Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Miss Halliday

P4 29th September

Tickled Pink

  • In science we learned about forces. We learned that two of the forces are called- pushed and pull.
  • For maths we have been learning about tessellation which means tiling shapes without gaps.
  • We took part in the Sumdog  competition where we focused on number bonds and times tables.

Green for Growth

  1. We are practising our handwriting and making sure we write the letters correctly on the line.
  2. For reading. we are trying to be both fluent and expressive, this is called prosody.

Lead learners this week were Jason and Ella.

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 29th September 2023

We have had a fantastic week in Primary 1/2.

Tickled Pink

  • Everyone loved our outdoor learning session with Rob from Kids Gone Wild on Monday. We went on an adventure to explore Seafield Law. The children walked safely with their partner and demonstrated great road safety skills as we crossed each road. After we entered the nature reserve the children were free to explore their surroundings and they found a muddy puddle. Before jumping in the children had to work together to find out how deep the puddle was – they found a great stick and dipped it in to measure the depth. After deciding that the puddle was not too deep – the children had lots of fun jumping in and splashing. We had lots of fun singing ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ and acting out the different parts of the story as we went through the long swishy grass and squelchy mud. We found some autumn leaves during our walk and so later on in the week we learned about the different seasons and how trees change throughout each year. We have some conkers in our classroom that the children have been enjoying looking at and feeling. They discussed how the shell is spiky and the conker is smooth. A couple of the conkers were still in their shell and so we discussed how they come out of the shell because it dries out as it is not getting water anymore. The children have been observing the conkers in our classroom as they have started to split open and one of the shells actually had TWO conkers in it – this was very cool to witness!

  • It was European Languages Day on Tuesday and the children loved learning how to say hello in 10 different languages. The favourite was saying hello in Japanese (Konnichiwa). We also coloured in some flags which the children done a great job of, ensuring they used the correct colours.
  • The children enjoyed watching a story about shapes where the character went on a shape hunt. There was a house in the story which was made up with lots of different shapes. The children were given time to think about what shapes they could see and then paired up with a friend to share answers and then share with the whole class. The children worked really well together and they came up with so many answers!


Green for Growth

  • Some of the children found it a bit tricky to draw 2D shapes (particularly triangles). We will continue to practise this through mark making activities.
  • For art this week we made autumn trees. We drew around our hand on brown paper and then cut it out to make the tree trunk. This was a bit fiddly for some children and we will practise our cutting skills regularly. The children had lots of fun stamping the leaves onto their tree using corks and paint (the children discussed the ‘autumn colours’).


Our Lead Learners were Miah and Lucas F, who set the class the target of keeping the classroom tidy. They were happy to say that the class have done really well and we earned smiley faces from the janitor each day which helped us reach the target of 10 faces so we could get an award (we had extra play outside on Friday with bubbles, chalk, football and lots of games of tig).


Have a great weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Miss Cooper

P2/3 29th September 2023

Primary 2/3 had a great week! Here are some things we wanted to share:


Tickled Pink

  • Everyone worked really hard to learn their phonic sounds this week. Some of the sounds were very tricky but we tried our best and succeeded.
  • During Maths Week Scotland, we used our whiteboards to show off our problem solving skills.
  • We created our own obstacle courses in outdoor learning this week. We loved challenging other groups to try out the course we created.

Green for Growth

  • It was European day of language on Tuesday. As a class, we listened to Disney songs sang in the language the film was set in. We found it difficult to guess the languages, but loved hearing the songs!

Our lead learners for this week are Ellie and Leon. They are looking for everyone to tuck in their chairs, not swing in chairs and to keep our classroom tidy.

by Mrs Baird

P5/6 29th September 2023

Tickled Pink

  • We explored pulse in music and used a xylophone and a metallaphone to accompany the Lean on Me song.
  • This week in hand ball we enjoyed competing in matches.
  • We really enjoyed visiting  number game stations as we celebrated  Maths Week Scotland.
  • We enjoyed writing description texts about our favourite relative.
  • During outdoor learning we made refugee dens.
  • We learned how to check in each morning using Teams. This means we can share how we’re feeling with our teachers without everyone else knowing.

Green For Growth

  • In Maths it was pretty hard using a protractor.
  • Some people thought it was tricky creating surrealism art.

The Lead Learners this week were Che and Harvey. They chose to look for

  • people bringing in their homework
  • looking after school resources and
  • stop chating when the teacher is talking

The blog this week was written by Abbie.


Mrs Baird and Mrs Denholm were also Tickled Pink that many pupils can now remember their passwords and log into Teams independently.

Have a great weekend everyone!

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 6/7 – Friday 29th September 2023

Primary 6/7 have had a wonderful week. In school this morning, we discussed our learning during this week and decided that we would like to share the following important reflections:

Tickled Pink (things that went well):

  • Our writing task this week as we continued with descriptive writing. This week’s writing was also linked to our class novel and we were describing a favourite relative. We enjoyed this writing as we knew a lot about the subject that we were writing about.
  • We really enjoyed our buddying this week as we helped our buddies make and colour a monster number line for Maths Week Scotland.
  • We had a great time making dens and taking part in other activities during our Outdoor Learning at the start of the week
  • We enjoyed doing a crossword puzzle and learning about different words and their meanings.
  • Finally, we really enjoyed playing multiplying and dividing maths board games as part of our Maths Week Scotland activities.

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning)

  • We feel that we need to keep working hard on completing our writing tasks a little more quickly.
  • We think that we have to keep working on our times tables to help us answer questions more quickly for playing the kind of board games we were playing in class.
  • We are continuing to work on tidying up after ourselves in the classroom

Our lead learners were Shiva, Paige, James and Chelsea.  They were looking for examples of being a good role model to our younger learners, being responsible around the school and looking after our playground equipment.  They are delighted to say that they saw lots of great examples of people achieving all three targets!

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 22nd September 2023

P1/2 have had a great couple of weeks!

Tickled Pink:

  • Dancing was good fun as part of national health and wellbeing day – the children got to show off their moves in the hall with the other classes.
  • Learning the ‘j’ sound was fun because we pretend to be jelly and wobble our bodies.
  • We had our Family Breakfast which the children really enjoyed. They loved the pancakes and showing off our classroom.
  • We had lots of fun with our buddies building a house for our class owl ‘Fluffy’ (the class named him!). They could use any materials and resources in the class and they were really creative when decorating the inside – one even had a hot tub for Fluffy to relax in!


Green for Growth:

  • Counting ALL of the items in the picture was a bit tricky for some children but once they slowed down and made sure they touched one item for each number they said, it became easier. We will continue to practise this.
  • Some children found the colour mixing activity a bit confusing at first but once they were mixing the paints to make their own new colours it made sense. They enjoyed reading ‘The Smeds and the Smoos’ at the beginning and discussing why the red and blue alien had a purple baby. They were able to sing along with the colour mixing song after the paint mixing and recall that red, blue and yellow are called the ‘primary colours’.


Our Lead Learners for next week are Lucas F and Miah. They have set the class the target of tidying up ALL of the rubbish after snack so we can follow our class rule of keeping the classroom tidy (and get a Sinclair Smile so we can get a reward!)


Have a super weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Miss Cooper

P2/3 22nd September 2023

Primary 2/3 have had a fantastic short week this week. Here are some of things we have wanted to share:


Tickled pink (things that have went well)

  • We talked about what makes a good friend and came up with the qualities that create a ‘good friend’ potion.
  • We enjoyed creating acrostic poems with our names.
  • We explored lots of ways to use our addition knowledge including sumdog, dice activities, column sums and using the whiteboard and counters.


Green for growth (things we need to do to improve our learning)

  • During outdoor learning, we were using twigs, leaves and rocks to talk about place value. Some of us found this a bit tricky.
  • We spoke about 2D shapes and thought about how many sides and corners different shapes had. We found this tricky to start with but started to understand more throughout the task.


Our lead learners for this week are Oliver and Cade.

by Mrs Egan

Our first pupil voice groups of the year!

Today was an exciting one as we had our first pupil voice groups of the year!  We split into 5 groups and went off to take part in a discussion about how welcoming we feel that the school is, how we help people to belong and to think about what more we can do as a school community to help.  There was lots of good discussion and feedback about the things that we are currently doing as well as some suggestions for things that we can add to make this even better.  Thank you to all of our learners who took part so enthusiastically!

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 6/7 22nd September 2023

Primary 6/7 have had a couple of fantastic weeks before and after the long September weekend. In school this morning, we discussed our learning over the previous two shorter weeks in school and decided that we would like to share the following important reflections:

Tickled Pink (things that went well)

  • Working with our buddies in Primary 1/2 to help explain games to them and to help with attaching ribbons to the school fence to display our data for travelling to school
  • We enjoyed our outdoor learning session last week when we were exploring our local area and building hammocks, dens and discovering different types of trees
  • Our Primary 7 children enjoyed starting their transition lessons and learning about South America
  • We have been enjoying our handball sessions with Hannah from West Lothian Handball Development and our hockey sessions on a Friday
  • We enjoyed our science learning as we created (and then modified) our boats and worked on making them successfully float
  • Our National Fitness Day workout was a lot of fun on Wednesday and our Health & Wellbeing champions enjoyed helping to create and organise the sessions
  • We enjoyed our writing task about Ahmet’s journey from Syria to the UK as we worked hard to describe how difficult this journey must be for refugees leaving Syria and other countries
  • It was fun spending time with our younger learners again in our pupil voice groups this morning and supporting them to give feedback on how welcoming our school is
  • We really enjoyed learning so many different ways of saying hello in languages from around the world

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning)

  • We feel that we need to keep working hard on our writing as it was a bit tricky trying to describe Ahmet’s journey, especially trying to consider how Ahmet would have felt during the long difficult journey
  • We feel that we need to keep working hard on our place value in Maths as we know how important it is to help with lots of our number work. We also feel that trying to stay focused and on task in Maths is something that we can work on improving
  • Some of us felt that some of our reading tasks were a little tricky this week, particularly trying to read some new tricky words during our reading lessons
  • We found writing sentences for our homework a little tricky with the 2D shape vocabulary that we have been focusing on for our spelling tasks over the last two weeks

Our lead learners were Sophie, Rose, James and Chelsea.  They were looking for examples of being polite, being responsible during working time and tidying up after ourselves.  They are happy to say that they saw lots of great examples of all of three targets!

by Mrs Flynn

Primary 5/6 22nd September 2023

Learning highlights

  • National Fitness Day led by the HWB Mini Champs was fun and exciting.  It was good to get the whole school involved.
  • Hands Up Survey – it was fun to get outside and use the ribbons to create a visual display of how we travelled to school.
  • Music – listened to different songs in the Gospel Music genre and compared ‘Shackles’ and ‘Lean on Me’.

Tricky Tasks

  • Handball was fun but tricky because it was difficult to catch the ball at times.
  • Negative numbers was  a bit challenging for some parts.

This week’s Lead Learners were: Kyle and Meg.  They were looking for us to Be Responsible and Be Respectful.

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