Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Miss Boden

P6/7 Week Beginning 17th April

It has been a great start to the new term for P6/7, with the P7s beginning their final term at Seafield PS. There has been a lot of excitement this week over our upcoming adventures next week, but we still managed to keep our focus and get some great work done!

Our Tickled Pinks for this week were:

  • Exploring the nature in our school playground with our buddies – they could tell us so much about the plants!
  • Using our measuring skills to investigate the playground in maths.
  • Using our badminton skills in PE, with good teamwork.
  • Creating interesting sculptures (a lot of clay burgers!) during art.

Our Green For Growths this week are:

  • To continue challenging ourselves with ‘missing length’ perimeter questions in maths.
  • To continue trying to ‘bump up’ our narrative writing and add lots of upleveled detail.

Our lead learners for next week are Harris and Kai, who both worked very hard this week to challenge themselves in different subjects – being excellent role-models for the class! Well done!


by Mrs Goncalves De Andrade Lawrence

Kids Gone Wild P1/2

P1/2 class has had an amazing time exploring the surroundings and learning how to be safe at all times. Check out some photos of them building dens, trail tracking, making yummy s-mores and so much more!

by Mrs Wallace

P2/3 Week Beginning 27th March 2023

Tickled Pink

  • Our class trip to the National Museum of Scotland. We enjoyed exploring the different areas including the animals, space and technology. The reaction button game was good fun and trying to pull ourselves up on the chairs and having a turn in the race car. We also enjoyed our session in the museum classroom where we got to look and touch different bones and parts of various sea creatures and land animals.
  • Researching countries and making PowerPoints that we will share with the class after the holidays.
  • Bug hunt for outdoor learning was good – we caught lots of different bugs including worms, millipede, spiders and wasps.

Green for Growth

  • Learning about the organs in our body was a bit tricky when we had to match the organ with the description.


Have a fabulous Easter Holiday and I look forward to hearing all about your adventures and activities!

Mrs Wallace

by User deactivated

P1/2 31.03.23

Tickled Pink:

  • We had lots of fun on our school trip to the National Museum of Scotland this week and loved learning lots of new facts.
  • We got to design an Easter egg and then describe in our writing using the describing bubble. We are getting really good at using descriptive vocabulary!
  • We are learning about capacity with Mrs Lawrence and have loved investigating the capacity of different containers using water.

Green for Growth:

  • We have been learning all about personal space and consent. We are trying our best to ask permission before we touch or give hugs but sometimes it is hard to remember when we are playing!

by User deactivated

P1/2 Friday 31st March

Tickled Pink

  • We had a fantastic time on our trip to the National Museum of Scotland and learned lots about sea creatures and other animals.
  • We have been learning about consent and boundaries and have loved learning a new song to help us!
  • We have loved learning about capacity and using different sized containers to investigate with water!

Green for Growth

  • We are feeling a bit sad that Mrs Bain will be leaving for her maternity leave and we will miss her!
  • We have been practicing taking turns when we are speaking and learning how to be a good listener.

by Mrs Wallace

P2/3 Week Beginning 20th March 2023

Tickled Pink

  • We enjoyed learning about the Skeleton. We practised naming some of the bones and then labelling them on our class mates. One of the facts that really surprised us is that babies have 300 bones but adults only have 206 bones. This is because as we grow, some bones join together.

  • We were mind blown by chimney sums in maths. We added big numbers together (up to thousands). With some practise of how to lay out the sums correctly we will be even more confident.
  • Learning about the seven continents for our next topic was really interesting. We listened to songs about the continents and ordered them in size – did you know that Australia is the smallest one? Following this, we have been researching some countries within Europe on the iPads and started making PowerPoints.
  • It was fun to use our imaginations for writing as we created our own Narrative text. We chose an animal for the main character and then they had a complication (which was getting stuck) and then a resolution (someone rescuing them).


Green for Growth

  • Fraction loop cards during outdoor learning was a bit tricky as some people forgot to count the total parts and were just focusing on the coloured part and then white parts. We also need to practise saying the fractions correctly.
  • Sketching flowers in a vase was a bit tricky for some children as we have not done much sketching. We also went over the different parts of plants and what they are for to help the plant grow.


Our Lead Learners next week are Rosa and Adam – well done!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Wallace!

by Miss Halliday
1 Comment

P3/4 Friday 24th March

Ticked Pink

  • We have worked so hard on our class assembly this week. We performed it to the school on Thursday and to our families this morning. Everyone did incredibly well learning all of their words and songs. Our teacher is the proudest person in all of Seafield.
  • Miss Campbell made rice crispy cakes with us as part of our chocolate topic, they were delicious.
  • For literacy, we concentrated on using words from the question in our answers, the results were fantastic.

Green for Growth

  • We are sad to say goodbye to our student teacher, Miss Campbell today. She has been with us since January and has been teaching us, alongside Miss Halliday. We wish her well with the rest of her studies and placements.
  • Using calculators in money maths wasn’t as easy as we thought, we discovered that calculators don’t like using zero to hold the ones place.
  • Trying to write acrostic poems about fair-trade.

Our lead learners this week were Isla and Emma-Jo.

by Miss Boden

P6/7 Friday 24th March 2023

Our Tickled Pinks This Week: 

  1. We liked doing stem we liked building our own Lego with guidance 
  2. P.E we liked playing bowls with a twist we used golf balls instead of bowls as we are doing golf in p.e.
  3. We liked writing as we are being creative and using our descriptive skills and writing a narrative. 

Our Green For Growths This Week:

  1. We found our maths transition tricky this week as we are doing advanced negative numbers 
  2. We found literacy comprehension tricky this week as we were proof reading different texts   
  3. We found writing tricky this week as we challenged ourselves


Our lead learners this week were Samantha and Sophie. They were looking out for ambitious learners, responsible role-models and respectful listeners. We did well with these lead learner targets but we are going to continue working on our listening skills.

This week’s blog update was written by Keela and Eleanor.

by Mrs Denholm

24th March 2023 Primary 5/6

This week our Lead Learners were Abbie and Darcey

Things that went well:

  • We took part in a Handball festival at Deans Community High school with cluster schools. We were Handball  champions!
  • Fractions
  • PE – Golf and putting  and our last handball practice before the event on Thursday.
  • Meg Stenhouse’s visit and she brought her military medals – we were learning about local  people involved in WW1 and WW2.

Things that have been tricky

  • Euroquiz – The P6’s took part in this but some questions were tricky.
  • Maths fractions
  • Comprehension
  • Topic – Scottish Parliament

by Miss Boden

WB 13th March

Tickle pinks  

PE : we enjoyed the big piggy in the middle ball game. 

ART : we enjoyed being creative and having a free choice in art. 

Outdoor learning : we loved the hide and seek game up on the hill.  

Green for growth

Maths : converting decimals, percentage fractions as it was tricky. 

Literacy and maths transition: we found maths and literacy transition a bit hard. 

Comprehension: we had to do comprehension independently, it was more challenging. 

 Our lead learner targets 




We are going to do more of being ambitious.

This week’s blog post was written by Mayah and Lily 

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