Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Mrs Egan

Talk Money Week

Next week is “Talk Money Week” and classes will be taking part in some activities to promote the importance of teaching children about financial education.  We would love for parents and carers to get involved at home and have included a link to the Money Helper site which includes some tips for you.



by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 27th October 2023

P1/2 have had a great week!

Tickled Pink:

  • For writing this week the Primary 1s were writing what they could see in Autumn. They enjoyed exploring the autumn tuff tray with leaves, sticks, conkers and animals (our favourite was the squirrel!). The children drew fantastic pictures of things they might see in Autumn and then tried to write it too.
  • We have been learning about doctors this week as part of our People Who Help Us topic. The children have loved listening to stories and sharing their own experiences. We learned what an appointment is and had lots of role play in the classroom being receptionists, doctors and patients.
  • We have been learning about the importance of washing our hands with soap. We carried out an experiment to see what happens when we wash our hands with just water versus when we wash our hands with soap. The children loved this and made nice posters to remind people to wash their hands.


Green for Growth:

  • As part of our measurement focus, the Primary 2s were learning to measure length and height using a metre stick. This was a little bit tricky but we are going to continue this next week.
  • In PE some children were finding it tricky to bounce and catch the ball whilst moving. We will continue to practise to develop control and co-ordination.


Our Lead Learners next week are Leo and Harriet.


Have a super weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Mrs Denholm

P5/6 Seafield Primary

We have had a very busy week this week and have represented our school well by demonstrating our values of being kind, responsible, respectful, ambitious and resilient. Well done P5/6

Things that have gone well;

  • During outdoor learning we have been investigating clean water. We made water filters and also learned about the importance of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development.
  • In our writing we were researching and planning an information report about refugees.
  • In Maths we were learning about perpendicular and parallel lines and we also learned about equivalent fractions, creating these using playdough was lots of fun!
  • Our IDL topic this term is to create a business enterprise and we have been working together and developing many meta-skills while we have been creating and planning our enterprises in 3 groups.  We wrote letters to the Community Centre Management Community asking for a loan to start up our businesses and we also plan to make our business sustainable by using recycled products too.


Things that have been tricky:

  • We have been multiplying to find equivalent fractions and this has been tricky at times.
  • Using dictionaries to write definitions and sentences with our Word Boost words was difficult.
  • It was also very challenging trying to find information online about refugees to help us write our information report plans.

 Lead Learner Update

Our Lead Learners this week were

They chose to focus on

  • Coming prepared for school
  • Trying not to chat across the table and
  • Being ambitious

by Miss Halliday

Primary 4 27.10.23

Tickled Pink

  • We enjoyed writing an information report about Seafield Village this week. We all had a title, a general statement, descriptions and an evaluation and they were excellent!
  • In outdoor learning we explored our local area in preparation for our report writing. We went to the bing and had a walk through the forest area and played camouflage hide and seek.
  • Each maths group had a Sumdog competition, the winners are: Harris, Kellan and Jodie!

Green for Growth

  • We feel that we can do even better in PE next week, especially with our listening skills but we know we can do it.

Lead learners this week were Kellan and Jack.

by Mrs Wallace

Primary 1/2 20th October 2023

Tickled Pink

  • We started looking at measure in maths and had fun measuring the height of beanstalks using interlocking cubes.
  • We enjoyed playing different games during literacy, especially the popcorn game. One person is the teacher and chooses a piece of popcorn(scrunched up paper with letter or word on it), then they read it to the student and they have to write it on the whiteboard and then the teacher checks it.
  • We had a great circle time to talk about our next topic, People Who Help Us. The children identified some people who help us and spoke about what they know about them already and this helps plan what we want to find out.


Green for Growth

  • In writing this week we were focusing on adding detail to our drawing and life-like hands. Some of the children found this tricky so we will keep practising.
  • Some children found addition a bit tricky, we are going to keep working on this to increase confidence.


Our lead learners next week are Daisy Rymel and Ernest Gasior.

by Miss Cooper

Primary 2/3 20.10.23

Tickled Pink:

  • We have been working on our addition this week and explored using numicons to make addition sums up to 20.
  • We created an information report about Autumn where we wrote about the leaves falling off trees and squirrels.


Green for Growth:

  • We started practising our ball skills in P.E.  this week and found controlling the ball with our foot quite challenging.
  • We did a spelling test this week covering our previous phonic sounds which was a bit tricky.

Our lead learners this week are Ellie Mae and Lily. They are looking for the following:

  • Pushed in chairs
  • Keeping our classroom tidy
  • Neat handwriting.

by Miss Halliday

P4 20.10.23

Tickled Pink

  • We created leaflets and posters about Seafield Primary School as part our Information Report writing task. We used lots of our core skills like punctuation and spelling as well as looking at the genre targets.
  • P4 created book reviews about ‘How I Became a Dog Called Midnight’ and displayed these on the wall. A lot of us enjoyed the class novel and would recommend it to others.
  • We did gymnastics with Mrs Robertson in PE, we were learning about basic poses like the tuck, pike, straddle and the str.

Green for Growth

  • We found numeracy tricky because we have been practising doing chimney sums and some of us forgot how to do it.
  • Comprehension was tricky because we have to answer in full sentences.

Lead learners this week were Frankie and Ryan.

by Mrs Baird

Primary 5/6 Friday 20th October 2023

Tickled Pink

  • In Outdoor Learning we had a choice of what to do in the playground.  Some of us chose to build dens, others chose to do gymnastics and others chose ball games.
  • We started to learn about fractions. We had to think about how we could share out bars of chocolate, we even got a little taste afterwards!
  • We finished reading The Boy at the Back of the Class.  It was a great novel but there were lots of sad parts as well as funny parts.
  • We had lots of great ideas during our pupil voice groups.

Green for Growth

  • Using a ruler and protractor to draw shapes was very tricky.
  • We found it tricky trying to learn about the numerator and denominator in a fraction but a song helped us.

Lead Learners this week were Niamh and Henry and they chose the following targets:-

  • Use a ruler correctly
  • Don’t fight and
  • Pay attention in class

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 6th October 2023

It has been another super week in Primary 1/2! The children were really excited to show off their work to their grown ups as part of Parents Consultations. It was so lovely to talk to the grown ups and share how well the children have settled in to our class routine and discuss their fantastic learning so far.

Tickled Pink

  • “Reading the Three Little Pigs was good fun because we got to cut out our own puppets and put them on the lollipop stick”. The children listened really carefully and were able to answer lots of questions and sequence the events of the story. I loved hearing the voices of the little pigs and big bad wolf when they were acting out the story!

  • “Making rockets with our buddies was so fun and Fluffy the owl used them to fly to the moon!” All of the children were really engaged with this task – they had to choose their own resources from junk modelling and then with the support of their buddy they constructed their rocket. The children were super excited to show off their work to the classes! We discussed the skills that we were using through this task (Creativity, Collaboration and Communication were the main 3 that we identified).



Green for Growth

  • “Remembering the shapes is a bit tricky”. We have been looking at 3D shapes this week. The children have been learning their names and exploring the 2D faces within. We had fun stamping with the 3D shapes to see what 2D shapes they made. The children also loved looking for cylinders and cubes within our classroom. Sphere is the shape that they were finding tricky to remember, so we will continue to look for them in our environment and naming them regularly.


Our Lead Learners for next week are Lucas Mackie and Olivia Johnson.


Have a fantastic October break, I can’t wait to hear all of the children’s stories when we return on Tuesday 17th October!

Mrs Wallace

by Miss Halliday

Primary 4 Friday 6th October

Tickled Pink

  • In music this week, we were learning about pitch and tone. We learned the pitches were called So, Mi and Do and played some games to test each other with them.
  • We did some free writing about anything we liked which was fun. We like to have free choice sometimes but we still keep an eye on the core targets to make sure we are on track with our learning targets.
  • We used toy cars in science this week when we learned about forces. We looked at the force called friction, this is when a surface slows down or stops a motion. We found that wool has the most friction and smooth wood had the least friction on our toy cars.

Green for Growth

  • In PE, we finished our block of handball with Mrs Robertson and our block on hockey. We have enjoyed doing these and wish they could continue longer.
  • In RME we have learning about the Torah, this is a special book for Jewish people. We thought some of the words were really tricky to say out loud.
  • For reading, we have been practising prosody, this means fluency and expression. This can be hard but it is getting easier every time we practise it.

Lead learners this week were Charlie and Harris.

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