Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Miss Halliday

Primary 4 22.9.23

Learning Highlights

  • Outside exploring our area in outdoor learning where we walked around the Law and played camouflage hide and seek which was good fun.
  • We have been lucky enough to have some music lessons from Mrs de Luen from NYCoS who taught us a Hello song and how to read rhythms and beats.
  • Some of our pupils have been using their Halliday Bucks to pay to be the teacher. Miss McIntyre (Jodie) taught us British Sign Language and Mr Ewart (Ruaridh) taught us some fun games to warm up with in PE.

Tricky Tasks

  • We have been learning about tessellation in maths and using properties of 2D shapes to see which ones can tile properly.
  • We have also been completing Sumdog assessments which are tricky.
  • We have been learning to login to Glow using new passwords and we will eventually start using Teams.

Our lead learners this week are:

Ella and Jason.

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 8th September 2023

We had a great week in P1/2!

Tickled Pink

  • The children enjoyed learning more sounds and playing games to practice the sounds we have learned so far. We played a game where there was one child at the front and I held a letter flashcard above their head. The rest of the class had to do the action for this sound (silently) and the child at the front had to make the correct sound to match the letter. They were super at this! We then made it a bit trickier – the child had to write the letter on the board to practice formation.
  • 2D shape has been really fun – the children loved copying pictures using the shapes and then being creative and making their own designs by drawing around the shapes. They were then able to say what shape they used for each part of their picture. We looked around the classroom and found things that were squares, circles, rectangles, triangles and ovals.
  • For health and well being we were learning about keeping our teeth healthy and the children practiced brushing the teeth in the smartpals. The children were very excited to be given their own toothbrush and tooth paste to take home from ChildSmile.

Green for Growth:

  • Some children found it a bit challenging to draw around the shapes and say the correct shape name. We will continue to practice this to develop fine motor and pencil control.


Our Lead Learners for next week are Lucas Y and Fraser.


Have a super weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Mrs Baird

8th September 2023 Primary 5/6

Learning Highlights

  • During outdoor learning we made walking sticks, fishing rods, relaxed in the hammocks and looked for insects.
  • Some pupils enjoyed communicating and collaborating while learning about place value.  They also received positive comments from teachers walking past about their leadership skills.
  • The P6 pupils really enjoyed working with the Deans High School Sports Leaders during the handball sessions.
  • We loved having our family come in for the Family Breakfast on Wednesday and enjoyed working on up levelling sentences with them.


Tricky Tasks

  • We found writing 4 and 5 digit numbers in words tricky.
  • It has been really challenging trying to get everyone back onto glow but we won’t give up.

Our Lead Learners this week were Abbie and Jake and they chose to focus on:-

  • Be responsible
  • Follow the rules
  • Play fair in the playground

by Mr Hamilton

P6/7 Friday 8th September 2023

We’ve had a wonderful week in Primary 6/7. We are continuing with our brilliant class novel “The Boy at the Back of the Class,” which is inspiring learning around diversity, empathy, refugees and anti-racism.

Some of our learning highlights from this week:

Writing – we enjoyed continuing with our writing task to describe Syria and particularly enjoyed the video that helped us to learn about different aspects of life, people and places in Syria.

Outdoor Learning – some of us really enjoyed trying to identify different types of trees during our outdoor learning session this week.

Numeracy – we enjoyed learning how to count in thousands linked to our work on place value.

Art – we loved learning about the art of Giuseppe Arcimboldo and trying to create our own artwork inspired by his paintings.

PE – we enjoyed our handball session this week with Hannah from West Lothian Handball Development.

Family Breakfast – we enjoyed welcoming our families into school on Wednesday for breakfast.

Buddying – we enjoyed spending time with our buddies and learning together with them.

Maths Beyond Number – we enjoyed learning about shapes and finding out new vocabulary related to 2D shapes.

Some of the learning that we found a little tricky this week:

Art – some of us found drawing fruit for our art task a bit tricky.

Outdoor Learning – some of found that identifying trees was quite tricky during outdoor learning.

Numeracy – a few of us found our place value work with counting in thousands a little challenging.

Our Lead Learners in Primary 5/6 this week were Rose and Sophie. They were assisted by last week’s Lead Learners, Olivia and Brodie. The three targets that our Lead Learners set for the class were as follows:

  • Being respectful to equipment
  • Being kind to adults in school
  • Staying focused on our work

The Lead Learners and their assistants spotted lots of children in the class meeting all three of the targets this week. The trickiest target was focusing on our work and this is definitely something for many of us to keep working hard on

Well done Primary 6/7 on another fantastic week and we are looking forward to another great week next week.

by Mr Hamilton

P6/7 Friday 1st September 2023

We have had another fantastic week in Primary 6/7, with lots of our learning linked to our fantastic class novel “The Boy at the Back of the Class”. This is allowing us to consider themes around diversity, empathy, refugees and anti-racism.

Some of the learning that we enjoyed this week:

Camouflage – we loved learning to play this game during outdoor learning. Please remember that we have outdoor learning every Monday and children should bring their outdoor learning clothes, etc.

British Red Cross Workshop – we had a visitor from the Red Cross running workshops with us this week. Lots of us really enjoyed the workshop about empathy and refugees, particularly learning about Hamza’s story.

British Red Cross Workshop – We did another workshop on First Aid with the Red Cross and we really enjoyed learning essential skills like how to do CPR and help people in emergency situations.

Writing – lots of us really enjoyed our writing task about describing Syria and finding out more about this country and the civil war

Spelling – We enjoyed learning the “ie” and “ei” patterns this week.

Maths – lots of us loved learning about place value and digits.

Some of the learning that we found a little tricky:

Maths – some of the practice tasks from the text book about place value were a bit tricky

Reading – some quite tricky words to read in the texts that we were reading in class this week.

Writing – some of us found it a bit tricky knowing what to write about for describing our best friends.

We had a wonderful week and we are looking forward to another great week next week.

by Mrs Denholm

P5/6 Friday 1st September 2023

We have had a great week this week with lots of learning taking place in class.

Things that went well.

  • P6 took part in a series of workshops this week with the Red Cross where they learned about First Aid, Empathy and Migration and Building Communities
  • Some people really enjoyed challenging themselves to complete more complex add and subtract calculations. some people chose to work with numbers with numbers beyond 1000.
  • Outdoor Learning in Deanburn Gardens we spent time exploring the environment.
  • Bear Scotland Competitions – Designing a Winter Safe Logo and naming a Gritter.
  • Our Class novel – The Boy at the Back of the Class
  • Class Charter



Things that were a bit tricky.

  • Technology Trauma!! Getting everyone logged into Glow and using IDL and Sumdog
  • Some people found subtraction tricky
  • Literacy – writing task and getting used to giving feedback.

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 25th August 2023

We have had a fantastic week in P1/2. The children have settled really well and are enjoying exploring our classroom and playing with new friends.

Tickled Pink:

  • The children enjoyed learning the names of the days of the week by listening to the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and singing along with a song (first repeating each day then singing it quiet, loud and fast – loud was definitely the class favourite).
  • We have been learning different sounds and performing an action to help us remember the sound (My favourite song so far is for a – a, a, ants on my arm)!
  • We had fun in PE and Outdoor Learning, playing lots of games and being active.

Green for Growth:

  • Remembering the new sounds and writing them can be a bit tricky but we will continue to practise taught sounds daily.
  • Saying what day comes next is something that we will continue to practise to help us remember the order of the days of the week.

Our Lead Learners are Eadie and Struan. Well done!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Mrs Baird

Primary 5/6 25th August 2023

Tickled Pink

  • During Outdoor Learning we started tidying up the playground by pulling out the weeds.
  • We learned about the importance of mathematics in our lives and thought of as many occupations as we could that used maths.  We also learned about number systems used in the past.
  • We created character descriptions from our class novel ‘The Boy At The Back Of The Class’.

Green for Growth

  •  We had some tricky words in spelling and we had to work hard to learn them.
  • We did a maths assessment to find out what we still need to learn and that was quite hard.
  • It was difficult trying to remember as many emotion words as we could so we’ll do more Emotion Works activities and revise the orange cog again.

by Mrs Wallace

P2/3 Week Beginning 26th June 2023

We have had a fantastic last week in P2/3!

We enjoyed taking part in the whole school community litter pick… it felt good to do our bit to keep our environment clean!

It has been a fun week with 2 learning together sessions.. the children in my dance group done amazing and performed our routine at the end of the talent show.

The talent show was amazing – well done to all performers and those who auditioned!

I hope you have a lovely summer and I look forward to hearing lots of stories when we return to school in August.

Have fun,

Mrs Wallace

by Mrs Goncalves De Andrade Lawrence

Last week 2023!

Thank you everyone for a lovely time! P1/2 had a great last week with lots of fun activities!

I wish you all a fantastic Summer Holiday!!!

Mrs Lawrence

Ps: I hope to see you at the Gala Day

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