Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Mrs Denholm

23rd June 2023 P5/6

We have had a fantastic week this week and especially enjoyed our trip to the Royal Highland Show on Thursday.

We have won a silver prize in the bear Scotland competition – Can you Cantilever?, our prize will be delivered next week and Alfie has won the snowboard design competition and will be getting a snowboard made for him with the design. Our football team attended an event with other schools and did really well and the remainder of the class went bowling with Mrs Baird.

It was exceptionally busy at RHS and the sun was shining but we had a wonderful day. We took part in some RHET workshops looking at peat and making water filters, clay dams and art work with mud. We investigated oil seed rape and saw how oil is extracted from the black seeds. We learned about hemp as a food source and tasted some hemp flour pancakes , bread and oil and also had a delicious risotto with barley, asparagus, broad beans and peas. We enjoyed the activities at the Honey bee area , making our own candles, spotting the queen bee and tasting the blossom and heather honey! We watched different displays and participated in different activities with our groups from chainsaw carving, to ferret displays, showjumping and showing, mountain bike displays, sheep shearing and food tasting at different supermarkets. We returned to Seafield proudly wearing our Aldi cowboy hats !

by Mrs Wallace

P2/3 Week Beginning 19th June

Tickled Pink:

We have had a great week in P2/3. The children really enjoyed exploring the beebots, programming directions to move it around the mats. We also enjoyed playing different games during phonics to practise the sounds we have learned this year.

Green for Growth:

We looked at sudoku puzzles this week for problem solving. This was a bit tricky but when we worked together on the board we could figure it out.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Wallace

by Mrs Goncalves De Andrade Lawrence

P1/2 Health Week 2023

We all have had a fantastic week filled with well planned activities like taster sessions, guest speakers and the opportunity to taste different fruits.

Between some sessions, the children enjoyed Arts and Crafts more than ever. We have had lots of creative pieces of Art. We had some reading time outside and a picnic as the weather was fantastic. On Thursday, Mrs Bain and her baby boy visited us and we loved it so much!

Also, we made lemonade/limeade from scratch! All children in P1/2 had the opportunity to get lemon/lime to zest the skin, cut into half, squeeze it, add sugar and water, then taste the fresh juice! Some of them loved the flavour, some didn’t, but they all loved the experience!!

What a fantastic Health Week at Seafield PS!

 Keep healthy habits in your life!

Mrs Lawrence

Ps: lead learners are Finn and Leo





by Mrs Wallace

P2/3 Week Beginning 12th June

We have had a fantastic week filled with many exciting activities. The children have loved every event and really impressed me with their energy and enthusiasm!

The activities included: dancing, gymnastics, enjoy a ball, talk with doctor, football, martial arts, fruit salad, fitness class and today’s super sports day!

Here are some photos from our events

Our Lead Learners are Ben and Ruaridh!


Have a super weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Mrs Denholm

12th June 2023 P5/6

Health Week ! We have had a great week with lots of taster sessions, guest speakers and the opportunity to taste different fruit.

On Monday we had a session from Adam from Livingston Rugby Club and a talk from Ann who is fundraiser for Scotland’s Charity Air Ambulance. She told us there are 2 helicopters based in Scotland, Helimed 79 is based in Aberdeen and Helimed 76 is based in Perth. Ann’s job is to work in a team to raise 5.8 million pound each year to pay for the 2 helicopters.

On Tuesday we had a visit from Dr Brogan who spoke to us about staying healthy, the importance of good sleep and reducing the amount of screen time. before bed. We had a taster session from Nicole at Astrogymnastics which we really enjoyed. We then had a dance session with Emma at the community Centre.


On Wednesday we had Mrs Joanna Coull come in for fitness session and she really put us through our paces! We also made fruit kebabs with Mrs Bonner.


On Thursday we had a taster session from One Mind Martial Arts Academy and a football session at the Community Centre.


Friday is our Sports Day and we were lucky enough to have Sports Captains from Deans High School assist us.


by Miss Halliday

P3/4 Friday 16th June

Tickled Pink

We loved dancing with Emma Stewart this week, she made it fun and we loved the music.
Rugby and football were great, we liked playing the games with the coaches and trying out new skills.
Mrs Coull’s keep fit class was so hard but really fun. She kept going and didn’t need a break at all.

Green for Growth

The only thing we would change is the heat. We have loved health week this year but the school is very warm.

Our lead learners this week are Emma-Jo and Jodie.

by Mrs Goncalves De Andrade Lawrence

P1/2 Class Assembly 9/6/2023

Thank you to all the family members that attended the Class Assembly last Friday. We are glad you could see them as we do: successful learners that strive to learn more every day with enthusiasm and motivation. It was fantastic to see the children performing at their best, showing lots of confidence and enjoyment when reading the lines, dancing and singing. We are very proud of them!

Well done for taking part when making the toy parachute with the children as well. It was amazing to see you all engaged in getting the parachute designed correctly and having fun testing it outside!

I hope you have taken some photos of your child with the wings we have all crafted together. However, the most important thing is to have memories of this special day to cherish forever.

Warmest regards,

Mrs Lawrence

Ps: lead learners are Sofia and Daisy

by Mrs Wallace

P2/3 Week Beginning 5th June 2023

Tickled Pink

  • We have enjoyed learning about money and singing ‘Money, money, money’ by Abba. We can identify the coins and order them and count collections of coins to find out how much there is. Zac enjoyed exploring the coins and finding different ways to make 20p (he managed 7 variations!) and Ellie enjoyed playing a shop game on the iPad, she got 201/202 questions (WOW!).
  • Writing was fun because we got to write our own stories called ‘My Adventure with Sparkles’. We then shared our stories with the class. Sparkles was very tired after all of his exciting adventures… he went to space, the park, the zoo, football stadiums, scuba diving and more!
  • Outdoor learning was really fun this week – we played a game with a partner who was giving directions to collect objects in the playground whilst blindfolded. After picking up an object they had to bring it back to their partner. The items were worth different amounts and then the children added up their scores to see which pair got the most. It was a bit hard to hear the directions.



Green for Growth

  • Maths was a bit tricky when we were doing the treasure grid task to find the objects. With some help we managed to find them all. It is important to take our time reading the steps and follow the route with our fingers.


Our lead learners are Zac and CJ.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Wallace!

by Mrs Denholm

P5/6 Week beginning 5th June

We have had a busy week again and have been enjoying the nice weather. We have been completing our Bear Scotland competition which has involved us carrying out some STEM challenges and making out final bridge. We have also had to submit a Poster/ Power-point about our learning


We went down the River Almond for outdoor learning.

We had a visit from Senior Leadership Team from our cluster schools and they were impressed by the warm welcome they received.

Great Information Reports this week.

Our First Learning together time was held on Friday.

by Mrs Goncalves De Andrade Lawrence

P1/2 week beginning 29/5/23

Tickled Pink

  • We are so much better at recognising the sounds and blending them together for reading. Some children want to carry on reading to friends after reading to the Teacher. Let’s keep practising everyone! 
  • Outdoor Learning was definitely a fun time. We have tested our paper planes over and over to see how far they could get, how high they could fly, or just try to set them off to places like on top of the tree, over the fence and so on.
  • We enjoyed solving number stories. We wrote down the plus sign instead of the take away sign when writing the number sentence, but we’ve got the right answers. Isn’t it curious?
  • Some of our butterflies managed to get out of their chrysalis, even though they were knocked down by a younger one that just went into the chrysalis stage. We are looking after them all so they can get stronger and we will release them next week.

Green for Growth

  • Some of the P2s have found it tricky to apply a strategy to determine multiplication facts for number 5 like they have done for the number 2.

Our lead learners are Harley and Lily

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Lawrence

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