Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Mrs Wallace
1 Comment

P2/3 Week Beginning 24th October 2022

We have had a busy week in Primary 2/3. Some highlights have been:

  • Starting our space topic – learning about Day and Night and discussing what we want to find out about space this term. We also have a new Space Station in our classroom which we have loved exploring.
  • Making owls and learning The Owl song linked to our class novel – The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark.

  • Playing Rob the Nest in PE and practising dribbling the ball and working in a team.



A couple of things that were tricky this week were:

  • Creating a food web in Outdoor Learning, talking about which animals eat which to keep the chain going.

  • Learning about Daylight Saving Time as it was a bit confusing.


Well done to our Lead Learners, Zac and Fatoumata. They set the class the target of being kind to everyone, respectful and to keep the classroom tidy. There were lots of children following these targets.


Have a super weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Mrs Baird

P5/6 28th October 2022

Learning Highlights

  • We learned about Remembrance Day and made our own poppies after we found out about the Earl Haig factory.
  • We began our WW2 topic by looking at a timeline of key dates.
  • Using techniques inspired by Steven Brown we created corgi art, themed against a royal backdrop, in memory of Queen Elizabeth.
  • West Lothian Financial Network Inclusion visited to share information about their Team North Pole shoebox appeal and invited us to design a front cover for their festive leaflet.
  • We took part in a Teams Meet with Money Advice Scotland where we learned about budgeting and the cost of living.

Tricky Tasks

  • Tag rugby was tricky and we found it difficult to pass backwards.
  • During outdoor PE, the wind picked up and we found it tricky to run against the blowing leaves.
  • We found it tricky when trying to complete irregular symmetry patterns.

Lead Learner Update

Chelsea and Calla demonstrated good team work as they looked out for evidence of people working hard, ensuring they completed all tasks and they found those who were being respectful to others. Well done girls! Our Lead Learners for next week are Logan and Lily.

by Miss Boden

P6/7 21st October

Despite it being a shorter week this week, P6/7 worked as hard as always and had a great start to a new term!

Our learning highlights this week were:

  • Topic because we did an interesting STEM challenge to finish off our space topic. (pictures attached)
  • PE because it was fun and we enjoyed it.
  • Talking about good things we will be doing this term.

Our tricky tasks this week were:

  • A comprehension activity that was a bit more independent than our last ones.
  • Trying to use different strategies during our Number Talks.

Our Lead Learners this week (and the week before the holidays) were Kai and Mayah. They both did a super job at being good role-models in school and wanted to see the same from the rest of the class this week and last. The class did well to follow the lead learner targets of being kind and ambitious, which was expected as we are usually great at following our school values! We are still going to try to work on the third lead learner target of being good listeners, as it would be good to see a few more people demonstrating it consistently!

This has been a good week in P6/7, and a great start to the new term!

by Mrs Baird

Primary 5/6 Friday 7th October 2022

Learning Highlights

  • We researched and wrote recount texts about The Titanic.
  • We used craftivism to create endangered animals posters from newspapers.
  • During our Explorers topic we learned that they sometimes used Morse Code and we learned to use this ourselves. This helped to develop our decoding skills.
  • We focused on Global Goals 13 and 14 and looked at what we could do to help to take action on these.
  • We continued to rehearse our songs and speaking parts were allocated for our upcoming class assembly.


Tricky Tasks

  • Working with so many small pieces during our craftivism task was difficult.
  • We learned so many facts about the Titanic that it was difficult to put them in chronological order.


Lead Learner Update

Our Lead Learners this week were Alexis and Abbie. They did a great job of spotting people who were

  • Showing a growth mindset
  • Making good choices in the classroom
  • Being responsible with digital technology

Well done to Chelsea and Calla who after receiving the Values certificates, will be our Lead Learners next week.

by Mrs Wallace

P2/3 Week Beginning 5th September 2022

Our learning highlights from this week were:

  • Maths when we were sorting the numbers from smallest to biggest and writing them in the balloons and playing the egg game on the board against the timer.
  • Learning how dinosaur fossils were made and making our own with salt dough. It was really fun to print the dinosaurs onto the dough to make the fossil.
  • Exploring the woods and climbing trees and balancing on the slack line. We also found a deer skull and had a discussion about what might have happened to it.


Some thought that the following tasks were a bit tricky:

  • Maths when we were doing number patterns and had to work out the rule and it was confusing.
  • PE when we were passing the ball to our partner and they were trying to catch it. Sometimes they caught it but sometimes not.
  • Number talk because it was the first time we done one and there was lots of thinking and listening to each others answers.


Our Lead Learners in P2/3 this week were Ben and Connor. They set 3 targets for the class:

  • Be kind to everyone
  • Be sensible
  • Make good decisions

They spotted lots of children meeting these targets (Well done everyone!) and we had a lovely week in P2/3.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Wallace

P5/6 9th September 2022

09/09/2022 by Mrs Denholm | 0 comments

Our Lead Learners this week were Oscar and Sophie, they were both kept busy and saw lots of examples of people being compassionate to others, focusing on tasks and being respectful when others are speaking.

We also had a visit from the Countryside Rangers on Wednesday  and we took part in 5 different stations including a  blindfolded maze task, build a den and an obstacle course. They were all great fun and we  demonstrated our school values as we all tried our best, listened to the adults and each other and challenged ourselves.

Things we have been learning this week.

  • Linking compass points and angles,
  • Developing our rounding skills.
  • Learning about journeys and adventures as we read more about The Girl who Rowed the Ocean.
  • Developing our sketching skills when we designed our  solo ocean crossing boat.
  • We have been looking at Life Journeys and Pilgrimages this week and today we took time to reflect on the loss of  Queen Elizabeth 11, thinking about her life long commitment and service as our Queen. During our time discussing and sharing the various news reports about Queen Elizabeth the children want to investigate further her life journey.

We met Miss Clinkscales today, a 4th year teaching student who will be with us next week and for the next 8 weeks as part of her final placement.


by Miss Boden

Learning Highlights 9th September

Learning Highlights

This week we enjoyed topic where we were learning all about the Earth because it was interesting.

We liked doing PE this week because it was fun.

This week we also enjoyed our visit from the Ranger Service which was very fun and exciting.

Tricky Tasks

We have been trying to improve our mental multiplication this week. Some timestables are still trickier than others and we would like to continue to practice these more.

Some of us found rounding tricky this week, especially in more challenging numbers (like thousands) or when there was a 0 in the number.

Some of us found it challenging to summarise facts about the Earth into our own notes, deciding which information was the most important to include.

Lead Learner Update

Our Lead Learners for this week were Lily and Harry. This week our Lead Learner Targets were:

  • Respectful listening and talking
  • Concentrating
  • Being kind

These were the class targets for this week because they are important things that everyone in the class should do at school because they help us to achieve our school values and our best learning. The lead learners this week found that lots of people in our class were being kind and almost of our class showed kindness at some point during the week. The lead learners would like the class to try to concentrate a bit better since there was only five people spotted with great concentration.

by Miss Halliday

P3/4 – 2nd September 2022

Learning Highlights

  1. This week we enjoyed our second week working with Rob from Kids Gone Wild. He took us to Seafield Law and taught us the names of some plants and which ones to avoid.
  2. We had a music lesson from Mrs de Luen from NYCoS who taught us a song that includes 5 different languages; English, Spanish, French, Swedish and German.
  3. As a class we read a short rhyming book from the Giglets website and discovered that the rhyming words always came at the end of the sentence. We checked several other books in class and they all did the same!

Tricky Tasks

  1. We have been practising place value in maths and looking at how important it is to recognise each number’s value depending on where it is.
  2. For spelling practice we have been looking at putting words into alphabetical order. It gets quite tricky when some words begin with the same letter and we have to look at the next letter.
  3. We have been using reciprocal reading skills in literacy and have made predictions about our class novel, the Wild Robot. We’ve also been clarifying hard words and asking more questions to get a better understanding of the text.

Our lead learners this week were Amelia and Thomas who worked on looking out for kindness and respect.

by Mrs Wallace

P2/3 Week Beginning 29th August 2022


Our learning highlights from this week were:

  • Learning about 2D shapes and 3D objects in Maths and discovering which 2D shapes tile and discussing why.
  • Listening to the sounds different instruments make in the string family, through an online game where you had to find the pieces of the violin and fit it together and put the strings in order from low to high pitch.
  • Learning spelling sounds in our groups because it was quiet so I could focus and the games were fun.
  • Reading our class novel ‘The Magic Finger’ and our Word Boost story ‘Who’s at the Door’ because Mrs Wallace does lots of funny voices (especially the baby one).


Some thought that the following tasks were a bit tricky:

  • Learning about some of the 3D shapes because we didn’t know their name before.
  • Trying to throw the ball into the bucket in PE because it was quite far away. We kept trying – showing resilience.
  • Some children found writing a bit challenging but worked hard to complete their recount text about Getting Ready for Bed.


Our Lead Learners in P2/3 this week were Ellie Mae and Harris. They set 3 targets for the class:

  • Be kind to everyone
  • Work hard and do your best
  • Be helpful to your friends and teachers

They spotted lots of children meeting these targets (Well done everyone!) and we had a lovely week in P2/3.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Wallace


by Mrs Egan

P6 and P7 Residential

Some of our P6 and P7 pupils went off to school camp at the end of May and had a fantastic time.  The staff who went with them took over 650 photographs so we can’t share them all with you but here are a selection!


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