circuits, etc. However, these challenges were a great way of developing our learning and skills.

Our Lead Learners in Primary 5/6 this week were Megan and Chloe. They were assisted by last week’s Lead Learners, Sophie A and Logan. The three targets that our Lead Learners set for the class were as follows:

  • Be kind to the teacher, other adults and each other in every lesson
  • Be respectful to everyone in our class and everyone in school
  • Try not to argue at our tables and be kind to each other

The Lead Learners and their assistants spotted lots of children in the class meeting all three of the targets this week. The lead learners particularly spotted a lot of pupils being successful with our second target. Well done!

Well done Primary 5/6 on an excellent week and working hard on all of your learning.

by User deactivated

P2/3 11th March

Learning Highlights

  • We learned how to draw by watching illustrator Catherin Rayner.
  • We enjoyed learning about the Scottish legend of Selkie’s for our writing.
  • We read The Zoo by Anothony Browne and enjoyed ordering all the animals from the book.

Tricky Tasks

  • We found telling the time tricky this week.
  • We found making Fairtrade posters difficult as we included a lot of information!


Lead Learners

Our lead learners were Isla and Jake this week and they were looking for people who were reading for enjoyment, not interrupting and keeping our environment safe. We spotted lots of people doing these things!

by Mrs Denholm

P1/2 Friday 11th March 2022

What a great week of learning! Our Lead learners Fatoumata and Kellan were kept busy looking for children showing our school values .

Things that went well this week.

  • The children have been learning more about castles and knights this week.
  • They have been looking at different clan shield designs and some children really enjoyed searching for their own family shield.
  • They designed their own shield .
  • We worked with tally marks this week and have voted on different things over the course of the week, this has helped us practice counting in 5’s.
  • We voted on our favourite traditional tale and wrote about it.
  • The children have set up a vets area and using food colouring and water have made different samples in test tubes  to add to our play.
  • Our daffodil bulbs and apple seeds have started to grow in class and we are beginning to plan our outdoor plants.
  • We are much more confident using different coins and counting collections and beginning to give change.
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