Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Mrs Egan

Outdoor Challenge

As part of our health and wellbeing festival, we took part in a day of outdoor activities and one of our tasks was a whole school challenge.  We used junk materials and natural resources to create either a model of our Sea Bee mascot or to create a new mascot for the Commonwealth games.  We had an absolutely brilliant time taking part and produced some amazing creations!

by Mrs Egan

Sports Day

We had a fantastic school Sports Day on Tuesday 14th June.  We all loved taking part in our teams and had great fun with our friends.  Thank you to those who came to watch and cheer us on!

by Mrs Baird

Primary 2/3 Friday 10th June 2022

Learning Highlights

  • It was a very successful week for our enterprise business and we sold most of our remaining products to the other classes in the school.
  • Then we researched different charities and voted on what we should do with the profit we made.  We decided to give it to The Dog’s Trust.
  • It was lots of fun entertaining the other classes with our P2/3 assembly.
  • We learned about World Oceans Day and what we could do to protect them,

Tricky Tasks

  • We revisited subtraction in numeracy and although we found this challenging to begin with, we persevered and we soon grasped it.
  • We’ve been learning ‘ew’ words this week for spelling and we found some of these tricky.
  • There are so many worthwhile charities so it was really difficult to decide which one we should donate our enterprise profits to.  We also sold approximately £80 of pet treats so it was really tricky for the Finance Team to count all the money.

Lead Learner Update

Our Lead Learners this week were Harvey and Ryan but because we have been so busy with our enterprise, assembly and parental engagement session they didn’t have enough time to see classmates following the targets they had set so we decided to give them another week to do their job!

by Miss Ross

P3/4 Friday 10th June 2022

Our learning highlights in P3/4 this week were:

  • We enjoyed going outside for our Maths with Miss Herd and learning about giving compass directions to partners.
  • We were working hard on our long division skills this week using number lines to help with whole numbers and remainders.
  • In science this week we enjoyed creating electrical circuits.

Tricky tasks:

  • We have been planning a mission to Mars this week, designing our own flying Mars Rovers and making Mars helicopters.
  • While we enjoyed learning about directions it was tricky to guide someone else and remember compass points.
  • In PE we challenged ourselves to practice sit ups side by side then link to do a whole class sit up.

Lead learners:

Our lead learners this week were Matthew and Henry. They spotted pupils helping others, working hard and not giving up when they faced challenges. 

by Mrs Egan

P7 Science Visit

We were excited to be able to welcome Mr Elliot and Mr Wright from the Science Department at DCHS to lead us in some science experiments as part of the P7 transition process.  Everyone loved the session and our P7 pupils can’t wait to get into the Science Department for real as part of their transition days!

by Mrs Baird

Primary 2/3 Friday 27th May 2022

Learning Highlights

  • We started making our products for our Pet Love business.  We worked hard and had lots of fun doing this!
  • We were learning more about money and working out the change we would get if we bought things.
  • We’ve started learning songs and actions for our assembly.

Tricky Tasks

  • Numeracy was tricky because we had to do calculations with coins.
  • We found it tricky to write information reports about our brains.

Lead Learner Update

Our lead learners were Archie and Emma-J0. They found lots of people who were thinking about things before they did them and using the toilet lanyard properly.

by Miss Ross

P3/4 – Friday 27th May 2022

Our learning highlights in P3/4 this week were:

  • We really enjoyed our Dynamic Earth trip and learned about how the moon and stars moved around our planet.
  • During our trip we learned about space travel and how to keep the International Space Station working
  • We have also been working hard to support our community decorating placemats for the Bowling Club Jubilee celebrations.

Tricky tasks:

  • We have been continuing to work on our long division and working with remainders.
  • During our Dynamic Earth trip we were challenged to find lots of information as we took the tour.

Leader learner update:

This week our lead learners were Meg and Amelia. They spotted some pupils showing good listening and being kind. 

by Miss Ross

P3/4 Friday 20th May 2022

Our learning highlights in P3/4 this week were:

  • We enjoyed making rockets and tested what could make them fly better.
  • On Wednesday we were lucky to have a taster Judo session. We enjoyed the skills that we learnt.
  • In preparation for our trip we were researching Edinburgh landmarks which was very interesting.

Tricky tasks:

  • In maths we worked on angles with Miss Herd and were learning about obtuse, acute and 90 degree angles.
  • We have been continuing to work on division and working hard to use long division which we will continue next week.
  • In our research of Edinburgh landmarks we used maps to find where that landmarks were which was sometimes tricky but good for practicing our mapping skills.

Lead learner update:

This week our lead learners were Faith and Calla. We have been working on being resilient and responsible. Our lead learners also spotted pupils being ambitious in their work.

by Mrs Baird

Primary 2/3 Friday 13th May

Learning Highlights

  • As part of Mental Health Awareness week we enjoyed a rainbow medication session.
  • We loved looking at old Gala Day photos and Disney characters and this inspired us to create some fabulous Gala Day 2022 posters.
  • We opened a One Stop Shop in the class to help us learn about money.
  • We also enjoyed listening to songs about money on the smartboard


Tricky Tasks

  • We were nervous before our interviews for our Enterprise jobs but the P5/6 pupils who interviewed us made us feel calm and relaxed and we were happy we could answer all the questions.
  • Some of the P2/3 pupils found it tricky to earn points towards the end of term Fun Day at the start of the week, but as the week went on we got much better at following the school values and now we have 6 points.  We are going to try really hard to get 10 points next week.


Lead Learner Update

We chose Archie and Emma-Jo as our Lead Learners and they decided on the following targets for next week.

  • Think before you do things
  • Take care of our shop area and keep it tidy
  • Use the toilet lanyard properly


by Miss Ross

P3/4 – Friday 13th May 2022

Our learning highlights in P3/4 this week were:

  • We enjoyed doing athletics in PE taking part in an obstacle course and gymnastics as well.
  • We enjoyed starting to learn about right angles in maths.
  • As part of our daily maths we have been working on our number strategies with number of the day.

Tricky tasks:

  • This week we learned about fighter and modern planes. Pupils in P5/6 came to help us experiment with paper planes and what design flew the best. It took a lot of resilience to make the planes.
  • We have been busy designing our entries for the Disney Seafield Gala Day 2022, working on sketching and presenting our work.
  • This week we have been continuing to look at the human body and how to keep ourselves healthy.

Lead learner update:

Our lead learners this week were Abbie and Darcey. They spotted classmates being kind and helping others. Some of our pupils were also focusing really hard to produce work to the best of their abilities.

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