Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Miss Cooper

P2/3 01.12.23

Primary 2/3 have had a fantastic week.

Tickled Pink:

  • We got an opportunity to see a sneak peek of the Primary 6/7’s class assembly which we all enjoyed. We thought their singing was amazing!
  • We’ve been continuing to practice our nativity. this week with the microphones. We can’t wait to show our show to all our grown ups!
  • We started our PowerPoint presentations about different jobs this week. We’re really excited to finish these.


Green for growth

  • One of our math groups were working on adding two digit numbers together with regrouping. At first we found this a little difficult but we kept practicing!

Our lead learners are Lily and Sofia.

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 6/7 – Friday 24th November 2023

Primary 6/7 have had an excellent week as we have continued to practise for our class assembly. On Friday morning, we discussed our learning over the week and decided that we would like to share these reflections about our learning:

Tickled Pink (things that went well):

  • We enjoyed taking part in our outdoor learning activity this week as we decided to collect data about vehicles travelling through Seafield. We will work with this data over the next couple of weeks and consider how to display and analyse it.
  • We had a wonderful time during our buddying session with Primary 1/2 this week, taking part in colourful science activities to consider how water helps colours to move around
  • We really enjoyed our Tag Rugby sessions in PE as we continue to work on passing and movement
  • We appreciated being able to choose our own topics to research for an information report in Writing this week
  • In Maths, we enjoyed starting to learn about negative numbers

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning)

  • Some of us feel that it was a little tricky finding the information that we needed for our information report in Writing
  • A few of us reflected that we found our Maths work on Thursday a little difficult
  • Some of us found parts of the online Primary 7 assessments that we were doing this week a little tricky

Our lead learners were Rose, Brodie, Alieu and Oscar.  They were looking for examples of the following targets that they set for the class; to be polite, to show respect to others and to demonstrate a good focus on our work.  Our lead learners observed many of the children in class meeting those targets, which is great news. Well done for a fantastic week, P6/7.

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 Friday 24th November 2023

Tickled Pink:

– We have started practising our nativity in the hall this week and the children are doing fantastic with their lines and singing!

– We enjoyed learning how to do different types of rolls in PE… the favourite was the teddy bear roll. The children all tried very hard and made sure that they were performing safe movements.

– We celebrated science day (which was on 10th November) with our buddies by carrying out some experiments. We made our own walking rainbow and done the skittles experiment.
The walking rainbow is formed by the water moving up the paper towel known as Capillary Action. The colours come from the pen that we drew on the edges and dipped into the water.

The skittles experiment is a result of the warm water dissolving the sugar shell and it demonstrates concentration gradient as the sugar moves to a lower concentration. The colour from the shell moves and with the sugar and creates a rainbow wheel.

Green for Growth:

– Some children found it challenging to remember the tricky words that we have been learning… we will continue to practise these.

– Some children are writing some of the numbers backwards, we will continue to focus on correct formation.


Our Lead Learners next week are Olivia and Eadie!


Have a super weekend,

Mrs Wallace


by Mrs Baird

24th November 2023 Primary 5/6

We’ve had a great week in P5/6!

Tickled Pink

  • In PE we prepared for our I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here challenge next week by working on various fitness moves including Jumping Joeys (star jumps), Dunny Squats and Tricep Dingo Dips. Many children asked for this to be added to Teams so they could try it out at home so you may be encouraged to join in!
  • We finished our block of work on Fractions by creating posters which showed what we had learned.
  • As it was Road Safety Week, during Outdoor Learning we investigated car stopping distances.
  • We had our last Resilient Drumming session where we put on a performance.  Unfortunately the video clip was too big too add to this post.


Green for Growth

  • We were creating information reports about different occupations to make a book for the P1/2 class and Mrs Wallace and it was tricky choosing what occupation to write about.
  • It was tricky trying to convert mixed numbers into improper fractions.
  • When we were looking at stopping distances we also counted drivers who were either smoking or using their mobile phones.  This is something we would be interested in investigating further.

Lead Learner Update

Our Lead Learners this week were Julia and Harvey and they chose to focus on

  • looking after the resources on our desks
  • being respectful while others are talking
  • staying on task

The pupils also chose to spend their dream team dollars (class currency) on 10 minutes free time today.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

by Miss Cooper

P2/3 24.11.23

Primary 2/3 have had a great week!

Tickled Pink:

  • Some of us have been working hard doing addition using the column method. It was a little tricky at first but we were resilient and kept going!
  • We’ve been enjoying improving our hockey skills in P.E.
  • It’s been Road Safety week and we spoke about how to be safe when crossing the road and made our own posters on how to be safe.


Green for growth:

  • We’ve been practicing our Nativity and just need to make sure that we are singing in time.
  • Some of us have been adding several single digits together in maths and have been finding this very tricky. We will keep practising though.


Our lead learners this week are Finn and Ellie Mae.

by Miss Halliday

P4 – 24.11.23

Tickled Pink

  • In science we learned about forces. We learned that two of the forces are called- pushed and pull.
  • For maths we have been learning about symmetry, how to draw and identify the lines of symmetry.
  • We took part in the Sumdog  competition where we focused on number bonds and times tables.

Green for Growth

  1. We are practising our handwriting and making sure we write the letters correctly on the line.
  2. For reading. we are trying to be both fluent and expressive, this is called prosody.

Lead learners this week are Zac and Adam.

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 Friday 17th November 2023

We have had a fantastic week celebrating Anti-Bullying Week and Book Week!

Tickled Pink:

  • For Anti Bullying Week we learned all about being kind and designed a sock as part of our school competition.
  • For Book Week we have explored the books within the bags and completed related tasks – the children’s favourite was ‘Penelope Snoop – Ace Detective’ and they got to be detectives using the magnifying glasses to see the tiny words. The children also enjoyed learning about different types of bears after reading ‘Five Bears’ and drawing a bear following the instructional video. We had a great time at our Teddy Bear Picnic and loved having the grown ups in to explore the book bags further. We also had a visit from an author this week who read her story ‘The Ladybird who Found her Spots’. The children loved listening to the story and drawing their own bugs.
  • We have been learning about the Police this week as part of our topic – People Who Help Us. We made our own Police Badges and learned about finger prints. Today we had a visit from a Police Officer who let us hold the handcuffs and baton. We then done some role play in our class police station.

Green for Growth:

  • Some children found maths a bit tricky this week – we were focusing on number bonds of 2, 3, 4 and 5.
  • Some children found PE a bit tricky as we were dribbling with our feet and trying to pass the ball to our partner.


Lead Learners next week are Evie and Ryan!


Have a great weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Miss Cooper

P2/3 17.11.23

Primary 2/3 have had a really busy week with it being both Scottish Book week and Anti Bullying week!

Tickled Pink:

  • We had a lovely teddy bear picnic this week. We shared our teddies names and answered questions about them.
  • We all enjoyed receiving our Read, Write, Count bags at the end of our amazing Scottish Book week and had lots of fun showing our goodies off to our grown ups!
  • As part of Anti Bullying week, we discussed what bullying is and how there is different types of bullying. Some of us also wore odd socks on Odd Sock day to raise awareness!
  • We had a special visitor into class on Thursday. An author came to read her story about a ladybird with no spots which we all loved.


Green for growth:

  • We had a great time doing outdoor learning with Rob from kids gone wild but after going up the Bing, we were all too tired for the walk back to school!
  • When drawing our special people after reading the P3 read, write, count book “All kinds of friends”, we tried our best to not draw stick people and add features to our people which was quite tricky for some.

Our lead learners for this week is Leon and CJ.

by Mrs Denholm

17th November 2023 P5/6

We have had a busy week this week as it has been Anti Bullying week and Scottish Book week. With our Rights Respecting Team we are Learning about Article 19. Our Lead Learners Georgia and Jake have been kept busy identifying all the children who are being great learning ambassadors for our school.

Tickled Pink

  1. We really enjoyed our outdoor learning this week when we were creating outdoor sports challenges, there was some timed strength tasks, a cross country circuit with water jumps and a moss trampoline!
  2. We took part in an Anti Bullying live lesson and created our own Anti bullying poster and wore odd socks this week for Anti Bullying week.
  3. We celebrated Scottish Week and entered a book cover design competition.
  4. We created some lovely fractions art.
  5. Our enterprise project.
  6. Our Drumming session


Green for Growth

  • Adding and subtracting fractions
  • Dictionary work for some of us
  • Times tables

by Miss Halliday

Primary 4 16.11.23

Tickled Pink

  • We made our own compasses in science using a magnet, water and a plastic lid. We learned that the north pole in a magnet always faces north when it floats in water.
  • For Scottish Book week we used our prediction skills to write our own endings to the class novel ‘The Wild Robot Protects’.
  • For Anti Bullying week, we learned that bullying is not just a one off incident, it is when someone is wanting to hurt us more than one time and on purpose.

Green for Growth

  • We did den building in outdoor learning. Working in teams was tricky when we didn’t communicate with each other or when one member didn’t want to listen to ideas.
  • Maths has been had, we are learning the times tables and they are tricky to memorise.
  • In PE, we have been learning the Canadian Barn Dance and the Military Two Step.

Lead Learners this week are Ben and Jodie.

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