Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Mrs Goncalves De Andrade Lawrence

P1/2 week beginning 3/5/23

Tickled Pink

  • Observing our caterpillars with a magnifying glass is very interesting!
  • Creating and chatting about different ways to fly.
  • We did it! Amazing teamwork for the King’s coronation celebration. Artwork in the style of Romero Britto.

Green for Growth

  • Not mixing up signs for adding and subtracting sometimes is a bit tricky, isn’t it?

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Lawrence

by Mrs Denholm

Friday 5th May 2023

It has been a short week this week but we have been busy. We found out that Alfie has been shortlisted to the final 4 entries of our snowboard design competition! Well done Alfie. We have had to vote for our favourite of the remaining finalists and we should hear the result in a few weeks.



Things that have went well this week.

  • Outdoor learning at the burn where we developed our team work skills and practiced our balancing.
  • Maths this week learning about data handling.
  • Learning about the King’s Coronation and creating paper plate art to display for the community.
  • Creating a Coronation Celebration card to be sent to Buckingham Palace next week.
  • Learning more about the human body and impressing our teacher with our maturity.

Things that were tricky.

  • Looking and interpreting data from Pie charts.
  • Using a protractor accurately.

by Mrs Wallace

P2/3 Week Beginning 1st May

Tickled Pink:

  • We have enjoyed reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as our class novel and listening out for boost words and similes. We have heard quite a few similes since we learned about them last week.
  • We had lots of fun doing dancing in PE from different countries to link in with our class assembly.
  • We are becoming more confident with our lines for the assembly and are looking forward to practising in the hall next week.
  • We learned lots about King Charles III and made placemats for the event that is being held at the Bowling Club to celebrate the King’s Coronation.

Green for Growth:

  • Some of the children found it a bit tricky to remember the dance moves but are getting better each time we practise (well done!).

Have a lovely long weekend and I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday,

Mrs Wallace

by Miss Halliday

P3/4 28th April 2023

Tickled Pink

  • Using atlases to enhance our mapping skills and extend our knowledge of continents and countries.
  • Writing an information report, turning it into a power point then presenting our work
  • Learning to play and listen to a high D and a low D on an ocarina

Green for Growth

  • Identifying quarter past and quarter to on an analogue clock
  • Maintaining stamina and resilience when running for longer times in PE
  • Using conjunctions in our writing to extend and enhance sentences.

Jason and Jack were our lead learners this week and focused on keeping the classroom tidy and organised.

by Mrs Denholm

P5/6 28th April 2023

We have had a very busy week this week with some of our P6 children having been away at camp at Lendrickmuir until Wednesday then on Thursday the P6 children attended a sports festival. Mrs Denholm was in P2/3 on Monday and Tuesday but did manage to attend the Orienteering at Polkemment Park on Monday where we experienced every type of weather! Things that went well

The children who did not go to camp also went bowling and really enjoyed it!

We also made German biscuits, had a fitness and football session and started making placemats for the King’s Coronation.



by Mrs Goncalves De Andrade Lawrence

P 1/2 week beginning 24/4/23

Tickled Pink

  • Observing our plants growing and a bumble bee with a magnifying glass is very interesting.
  • Learning about different animals that fly.
  • Exploring the playground to look at some animals and other things closer up, and to use the vocabulary we have been learning about.
  • Magic trick with a Dandelion.
  • Fun practicing skills in the PE circuit.

Green for Growth

  • Dividing whole things into smaller parts was a bit tricky, and to match the correspondent fraction was even trickier; but we are not going to give up.
  • To work as a team and to complete the task.

Our lead learners are Oliver and Grace.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Lawrence

by Mrs Wallace

P2/3 Week Beginning 24th April 2023

P2/3 have had a lovely week. They had Mrs Denholm as their teacher on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as Mrs Wallace was away at camp with the P6s and P7s.

Tickled Pink:

  • Learning about how to look after pets for National Pet Month. We liked making posters to share with the class.
  • Learning how to use an Atlas to find different continents, countries, and cities. We also had to label some countries on our own map using the Atlas to help us.
  • Practising our assembly has been really fun and we are excited to learn more for it next week.

Green for Growth:

  • Some children found similes and metaphors a bit confusing for our literacy this week.

Have a lovely long weekend and I look forward to hearing what you have been up to when we return on Wednesday,

Mrs Wallace

by Miss Boden

P6/7 Week Beginning 24th April

  What we enjoyed this week 

    The best thing about this week was definitely camp because we got to do activities like king swing, water sports, archery tag, nightline and inflatables. We also loved the food like Oreo cheesecake, chicken burgers and the lunch. It was also a great experience sharing rooms with our friends. We were learning about teamwork skills and communication skills with our activity groups. Lots of us faced our fears of heights and got to try lots of new thing! We all had a very good time.  


The next best thing about our week was the risk factory where we took risks and got taught how to survive dangerous things. Our favourite activity that we done was the last one. 

To end this week off, we got to vote what movie we watch and the most voted one was coco. It was a great end to a great week!  

Blog post written by Samantha and Lily 

by Mrs Egan

The Awesome Squad Adventures!

Last week when some of P6 and P7 were at camp, the other P6 pupils and the P5 group took part in a lot of different activities.  The first thing that they did was give the group a name and they decided on “The Awesome Squad!”   On Monday, they visited Polkemmet Country Park, on Tuesday they had 2 sports blocks with a block of fitness and a block of football and on Wednesday, the iced some and enjoyed some biscuits and went along to Seafield Bowling Club to have a go at bowling!

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