Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Mrs Baird
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Primary 5/6 Week Beginning 20th February 2023

Tickled Pink

  • We started our World Book Day door designs and had fun choosing what to draw.
  • During our Kids Gone Wild session we climbed trees, made a rope swing and created an island in a pond.
  • We learned Spanish colours and put these into sentences.
  • We learned about democracy as part of our Scottish Parliament topic and then used this to vote on how we should re-arrange the tables in our class.


Green for Growth

  • We found equivalent fractions quite tricky and had to use the fractions wall to help us.
  • We had to check the tree branches carefully to see if they were strong enough to climb.  We need to keep working on our risk assessing skills!
  • We had to do lots of research before we could write our Ice Road Truckers descriptions.


Our Lead Learners for next week are Megan and Shiva and they chose to look for people who are

  • Respecting our school by taking care of the toilet areas
  • Completing the World Book Day challenges.
  • Keeping the floor of the class tidy

by Mrs Wallace

P2/3 Week Beginning 6th February 2023

Tickled Pink:

– researching sea creatures on the iPads to find facts so we can make PowerPoints to share with the class because we loved making them.

– getting to choose an activity for Children’s Mental Health Week and going to other classrooms with children from the other classes.

– learning lots of facts about farming (pigs, cows and sheep) from live calls with real farmers. We watched and listened to what they had to say then got to ask them questions.

– PE was fun because we got to do different balances and make up a routine with our partner and perform it for the class.

– judo session was really fun because we got to play games and wear the judo jacket and learn tbe judo hold.


Green for Growth:

– some children found fact families in maths a bit confusing.

– some of the balances in PE were tricky to hold, especially the one point balances.

Have a lovely holiday,

Mrs Wallace 😊

by Miss Boden
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Primary 6/7 10th Feb

What we enjoyed about this week:

  • Our visit from Destination Judo.
  • Our outdoor learning with Kids Gone Wild.
  • Buddying.
  • PE
  • Performing our assembly twice!
  • The mental health activities afternoon.
  • Our transition activities.


What was tricky this week:

  • Remembering our words for assembly.
  • The maths transition work.
  • Trying to uplevel our adjectives in writing.

We had a very enjoyable week in P6/7 and were very happy to share our learning with some family members at our class assembly – we thought it was a lovely way to end the week before the February break!

by Mrs Denholm

Primary 5/6 Friday 10th February 2023

Things that went well this week;

  • Outdoor Learning was great. Kids Gone Wild
  • Compound words in spelling and spelling activities.
  • Time activities went well using 24h clock.
  • Investigating friction.
  • Dress to express day- Express your inner ‘elf’!
  • Mindful activities with mixed classes.
  • P6/7 assembly
  • Everything!!!



It was tricky when;

  • Somebody fell going down an embankment!
  • Fractions
  • Converting 24h time and using am/pm
  • Climbing up the big hill at Kids Gone Wild.

by Mrs Wallace

P2/3 Week Beginning 30th January 2023

Tickled Pink:

  • Finishing our powerpoints about Scottish Landmarks and presenting them to our own class and then P6/7 to share our learning.
  • Sumdog was good fun practising shape questions and playing the different games.
  • Outdoor learning was good because we were sketching trees which we will do again in Spring time and compare the differences.


Green for Growth:

  • Learning about the Oceans was tricky for some children as we had to listen to a video and take notes about each Ocean. We then labelled the Oceans on a map.
  • Some children found the crossword challenging as part of their literacy circuit this week but were excited to give it a go.


Our Lead Learners are Imogen and Ruaridh, who have been very responsible and ambitious with their work. Well done!


by Mrs Denholm

2nd February 2023

Our Lead Learners – Preston and Oscar had a busy week looking at children who demonstrated good listening, good organisation and being kind. Well done to the 4 pupils who managed to do all three of these.


Learning Highlights

  • During our Kids Gone Wild outdoor learning session we put up rope swings and were using logs to cross the river.
  • Chocolate helped us to learn about different fractions and compare these.
  • We created Robert Burns fact files and had the choice of presenting these in written form or using the Publisher App on our devices.

Tricky Tasks

  • It was tricky trying to think of equivalent fractions.
  • We were learning colours in Spanish and it was quite confusing to learn another language as we were thinking about their names in French.
  • We were exploring sound and pitch in Science and we found it difficult trying to create new inventions to make sounds louder and quieter.
  • During Number Talks we found lots of different strategies to solve the Would You Rather task but it was very challenging!

by Miss Halliday
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P3/4 Friday 3/2/23

Tickled Pink

  • We enjoyed Fun Field Friday today because we get to play with all classes together.
  • P3/4 have completed work on creating Scottish Landmark posters.
  • Some of our children enjoyed being part of the pupil voice groups this morning. They got to share their ideas on how to choose their own learning activities and completed a questionnaire on pupil’s rights.

Green for Growth

  • We have been learning to write narrative stories that have an orientation, a complication and a resolution alongside adjectives which is hard work.
  • For mathematics we have been using money and calculating amounts up to £10.
  • Miss Campbell has been doing art with us and we have been drawing The Twits.

Lead Learners this week are Matthew and Faith for working hard and being ambitious.

by Mrs Wallace
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P2/3 Week beginning 23rd January

We had a braw week in primary 2/3.

Tickled Pink:

-Learning body parts in Scots was fun and then playing ‘Rabbie says…’. We also learned Heid, Shooders, Knaps and Taes and loved performing this at the school assembly. Here is a video of our practise in the classroom.


-Researching Scottish landmarks on the iPads and learning how to make PowerPoint presentations.

-Reciting Scottish poems to the class – everyone was amazing!!

-Making Bird Feeders for outdoor learning with apples and seeds. We then took part in the annual bird count and spotted a few crows and sparrows.

Green for Growth:

-Logging into Sumdog on the IPads, but with more practise we will get in easily.

-Following the steps to make origami rabbits for Chinese New Year with Mrs Lawrence.


Our lead learners are Charlie and Ben – they are looking out for everyone to be safe, kind and responsible.

Have a super weekend!

Mrs Wallace

by Mrs Denholm
1 Comment

P5/6 27th January 2022

Things that have gone well this week

  • Our Burns Extravaganza for the Senior Citizens in the village. We had a great performance and our guests really enjoyed it.
  • Writing our Burns Fact-file
  • Kids Gone Wild – we went down Deanburn and jumped in the burn.
  • Science – vibrations and sound – we investigated and created some musical instruments, made a speaker, used Recorder Pro to record different sounds and compared wave pattern.
  • Country Dancing with Deans Sport Leaders.
  • Our School Burns Assembly


Thinks we found a bit tricky

  • Multiples and Factors in maths
  • Researching  accurate facts
  • Using Publisher


by Miss Halliday

P3/4 Friday 27th January

Tickled Pink

  • Well done to everyone that practised and learned their Scottish Poem off by heart. What a fantastic effort from everyone who tried really hard and added in such great expressions. It was extremely difficult to just choose a few to perform their’s at the Assembly today, but well done to Niamh, Ryan, Isla and Jodie for a superb performance today.
  • We have been learning about fractions in numeracy this week and have been placing different fractions on a number line. At first we thought that this was difficult until we started thinking about pizza! It turns out, everything is easier when you think of it as pizza slices.


Green for Growth

  • We are reading a lot in class and have been enjoying using a range of texts and choosing our own personal choice texts for silent reading. We still need to work on signing into Giglets at home and reading that text for homework.
  • We enjoy a wee play in P3/4 at times but we are going to try our best at tidying up better or thinking about what resources (and how many) we need to use because when there are too many, it is harder to clear up at the end.

Lead Learners

The lead learners this week were Ryan and Niamh who were looking for responsible learners that have good listening skills, people who show respect by saying please and thank you and for people tucking in their chairs when not sitting in them.

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