Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Miss Boden

P6/7 Week Beginning 29th May

We have had a busy week in P6/7. Our P7s have been preparing for their high school transition visit days next week and are looking forward to it. The P7s have also been taking part in a transition house competition where they have made a great effort to contribute towards their house’s points by completing a variety of interesting tasks! 

Our Tickled Pink for this week were: 

  • We enjoyed outdoor learning this week and getting to explore in and around the river. 
  • We enjoyed challenging ourselves in maths this week to use our problem solving and reasoning skills to solve equations and think critically about data. 
  • We enjoyed writing this week as we were able to decide our own topics for our information report and got to share information about things we are interested in. 

Our Green for Growth for this week is: 

  • We found it challenging to complete our science investigation write ups and would like to continue to use our new science vocabulary more regularly. 
  • We found researching in topic to be challenging this week as we were researching types of renewable energy that we had not heard of before. 
  • We found it tricky to correctly pronounce the weather terms in speaking during French. 


Our lead learners for this week were Oliver and Harrison. They were looking for: 

  • Ambition.
  • Responsibility.
  • Good listening.

by Mrs Wallace

P2/3 Week Beginning 29th May 2023

Tickled Pink

  • Outdoor learning was really fun this week and we have been enjoying the lovely weather! We were learning about grid references and the rule of ‘going along the corridor and up the stairs’ to make sure we get to the right box. We played a class game of connect 4 where the children had to say a grid reference and then put a coloured cone. We have played other games in class using grid references like guess the square and introduction to the game Battleships.
  • Learning about how the land of the local area has changed over the years was interesting – we got to see Seafield and Livingston developing on the video. We then had fun exploring Google Maps, looking at the school and our own houses. We even spotted Zac playing football on Google Maps near the school!
  • The children have loved doing more times tables this week and challenging themselves. We did some colouring in for times tables and games too.
  • Learning about being safe in the sun was interesting because we learned about how sun cream is made and how it protects us and acts like a shield. The children wrote about how to keep safe in the sun and the different things you should do (wear a hat, sun cream, glasses, drink plenty of water and spend some time in the shade).


Green for Growth

  • Some of the children were working on the 8 times table and found it a bit challenging but they are excited to keep practising. The colouring in times tables sheet was a bit tricky because there were so many boxes to work out and colour in.


Our lead learners are Noel and Connor – well done!


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Mrs Denholm

P5/6 2nd June 2023

We have had a great week enjoying the sunshine and going outdoors as much as possible, we have been remembering to bring our sun cream and hats. Our lead learners this week were Sophie and Megan who were looking for evidence of great work and demonstrating school values.

Things that have gone well.

  • Learning about measuring volume and converting ml to litres, we did this outside using the water tray outside.
  • Planning in our Teams for building our competition entry for Bear Scotland.
  • Testing  and measuring cantilevers using metre sticks and water bottles to weight the cantilever, measuring out volume of water in the bottle and considering how we could make a fair test.
  • Using Bamboo run to build aqueduct structures – Measure the volume of water at the start and the end of the run.
  • Spanish – Learning Happy Birthday.
  • Outdoor Learning

Things that were tricky.

  • Dividing with multiples of 10
  • Times tables
  • Spelling

by Miss Halliday

Primary 3/4 Friday 2nd June

Tickled Pink

  • On Tuesday we went to Glasgow Science Centre and we had a great time. We went to the Planetarium and learned about the solar system. We also went to the IMAX to go under the sea. There was lots for us to touch and play with and we learned lots.
  • We enjoyed doing tennis in PE with Mrs Robertson. We did keepy uppys with the tennis balls.
  • We replanted our butter bean plants into soil. Those that didn’t grow got a new bean to try again.

Green for Growth

  • We still need to work on our French pronunciations.

Lead learners this week were Harvey and Georgia.

by Miss Boden

P6/7 Week Beginning May 15th

Tickled Pink

This week we done some problem solving for our p7s that were going up to the high school to do a maths competition. It must have worked because one of our teams got 4th place and the other team got 7th ,well done p7s!! 

We have also been working on some monster poetry with Mrs Flynn. We had to make and design our own Moster and write a poem about it. It was incredibly fun we all enjoyed it.   

In class we have been doing some DYW (developing young workforce) We were given the task to make our own festival make a site map and organise our singers, food, and stages we all really enjoyed it! 

Primary 2/3 had their class assembly it was about strictly come Eurovision the whole school got to watch it was very good. 

Green for Growth

We found the problem solving in maths a little bit tricky but we know we will keep working on these skills next week when we do algebra!


by Miss Halliday

P3/4 Friday 26th May

Tickled Pink

  • Taking notes from a video about how beehives work which we will use for writing next week.
  • Working in French and RME with Mrs Robertson was nice because she is friendly and kind.
  • The DYW afternoon in the hall and in the infant classrooms was our highlight of the whole week. We loved hearing about a lot of different jobs.

Green for Growth

  • Working on the times tables, especially the 6-9 times tables.
  • Not all of our broad beans have grown roots yet, we may need to try some of them again. Others are growing well, we may need to add less water.
  • Working on our resilience in PE and keeping going instead of stopping to tie laces, get a drink or talk to a friend.

Our lead learners this week were Mason and Ryan.

by Mrs Goncalves De Andrade Lawrence

P1/2 May 26th

Tickled Pink

  • During PE, everyone demonstrated persistence when facing a challenge to improve self-control and performance.
  • Playing to be the Sun, the Earth and the Moon was a success. We’ve played a lot to be able to describe the rotation of the Earth in relation to day and night.
  • The World of Work Week was very productive. Listening to the different people talk about their jobs was so much fun – the children really enjoyed hearing about the jobs and asking questions too. We heard from a Police Officer, Firefighter and Marine Engineer.
  • We are so much better at cutting and creating something beautiful during Arts and Crafts. We love to listen to music during this creative time.

Green for Growth

  • Resilience is something we are constantly talking about. We have been working on how to use our words to communicate efficiently with others. 

Our lead learners are Oakleigh and Leon

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Lawrence

by Mrs Denholm

P5/6 Week beginning 23/5/23

We have had a great week this week in P5/6. We have had a focus on developing the young workforce this week thinking about our skills and qualities and which jobs might suit us.

Our Lead learners this week were Alexis and Abbie.


Things that went well.

We made our bridges in our Teams using icing sugar and biscuits. We were given 75g of icing sugar and 12 biscuits to create a strong bridge that will span 15cm. We still have to test the strength of them – can they hold 5 toy cars and 10 jelly babies?


We had a Teams chat with an engineer from Bear Scotland to give us tips for our cantilever project.

We used our bridges to investigate making a cantilever with a biscuit and measure how far it went out.

TTE made a cantilever of 4cm

Project27 made a cantilever of 4.1cm

3 Koala Constructors made a cantilever of 3cm

3ngineers made a cantilever of 3.8cm

The Tulips made a cantilever of 4cm

We had a Developing the young workforce jobs question time with adults who do different jobs.

Animal Quiz on My World of work – looking at skills for work- which animal are you?

Things that were tricky

  • Making the bridge – making sure the icing sugar was a good consistency to hold the biscuits.
  • Times tables tasks
  • Logging onto Teams to complete an assignment.

by Mrs Wallace

P2/3 Week Beginning 22nd May 2023

Tickled Pink:

– Doing the Animal Me Quiz to find out our strengths and what animal we are most like for our World of Work Week. It told us about our strengths and suggested jobs for future. We then made masks of those animals to show off at our assembly.

– Times Tables work in Maths was fun – the children are getting much faster at recalling the facts.

– Dancing in PE was fun because the children got to make up their own dance routines with a partner and perform it to the class. They had to include a type of turn, travel and use different levels. The dances were super!

– Listening to the different people talk about their jobs was so much fun – the children really enjoyed hearing about the jobs and asking questions too. We heard from a Police Officer, Fire Fighter and Marine Engineer.


Green for Growth:

– Some children found writing a bit tricky this week. They were writing an information report about a career of their choice. With a bit of support they were able to write good descriptive sentences.


Our Lead Learners next week are Fatoumata and Charlie – Well done!


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Mrs Wallace

Developing the Young Workforce (DYW)

Yesterday we had a career event to celebrate World of Work Week.

We have been focusing on the 12 skills that we use regularly in our learning.

We had volunteers come in to talk to the children about their career. They shared what they wanted to be when they were younger, how they got to do the job they are doing now and what skills they use.

It was lots of fun and the children loved hearing from all of the different volunteers.

A massive thank you to the parents who came in – you were fab!

Here are some pictures from the event.


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