Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 10th November 2023

Tickled Pink:

– The children have enjoyed learning about money as part of the UK’s Talk Money Week. We have been exploring the coins and notes and learning to identify them. We set up a shop in the classroom and the children have loved buying/selling things.

– We learned about Remembrance Day and why people wear poppies. Some of the children shared stories about their family members and what they know about Remembrance Day.

– We have started learning the songs for our Nativity ‘Donkey for Sale’. We are super excited and the children have been fantastic!! They found out their role today too.


Green for Growth:

– Some children are finding it a bit tricky to identify the coins.

– We have been learning a new tricky word today ‘was’… some of the children found it a bit challenging as they can’t sound it out and blend it because the a makes an o sound. We will continue to practise this.


Lead learners next week are Struan and Lucas F.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Mrs Egan

Remembrance Service

P5 – P7 took part in a Remembrance Service today which was led by Rev Boyd from Blackburn and Seafield Church.  Our young people were a real credit to our school, they participated respectfully and represented us extremely well.

by Miss Cooper

P2/3 10th November 2023

Tickled Pink:

  • This week was Talk Money week so as part of our topic Local Jobs and Places we work, we decided to create our own shop. We had lots of fun working out what we could buy with our money and how much change we needed to give.
  • We started learning the songs for our Nativity! We are impressing Miss Cooper and Mrs Wallace with our fabulous singing skills.
  • During outdoor learning, we found lots of symmetry in our playground and were able to take pictures of these.


Green for growth:

  • Some of us were working on counting on during addition and found it a bit tricky to keep the big number in our head.
  • During our information report writing on ducklings, some are finding it tricky to write something for each feature of the report.

Our lead learners for this week are Harley and Oakleigh.

by Mrs Denholm

P5/6 Blog Friday 10th November 2023

Things that went well.

  • We took part in a Kids Gone Wild session where we were set the challenge of creating a shelter, fire area and a plan for sourcing clean water .
  • It was computer science week and we took part in some online Teams sessions, to create our own game, we looked at  coding and algorithms and worked together in groups to create our own dance algorithm sequence.

  • We have secured a loan from Seafield Community Education Centre to start us off on our Enterprise Project.
  • We took part in tasks relating to Talk Money week.
  • Visit from Rev Boyd and we made some crosses for the Remembrance Service on Friday.
  • We attended the Remembrance service on Friday and represented our school well.

Things that were Tricky.

  • Some of our Maths word problems were tricky as there were several steps to work out before the final answer.
  • It was quite tricky researching and recording our reliable sources  for a UNCRC writing task.
  • Some people found the algorithm sequence  of steps tricky especially when working in a bigger group.



by Miss Halliday

Primary 4 10.11.23

Tickled Pink

  • We learned about where money came from and how it has changed over time as part of Talk Money Week. We designed our own banknotes and discussed the special design features that notes have to stop people trying to forge them.
  • For writing we did research on a famous person and wrote and information report about them. Some of us chose footballers, singers and actors.
  • In health and wellbeing we are focusing on neurodiversity and learning about it through a programme designed by the University of Edinburgh.

Green for Growth

  • We have started learning Scottish Dancing as in PE. It is really tricky remembering all of the moves and keep in time to the music at the same time.

Lead Learners this week were Harris and Abi.

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 6/7 – Friday 3rd November 2023

Primary 6/7 have had a fantastic week. On Friday morning, we discussed our learning during the week and decided that we would like to share these thoughts about how our week went:

Tickled Pink (things that went well):

  • We enjoyed our Halloween games for PE this week
  • We really enjoyed our first drumming session in Music this week
  • We all really enjoyed our Drama lesson where we created scripts for a fairy tale
  • In Art, we loved creating artwork in the style of Picasso
  • We really enjoyed finishing our first Information Report on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child this week as well as our free writing activity

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning)

  • Some of us felt that we need to develop our researching skills to help us prepare for writing an information report
  • A few of us reflected that we need to keep working hard on developing our learning about money in Maths
  • We felt that we need to keep working on developing the level of detail in our writing

Our lead learners were Alexis, Caleb, Logan and Alfie.  They looking for examples of the following targets that they set for the class; be responsible when walking through the school building, focus more on our work and be kind and responsible in the playground.  Our lead learners spotted lots of our class meeting those targets which is great news. Well done for a fabulous week P6/7.

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 3rd November

We have had a fantastic week with lots of fun Halloween activities. The children loved dressing up today for ‘We Scare Hunger’ and made lots of donations for our Kindness Cupboard (Thank you!)

Tickled Pink:

– The children enjoyed using the oil pastels to do some pumpkin pop art. The pumpkin was split into sections with different patterns (spots and stripes) which they coloured neatly, making sure they stayed in the lines. They turned out super!

– In maths we did some spooky Halloween word problems for addition and also done some estimating to guess how many eyeballs were in the jar. We spoke about accurate guesses and then counted them together (there was 41 in total!)

– We enjoyed making firework crafts with our buddies and learning how to be safe with sparklers and bonfires.


Green for Growth:

– Some of the children found writing a bit tricky this week as they had to finish sentences about the witch. We are going to continue working on sounding words out to help us spell them.


Our Lead Learners next week are Emma and Lilidh.


Have a super weekend and stay safe!

Mrs Wallace


by Miss Cooper

P2/3 3rd November 2023

Primary 2/3 has had a fantastic week!

Tickled pink:

  • We have been continuing to work on our addition and working hard on trying different strategies. Some of us have been finding the missing number in sums up to 50, and others have just finished learning about more than, less than and equal to.
  • We all looked amazing in our Scare Away Hunger clothes and donated lots to our kindness cupboard and food bank.

Green for Growth:

  • We researched facts about different jobs. We enjoyed it but it was tricky to write down all the facts we found out.
  • We started learning about symmetry this week. We struggled remember to draw all the lines but still enjoyed learning about what shapes were symmetrical.

Our lead learners this week are Fatoumata and Grace. They are looking for pushed in chairs, rubbish being picked up and being resilient.

by Miss Halliday

Primary 4 Friday 3rd November

Tickled Pink

  • In science we learned about forces. We learned that magnets have a force and we sorted out magnetic and non magnetic materials into categories.
  • For maths we have been learning about symmetry. We used mirrors to find lines of symmetry in different shapes.
  • Primary 4 are in trouble with their teacher! They wrote absolutely terrifying spooky stories for Halloween and now Miss Halliday can’t sleep at night after reading them!

Green for Growth

  1. We are practising our handwriting and making sure we write the letters correctly on the line.
  2. For reading. we are trying to be both fluent and expressive, this is called prosody.

Lead learners this week were Noel and Connor.

by Mrs Baird

Primary 5/6 3rd November 2023

What an exciting week we have had in P5/6!


Tickled Pink

  • We had our first resilient drumming session.  As you can see from the photos we all found it tremendous!
  • In PE we played a variety of Halloween games and Julia taught us a new game.
  • We learned to convert fractions into decimals, a catchy song helped us remember this.

Green for Growth

  • We found decimals tricky to start with but they got easier throughout the week.
  • In our business groups we were trying to decide on a product to make but it was difficult trying to listen to everyone’s  ideas and write down possible resources, prices etc.
  • During our Fractions Talk task it was tricky trying to work out what fraction of the shape was coloured.

Lead Learner Update

Our Lead Learners this week were Isla and Darcey and they were focusing on:-

  • Being prepared for outdoor learning
  • Being respectful and
  • Trying to focus and not shout across the table

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