Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Mrs Denholm

P5/6 Friday 20th January

We have had a wonderful week this week with Kids Gone Wild, our class trip to Sky and our visit from our Partner Poet. Lead Learners saw lots of examples of great work.

Things that went well.

  • Our persuasive letters we sent to Aldi’s last week resulted in a phone-call  this week from the store manager donating items for our Burns Extravaganza!
  • Our trip to Sky Academy!
  • We created a film about the loss of habitats and we were able to demonstrate our skills working in a team as well as learning about what is involved in the jobs of a  camera operator, director, screen writer and producer. I think we have lots of children interested in a career in film, media or reporting.
  • We have enjoyed writing our Toast to the Lassies and Toast to the Laddies. We were lucky enough to have our Partner Poet, Colin Mitchell come in to visit as and give us guidance and tips for our Burns event.
  • We have been working on preparing our Scottish Burns Extravaganza for Senior Citizens.
  • Kids Gone Wild – we went to the woods, built dens and got to climb trees.
  • Learning our Scottish Dances with Sports Captains from Deans.


Things we need to get better.

  • Remembering the words of our poems to recite them.
  • Reading out some Scottish words and spelling and pronouncing some others.
  • Working on more complex pattern and sequences in math’s – it was a bit tricky at times identifying the pattern.

by Miss Boden

P6/7 Week Beginning 9th Jan


We enjoyed doing the outdoor learning with Rob where we made dens and learned about stabilisation. 

 We also enjoyed learning about debating and arguments and what it would be like if we ever went to court. 

 The last thing we found enjoyable was making invitations for senior citizens telling them about the Burns Supper. 



We found the Ceilidh Dancing quite tricky because there was lots of moves that we had to remember. 

Even though we really enjoyed doing Outdoor Learning, it was a little bit challenging because the wind kept on blowing our dens over. 


The last thing that we found challenging was doing the maths assessment because there was many questions to complete but we got there in the end.  



 The lead learners decided that this week’s targets were: 


Listening Skills 


We completed most of these targets but the one we have to focus on for next week most was listening skills and not interrupting.

by Mrs Wallace

P2/3 Week Beginning 9th January 2023

Tickled Pink

  • Learning about the ear was interesting because we got to learn the parts of the ear. We got to look at the model of the ear and watched a video about how sounds are made by vibrations and they are waves that travel through the air to our ear. Playing the drums with rice on top was fun to see the rice dance with the vibrations as we were making sounds.
  • Learning about the months of the year and singing songs to help us remember the order and how many days each month have. We then started making our own calendars.
  • Listening to sounds made with the boomwhackers was fun and we had to listen to see which sound was high pitch and low. It was fun to play ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ using the boomwhackers and then ‘We Don’t Talk About Bruno’ – this was super!


Green for Growth

  • Some children found it difficult to work out the correct answers to the addition sums on the maths colour by numbers worksheet. With support they were able to work out the answer and colour in the box.
  • Some of the words in our spelling test were tricky but we concentrated and tried our best.


Our Lead Learners this week are Frankie and Harris. We have had a great first week back and the children are enjoying catching up with their friends and settling back into school routines.


Have a fabulous weekend,

Mrs Wallace

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P1/2 13/01/23

Tickled Pink

  • P1/2 had a sound walk to investigate what different sounds they could hear and discussed the difference between sound and pitch
  • We had lots of fun using Boomwhackers to play Itsy Bitsy Spider

Green for Growth

  • We are beginning to read our reading books and have been practicing sounding out and blending the words.
  • Primary 2 found skip counting tricky but persevered and showed great team work.

by Mrs Denholm

P5/6 13th January 2023

We were very excited to be back together after our holidays and we are looking forward to the year ahead and all the exciting learning we will be doing.


Things that went well this week.

  • We shared our hopes and dreams for 2023, reflected on things that went well last year and things we want to achieve this year.
  • Learning about Robert Burns
  • We began planning our Burns Supper event – writing persuasive letters to Aldi and Tesco asking for donations and making invites for our senior citizens.
  • We planned which songs we would like to learn and selected our Scottish Poem.
  • We took part in our first Kids Gone Wild session with Rob.
  • We began learning Scottish dance with Sports Captains from Deans High School.
  • Taking part in evacuation drama activities.
  • We enjoyed creating models with Kapla


Things we need to get better at.

  • We have been happy to be back in class but we have been rather chatty at times this week, we will try and be less chatty next week.
  • We found some of the problem solving tasks quite tricky.
  • Some of the den making tasks were quite tricky as the sticks kept breaking.
  • We do still need to practice our Scottish dances over the next few weeks.

by Miss Halliday

P3/4 Friday 13th January

Tickled Pink

  • This week we have enjoyed getting to know our new student teacher, Miss Campbell in class. She will be with us for 10 weeks and will be taking some lessons alongside Miss Halliday. She has been very kind and friendly and has gotten to know us very well in such a short time.
  • We have been recapping the class rules and used our pupil voice to discuss the class charter and the Halliday Bucks rules. We agree that we are going to be our best and try really hard in all our work.

Green for Growth

  • We have been recapping in maths and have found that subtracting with regrouping was the hardest part. With lots of practice, we have managed to remember and even try some super hard sums on the board.
  • P3/4 have chosen a Scottish poem to remember and recite for a special Burn’s Assembly at the end of the month, We have our poems in our bags and also on Seesaw to help us learn it.

by Miss Halliday


Learning Highlights:

  • For science,  we were excited to use slinkies to demonstrate how sound vibrations move through the air in waves. We used some instruments to investigate different tones an pitches and how they make different vibrational waves.
  • We tried very hard in the Sumdog competition and managed to beat the other classes in our school with a great score.
  • For writing, we looked at our individual targets and helped each other by peer assessing using tickled pink and green for growth.


  • In maths we are learning division and how it related to multiplication. We can used counters if we want to but it can be tricky working out how to share the numbers equally, especially as they get larger.
  • We have been learning to be effective questioners in reading. This is a very important skill but it is challenging, especially because you have to read the text very carefully.
  • For PE we have been making static shapes using our bodies. It is not easy to balance properly and some of us kept falling onto our mats. It’s a good job they are soft!

Lead Learners this week were Faith and Emma-Jo. They were looking out for people tucking in their chairs, not running in the corridor and good playground behaviour.

by Miss Halliday

P3/4 Week Beginning 21/11/22

Learning Highlights

  1. This week we enjoyed working with Rob from Kids Gone Wild. He took us to our usual spot in the forest area at Deanburn Gardens where we learned how long it would take for different items to disintegrate into the soil. Did you know that glass will take over one million years?!
  2. We had a music lesson from Mrs de Luen from NYCoS who taught us a song that includes 5 different languages; English, Spanish, French, Swedish and German.
  3. As a class we looked at sounds and vibrations and how they travel through the air to the ear.

Tricky Tasks

  1. We have been practicing times tables in maths and looking at how important it is to learn them off by heart to help us with harder maths in the future.
  2. For spelling practice we have been looking at putting words into alphabetical order. It gets quite tricky when some words begin with the same letter and we have to look at the next letter.
  3. We have been using reciprocal reading skills in literacy and have made predictions about our class novel, the Wild Robot. We’ve also been clarifying hard words and asking more questions to get a better understanding of the text.

Our lead learners this week were Amelia and Thomas who worked on looking out for kindness and respect.

by Mrs Wallace

P2/3 Week Beginning 21st November 2022

P2/3 had an amazing week. Some of the children’s highlights this week include:

  • “Writing about Planet Earth to persuade Ali the Alien and his friends to come and visit Planet Earth and bring Sparkles back.”
  • “Launching our rockets outside. It was fun to see the rockets going far and then watching the videos in class.”
  • “Learning about Bar graphs – so you can see things quickly instead of having to count tallys.”
  • “Health and wellbeing was fantastic because we were learning about how to keep safe with medicine and dangerous things in the house. I liked exploring the packaging of the items to see if they were safe or not. Medicine should be stored up high.”
  • “Outdoor learning because we got to do lots of fun activities and play on the slack line.”


A couple of challenges this week include:

  • “Cracking the code in literacy was a bit tricky but after Mrs Wallace explained it then I understood it better.”
  • “The tricky sum at the end of the bar graph page because it was lots of adding”.
  • “Writing was a bit tricky when we were trying to get Ali the Alien to bring Sparkles home. I was trying to write paragraphs.”
  • “Practising lines for the nativity as I kept forgetting what I need to say.”

Our Lead Learners this week were Noel and Rosa who were super helpful and enjoyed having extra responsibilities in the classroom.

Have a super weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Mrs Baird

25/11/22 P5/6

Tickled Pink

  • We got to experiment with Micro-bits and used these to create an algorithm to make a smiling face.
  • We used water colour paints to create nativity scenes.
  • Being a rights respecting school we wrote persuasively about the importance of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child.
  • We learned about profit and loss in our numeracy work.

Green for Growth

  • We learned steps from The Lambeth Walk in dance and we are going to work on putting these together in our groups.
  • We are developing our reading strategies and have been getting better at predicting, clarifying, questioning and summarising.
  • We need to try to get faster at doing our spelling dictation tasks.

Lead Learner Update

Our Lead Learners this week were Meg and Darcey and they chose to look for their peers who were

  • keeping the classroom tidy
  • using good listening skills and
  • staying in your set when doing a task


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