Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Mrs Goncalves De Andrade Lawrence

P1/2 May15th

Tickled Pink

  • Buddying time on Monday was a good time to draw shapes on the ground outside and to divide the shapes into halves and quarters.
  • We are getting the hang of telling the time now, but we’ll keep practicing a bit more to embed this knowledge.
  • Our writing skills are improving as well as the confidence for writing independently. It isn’t about getting the spelling always right, but the enjoyment of writing anything we want, including our own books.
  • Finding information in the book “From Caterpillar to Butterfly” to compare to what we are observing in the classroom is amazing. We all will be able to say “Metamorphosis” properly soon, but we already know that means “change in the body shape”.

Green for Growth

  • Multiplication can be a bit scary, but we are testing different strategies and the confidence will come.


Our lead learners are Georgia and Chloe

Have a great long weekend!

Mrs Lawrence

by Mrs Wallace

P2/3 Week Beginning 15th May

Tickled Pink

  • Performing our class assembly for the school and our grown-ups. Everyone did brilliant and should be really proud of themselves!
  • Practising the times tables in maths was fun because we are getting faster at them.
  • Learning directions (left, right, forward and backwards) and telling our partner how to move when they were blindfolded to get to the fence.
  • Practising telling the time was fun – we used hula hoops outside and a long ruler to be the minute hand with a short ruler to be the hour hand. Mrs Wallace shouted out a time and we had to show it on our clocks and then write it digitally too with the chalk.


Green for Growth

  • Some of the language when we learning directions and movement was a bit tricky for some children (like clockwise and anti-clockwise, half turns and quarter turns).


Our lead learners are Harris and Imogen.


A big well done to everyone again for their amazing performance at our class assembly!

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Mrs Baird

Primary 5/6 19th May 2023

Tickled Pink

  • During outdoor learning we made a hammock, we used bug finders to look for different insects, we made a human totem pole up a tree and climbed over rocks in the river.  We brought some special rocks home to add to the playground.
  • We used biscuits to get some ideas of how we could build bridges for our Bear Scotland project.
  • In PE we learned how to use the golf clubs to do driving shots.
  • For Data Handling we conducted our own inquiries and created graphs to show the results.


Green for Growth

  • We found it difficult to find conclusions from a variety of graphs.
  • When we were making the icing sugar cement for our biscuit bridges it was tricky to get the consistency correct.
  • It was also difficult to recreate our Kapla designs using biscuits.

Our Lead Learners this week were Brodie and Alieu and they chose to focus on:-

  • Bringing homework in by Friday
  • Being kind in the playground and not saying anything mean and
  • Not talking during individual tasks.


by Miss Halliday

P3/4 Friday 19th May

Tickled Pink

  • Planted butter beans in cotton wool and water over the weekend to look for roots and shoots.
  • Quiet reading in a comfortable space – some of us took that challenge to mean go under the tables but as long as we are safe, that’s okay.
  • Learned low D, E and F sharp on the ocarina.

Green for Growth

  • Looking at 5 minute intervals on a clock
  • Using Bloom’s questions in reading to bump up our reading skills
  • Using adjectives to bump up our sentences to make them more interesting

Lead Learners were Che and Niamh and they were looking for people being kind and following the classroom rules.

by Mrs Goncalves De Andrade Lawrence

P1/2 – 12th May 2023

Tickled Pink

  • Our caterpillars are getting so big! We are very curious, but waiting patiently.
  • Our arts and crafts skills are improving as we are becoming more resilient and working very well as a team.
  • Using the Topic vocabulary to ask and answer questions is getting easier. The plenary time is the moment when everyone has a turn to share brilliant ideas.


Green for Growth

  • Skip counting by 5 is so much fun, but we are not quite confident yet.
  • Also, telling the time can be tricky if we mix up the arms for hours and minutes. However, everyone has got a plan in case of travelling back in time. ^_^


Our lead learners are Blake and Lucas M.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Lawrence

by Mrs Denholm

12th May 2023 P5/6

We have had a great week this week. The P5 children have been designing Walk to School Posters so that everyone knows that it is walk to school week next week.  Our Health and Wellbeing mini champs have also gathered together items for our clothing treasure chest and they will be donated to West Lothian Financial Inclusion Network . We will continue to collect new and nearly new clothes for children and adults.

Things that went well:

  • Outdoor Learning – making bridges and climbing!
  • Bear Scotland Teams meet and introducing a competition! Can you cantilever?
  • Math’s – Data handling and measuring
  • Writing Information reports
  • Coronation, Celebration, Congratulation letters to the King and Queen.
  • Walk to school preparation
  • Ready to Read Comprehension
  • Spelling

Things that were tricky

  • Getting all of our homework in for Friday!
  • Pie Charts
  • Writing Feedback – peer assessment – knowing targets for information reports.
  • PM comprehension


Shiva was our Special Person this week and our Mini Health Champions have had lots to do this week getting us ready for the Health and Wellbeing Showcase at Southdale Primary, Mrs Denholm and Mrs Baird were very proud.


by Mrs Wallace

P2/3 Week Beginning 8th May 2023

Tickled Pink

  • Learning about inheritance and characteristics. It was fun to do the drawing game with the Mr Men and Little Miss characters. We had to choose a mum and dad then draw our character to look like them and then the class had to guess who the parents were.
  • Learning about empathy with Mr Hamilton and watching a video about Tendi’s story about climbing Mount Everest. It was about keeping safe and the stuff you need. I liked it because I got to find out about what other people have done in their life.
  • Drawing the hands on our clocks and writing the numbers on the digital clock to match. We can now tell the time to o’clock and half past.
  • Designing our Gala Day posters for the competition was fun because we got to do lots of drawing and use the new pens to colour in.


Green for Growth

  • Learning how to do subtraction chimney sums with exchanging. It was easier when we used the tens sticks and ones cubes to show the numbers.


Our lead learners are Ella and Ruaridh.


Have a great weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Miss Halliday

P3/4 Friday 5th May

Tickled Pink

  • Reading quarter to and quarter past time on an analogue clock.
  • Making Coronation Plates that will be displayed in the Bowling Club for the big day.
  • We are very happy and proud of ourselves to be the first class to win the playground SeaBee competition. We had to demonstrate the values in the playground to gain a honeycomb to add to the wall, the first to read SeaBee with 10 honeycombs win and we got 11!! Our prize is to dress down next Friday and watch a part of a film.

Green for Growth

  • Homophones in spelling, some of the words are really difficult to remember which one is which like, vain/vein and steal/steel.

Lead learners this week were Henry and Faith who were watching out for people following the values in class.


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