Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Mrs Baird

Primary 3/4 Friday 6th May 2022

Learning Highlights

  • We enjoyed balancing and stretching in gymnastics.
  • We learned about sprinting and hurdles in our Athletics lesson.
  • We were researching famous flyers and writing information reports about them.
  • We started learning about division by sharing out raffle tickets.

Tricky Tasks

  • Learning about the Egyptian and Roman number systems was tricky because they used symbols that we didn’t know and letters.
  • It was tricky having to label different body parts.
  • Drawing around our hands to make Mendi patterns when we were learning about Eid was also tricky.

Lead Learner Update

Our lead learners this week were Brodie and Shiva and they were looking out for

  • good listening
  • helping others
  • neat writing.

Well done to Meg, Oscar and Preston for achieving these targets.

by Mrs Egan

P1/2 Learning Highlights

P1/2 have had a very busy week!  They have worked really hard with Mrs Flynn and today with Mrs Egan!

In Numeracy and Maths, they have been learning to tell the time on an analogue clock, we are really confident at identifying “o’clock” times and will be moving onto half past and then looking at digital clocks next week.

In Literacy, we heard a story called “What the Ladybird Heard Next” and then created Wanted posters for Hefty Hugh and Lanky Len!  We have some interesting ideas for things that could be offered as a reward, including a police badge, donuts and a chance to come to Milkshake Monday!

Mrs Flynn chose Ruaridh and Harris to receive our certificates today – well done to them!  They will get the chance to come for Milkshake with Mrs Egan next week!

We are looking forward to our Monday holiday and will see everyone back on Tuesday!

by Miss Ross

P3/4 – Friday 29th April 2022

Our learning highlights in P3/4 this week were:

  • We have been busy finishing our equations topic in maths and enjoyed working out problems with missing numbers and signs
  • We enjoyed starting gymnastics in PE focusing on stretching and balancing
  • As part of our topic we learned about the Wright brothers and how they made the first aeroplane

Tricky tasks:

  • We also were learning about hot air balloons and how they work this week. We investigated how hot air and cold air affected balloons and conducted scientific experiments
  • We have enjoyed watching Newsround this week and were challenged by a UK dialect quiz and quiz of the week, where we vote as a class for each answer.
  • It was tricky as well to learn about the Wright’s aeroplanes and label the different parts

Lead learners:

This week our lead learners were Alfie and Che. They spotted good listening and pupils working hard. 

by Mrs Baird

Primary 2/3 Friday 24th April

P2/3 returned from the Easter break energised and enthusiastic.  They were excited to see how well their potatoes had grown.  Thanks to Jack’s family for taking care of them during the holidays.


Learning Highlights

  • We brainstormed ideas for our enterprise topic and wrote letters asking for a loan of money to help us set up.
  • In literacy we  learned about fact and opinion.
  • We made mobiles with our buddies to celebrate Earth Day.
  • We listened to songs about times tables and many of the children are now feeling more confident.


Tricky Tasks

  • We learned about the different parts of a letter but the school address was quite tricky to write.
  • We were using our boost words to write in sentences and some of the class found this tricky.


Lead Learner Update

Niamh and Zac will be our Lead Learners next week and they have chosen to look out for classmates who are

  • being sensible in class
  • saying thank you if someone holds the door open for them and
  • following the school values.


by Miss Ross

P3/4 – Friday 22nd April 2022

Our learning highlights in P3/4 this week were:

  • We have enjoyed our PE this week playing games and thinking about fitness and finding space skills.
  • With Mrs Flynn we enjoyed conducting a science experiment to investigate how make the most effective parachute as part of our Flight topic
  • In French we practicing our listening, reading and writing skills using digital technology.

Tricky tasks:

  • We have started to focus on information writing and some of us found it tricky to research information for our animal reports
  • In maths we have been working on equations and finding missing numbers and signs
  • For PE this week it was tricky to keep up our stamina while jogging a daily mile.


by Mrs Baird

Primary 2/3 – Friday 1st April

Learning highlights

  • We enjoyed learning about Easter around the world and working on Easter related tasks on Seesaw.
  • It was fun painting symmetrical butterflies and colouring symmetrical eggs.
  • We looked back on our learning this term and completed our Term 3 Reflections sheet.
  • Our knowledge of times tables helped us to complete Spring themed colouring sheets.
  • We finished reading The Sleekit Mr Tod and compared it to the film Fantastic Mr Fox.


Tricky Tasks

  • We revisited French months of the year as we had difficulty remembering them.
  • It was tricky trying to draw the other half of symmetrical shapes.


Lead Learner Update

Our Lead Learners Jack and Georgia did a fantastic job of  looking out for people who were achieving the targets they set of:-

  • using a loud and clear voice during reading
  • showing good sitting during times on the carpet
  • showing good manners

Well done to everyone in Primary 2/3 as they managed to fill a whole page in the Lead Learner Log of children who were on target.


It’s been a busy and fun term and we hope you all have a lovely Easter break.

by Miss Ross

P3/4 – Friday 1st April 2022

Our learning highlights in P3/4 this week were:

  • We continued learning about World Water Day and made water droplets about why it is important to save water.
  • We have been practising a lot for our assembly and have enjoyed singing our songs.
  • For spring we learnt about origami and made some origami flowers.

Tricky tasks:

  • We finished up our time topic this week, revising all that we had learnt so far.
  • While we enjoyed creating origami flowers, it was tricky to follow the instructions and the folding was a bit fiddly.
  • We have been working hard to prepare for our assembly and making sure our voices are loud and clear.

Lead learner update:

Our lead learners were Faith and Meg. They spotted pupils making sure they were saying please and thank you. They saw classmates being kind to one another and working on keeping our kind hands.

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 5/6 – Friday 25th March 2022

Our learning highlights in Primary 5/6 this week were:

  • We very much enjoyed finishing off our Art activity this week. We completed our wonderful posters for the creative competition that is being run by Show Racism the Red Card. We included some excellent anti-racist messages in our posters and created some eye-catching illustrations to bring the messages to life.
  • We really enjoyed the end of our class novel, “Kensuke’s Kingdom” by Michael Morpurgo. It was fascinating to find out what happened to Michael and understand Kensuke’s decision.
  • We really enjoyed getting started on our new Maths topic this week as we learned about percentages. We have been making lots of links to decimals and fractions as we begin finding out about percentages.
  • We enjoyed our learning about World Water Day with Mrs Baird and creating posters showing how important water is to us.
  • We also enjoyed our continuing focus on Handball in PE this week and developing our skills in a game situation.

This week some of us thought that these were tricky tasks:

  • Some of us felt that our new reading books were a little tricky but we were also really glad that we are making progress and being challenged
  • Some of us found the focus on percentages in Maths to be tricky, but we will be doing lots of practice next week to help us improve our understanding
  • A few of us found writing our personal choice projects a bit tricky, especially managing some of the more difficult creative aspects of the tasks and deciding on our next steps.

Our Lead Learners in Primary 5/6 this week were Rose and Aaron. They were assisted by last week’s Lead Learners, Harrison and Sophie. The three targets that our Lead Learners set for the class were as follows:

  • Be responsible during lunch time
  • Be ambitious in Writing
  • Be responsible during Topic time

The Lead Learners and their assistants spotted lots of children in the class meeting all three of the targets this week. Well done!

Well done Primary 5/6 on a fantastic week and lots of great hard work.

by Miss Halliday

P6/7 25th March 2022

Learning Highlights:

  • P7 began their Literacy transition with Ms Kezmenia from DCHS English department. They are starting a reading project using the novel ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar. They will do half of the project in P7 and complete the rest in S1.
  • With the weather being so nice recently, we have used the outdoor spaces a lot more. On Wednesday we used string and chalk to make perfect circles. The pupils were given a radius to begin and they had to work out the diameter and circumference of each circle they drew. It certainly wasn’t as easy as first thought.
  • For PE we were using ‘Go Find It’ cards to treasure hunt for various things in the playground. Some of the cards had only words like; brown, bumpy, long or wow on them. This was a fun challenge that really made us think.

Challenging Tasks:

  • Finding the percentages in numeracy as proving a challenge. There are 4 steps with finding the percentage of an amount, including converting the percentage to a fraction, simplifying the fraction then dividing and multiplying using the fraction.
  • Our personal projects have come to an end. Most projects have finished very differently to how they were planned and the challenges we faced were very hard at times. Some of us had a clear idea of what we were aiming for while others took a more try it and see approach. We will be presenting them in class next week.
  • Mrs Egan set us a challenge to find out the uses for some old tools and equipment and turn them into something else.

Lead learners this week were Ruby and Keela who were excellent role models for our class.

by User deactivated

P2/3 – 25.03.22

Learning Highlights

  • We loved creating a spring poem in writing this week by using our senses.
  • We created some daffodil artwork to take home this week
  • We all did a fantastic job with our spelling tests this week


Tricky Tasks

  • We found it difficult to find lines of symmetry in some shapes
  • We learned food and drinks in French this week and it was tricky to pronounce some of these words!


Lead Learner Update

Our Lead Learners Jack and Georgia chose the following targets for this week and worked hard to find people who were achieving these targets.

Good sitting on the carpet          loud and clear voice in reading        showign good manners

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