Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Mrs Denholm

Friday 17th March 2023 P5/6

Tickled  Pink

  • We were learning Spanish numbers.
  • We did outdoor learning with Rob and went down to the burn and we put up a zip line and we found an old ball to play with.
  • We did Handball with sport leaders from Deans High school to practice for  a handball festival next week.
  • PE this week was good.
  • Pupil Voice

Green for growth

  • We also found it tricky trying to finish our reading moderation task about some text pages / book page.
  • We found some Sumdog challenges tricky this week as there was a competition and an assessment. We did win a certificate for our class.

Lead Learner update our lead learners for this week were Logan and Oscar, next week it will be Darcey and Abbie.

Our top 3 pupils who have been trying really hard with the Lead learner challenges are;

  1. Don’t talk when teacher is talking – was Calla, Shiva and Alfie
  2. Keeping our class tidy and look after resources – was James ,Coby and Alieu
  3. Working hard and try your best was –  Preston, Brodie and Alexis


Written this week by Lead Learners, Oscar and Logan  with Shiva assisting.

We are also talking to our family to see if we have any links to the names on Seafield War Memorial as a homework task as we will have a visitor coming to talk to us about it next week.

by Miss Halliday
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P3/4 Friday 17th March

Tickled Pink

  • We enjoyed having our family members join us for breakfast on Thursday. We shared a Number Talks with them that was quite tricky but the adults did well.
  • We have been learning about fair trade recently and we used Seesaw to watch a video and record some facts.
  • For art, we used pencils to draw fresh flowers. We had to look carefully at the flowers and make sure we had the propositions right.

Green for Growth

  • In numeracy, we have been recapping our times tables knowledge. The 6, 7 and 8 times tables are the hardest.
  • Comprehension was tricky on Wednesday because we had to read for information in the text and answer in full sentences.
  • We used the 4 reciprocal reading strategies this week for a narrative text. We had to really concentrate on the story to predict, clarify, summarise and question.

Lead learners this week were Jake and Emma-Jo who were looking for people who were listening well, kind to others and who didn’t speak over others.

by Mrs Wallace
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P2/3 Week Beginning 13th March 2023

Tickled Pink:

  • Taking part in the West Lothian Sumdog Contest was lots of fun. The children worked hard to correctly answer as many questions as they could. Well done to Harris, Rosa, Ruaridh and Charlie for being daily winners within the class. As a result of the class’ super work in school (and at home) we managed to come 5th place out of all of the schools in West Lothian! We scored 523 points. This is an amazing achievement – Well done everyone!

  • We enjoyed reading ‘Flora the Frog’ for wordboost this week and then learning about the life cycle of a frog.
  • We enjoyed the different literacy tasks this week – some children were stamping their words and others were spinning the wheel and having a race to spell the word correctly.


Green for Growth:

  • Writing fractions on a number line was a bit tricky. We are confident with ½ and ¼ but found other fractions a bit trickier. We will continue to practise this and use the fractions wall to help us.


Our Lead Learners next week are Ellie and Kellan!


Have a super weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Miss Boden

P6/7 Friday 10th March

Tickled Pink

We enjoyed getting the chance to share our learning and teach some number talks to the adults that visited our family breakfast.

We enjoyed outdoor learning this week and created some impressive dens.

We all worked very well in a comprehension task this week, independently using our literacy skills to show our understanding.


Green For Growth

We would like to continue to practice our multiplication and division skills because we find this quite tricky when we are working with fractions.

We would like to improve our confidence in dealing with percentages.

We found it quite tricky in writing this week as we were writing about a picture that we had never seen before but we still tried our best to describe what we could see.

It has been a good week in P6/7 and we have all worked super hard!

We would like to say well done to Sophie, who won the World Book Day potato challenge for our class. We would also like to say well done, and thank you, to Mayah and Lily who did a super job in presenting the number talks for us and our adults at the family breakfast!

by Mrs Wallace

P2/3 Week Beginning 6th March 2023

Tickled Pink:

  • Family Breakfast was wonderful because we got to be teachers and help our grown ups with the number talks. We also showed the grown ups our classroom and played games with them.
  • It was really exciting making PowerPoints about Sea Creatures – we loved showing them off to our grown ups.
  • Writing was fun because we were describing under the sea creatures and we are going to show the work to all of the teachers.
  • Learning how to do different kinds of rolls in PE – like pencil roll, teddy bear roll and forward roll. The teddy bear roll was a bit tricky.


Green for Growth:

  • Finding all of the loop cards for Outdoor Learning – we finally found the last one which fell in a gap. We then looked at the pictures and had to find the rhyming word.


Our Lead Learners for next week are CJ and Ellie Mae.


Have a lovely weekend!

by Miss Halliday

P3/4 Friday 3rd March

Tickled Pink:

  • Fischy Music workshop and school concert
  • Decorating potatoes for World Book Day
  • Decorating the classroom door for WBD
  • Using the class shop for money maths
  • Writing descriptive pieces about our favourite animals.

Green for Growth:

  • Continuing to work on times tables to get faster and more accurate
  • Using the success criteria to give peer feedback on our work
  • Listening to each other in Circle Time and not interrupting with our own stories

by Miss Boden

P6/7 Week Beginning 27th Feb

This week we had lots of exciting learning taking place! We celebrated World Book Day by taking part in school challenges and we had a great time with Fischy music visiting the school.

Tickled Pink

We were great scientists and investigated air resistance this week. We experimented with creating more or less air resistance, and used this knowledge in some paper plane experiments.

We worked really well in our maths work this week and improved our skills in working with fractions.

We worked in groups to create a realistic World War 2 radio broadcast, using our knowledge about the Blitz.


Green For Growth

We found it a bit tricky to write about the STEM experiments we created, and we are going to try to get used to using our ‘science words’.

We found it challenging to write limited summaries of our favourite books because we had so much that we wanted to say but we had to only use the key information.

Although we have grown in our fraction skills this week, we would still like to get better at converting top heavy and mixed fractions into each other.


by Mrs Wallace
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P2/3 Week Beginning 27th February 2023

Tickled Pink:

  • Writing book reviews for World Book Day and looking at all of the potatoes that people made – they were fantastic! (Photos below from our class)
  • Fischy Music was fun to learn the songs and dance moves and performing the concert with the whole school.
  • Making under the sea pictures and creatures using paper plates and listening to music whilst we were creating our wonderful work.

Green for Growth:

  • The shoe grip investigation was fun but a bit hard because some of the children didn’t know what to  write in the boxes to show their findings. For the investigation, they had to choose which surface materials they wanted to test and then set it up with a partner making sure that it is a fair test. They then made a prediction about which surface would hold the shoe the longest as the ramp incline increased and discussed the winner and linked this to friction.  They then looked closer at the different types of shoe grip that people had and tested them on the ramp with the carpet to see which shoe would hold the longest.


Have a fabulous weekend!

Mrs Wallace

by Mrs Denholm
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Friday 3rd March 2023

Things that went well .

  • Our science investigations – creating a fair test. Investigating which material is best to build a paper aeroplane  then which design allows it to travel the furthest.
  • Identifying own words for spelling.
  • Fischy Music visit and assembly.
  • World book week activities- designing potatoes and having the opportunity to view other classes, decorating our door Harry Potter style.
  • Voting for classroom layout, class novel and gala day themes – discussing voting system and democac
  • We also really enjoyed our swimming assessment at Bubbles and our mini – health champion suggested we do a fundraising event so that the upper classes could all participate in a block of swimming lessons. We will put this forward at our next meeting .

by Mrs Wallace
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P2/3 Week Beginning 20th February 2023

Tickled Pink:

  • It was fun exploring forces (push and pull) with all of the different toys and objects in the classroom.
  • The friction investigation was fun rolling the car down the ramp with different materials on it.
  • We enjoyed learning about fractions by cutting our pancakes into halves and then quarters before spreading delicious toppings on them and eating them.

Green for Growth:

  • Making our Sea Creature Fact Files were a bit tricky.
  • Some of the balances were hard in PE to try and hold with our partner but it was fun to keep trying.


Lead Learners are Ella and Noel – they will be encouraging the children in the class to line up nicely and continue to be kind and respectful to others.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Wallace

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