Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 6/7 – Friday 15th December 2023

Primary 6/7 have had a fantastic week with lots exciting learning and some activities linked to the forthcoming festivities. On Friday morning, we discussed our learning over the week and decided that we would like to share these reflections about our learning:

Tickled Pink (things that went well):

  • We enjoyed practising our times tables during our mental maths activities this week
  • We all enjoyed our festive story writing for our buddies as we began to redraft and create the books which we will give to our buddies
  • We all engaged well in our outdoor learning sessions on Monday, the Primary 7s with Rob and the Primary 6s with Mr Hamilton
  • We enjoyed the mental maths work that we did which involved flipping the tables in the classroom
  • We really enjoyed our Tag Rugby games again in PE and worked hard to involve everyone in our team and to focus on safety
  • We enjoyed our Christmas dinner in school on Wednesday and loved seeing the P1-3 dress rehearsal of their amazing nativity, “Donkey for Sale”

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning)

  • Some of us feel that we need to keep working on our data handling skills in the maths work we did with Mr Hamilton this week
  • A few of us felt that the times table work in mental maths was a bit tricky as we need to work on our speed of recall
  • Some of us found our fitness session in PE with Mrs Donald challenging (and tiring!)

Our lead learners were Lily, Jessica, Paige and Coby.  They were looking for examples of the following targets that they set for the class; be kind to all of your peers, be ambitious in your story writing and keep resources clean and tidy.  Our lead learners saw lots of the children in class meeting those targets, which is wonderful news. Well done for a great week, P6/7. This will be our last blog post before the holiday, so we would like to wish all of our families a very happy Christmas.

by Miss Cooper

P2/3 Friday 15th December 2023

Tickled Pink

  • Our class had our Nativity performances this week and although we were a little nervous to perform, we loved showing off all our hard work.
  • We have started looking at subtraction and did lots of activities and created a poster about what we already knew about subtraction.
  • We enjoyed hearing the story from Mr Walsh today and wearing our festive wear!


Green for growth

  • We did a maths assessment this week about what we have learnt about addition this term. We found some of the questions a little tricky but we worked really hard.
  • Today, we followed a video about making paper snowflakes. We struggled a little to cut through the paper as it was all folded up but we kept trying and made beautiful snowflakes.

by Mrs Baird

P5/6 Friday 15th December 2023

Tickled Pink

  •  In Maths, symmetry was good using mirrors to help us create symmetrical designs.
  •  Outdoor learning was fun.  We enjoyed jumping in ‘Bonners Battle Bog’ in the muddy swamps with our muddy boots.
  • In PE we played an outdoor Cluedo type game where we had to do laps of the kick pitch to find out ‘Who Killed The Christmas Turkey?’

Green for Growth

  • In our enterprise business some of the groups struggled to get along with each other and make decisions.
  • We found it tricky to use a pair of compasses to draw circles.
  • We’ve had to work really hard to get our enterprise products finished.

We are looking forward to having lots of parents visit our class on Wednesday to hear all about our enterprise topic and hopefully buy our products!


Blog post written by Henry and Kyle.

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 Friday 15th December 2023

We have had a very exciting week in Primary 1/2!


Tickled Pink:

– The children were shining stars during our nativity performances! The sang beautifully and looked amazing in their costumes. We hope the audience enjoyed it as much as we did!!

– In maths we had a snowball fight which the children loved… the sums were printed on snowballs and scrunched up and thrown about. The children had to get a ‘snowball’ and work out the answer and record it on their sheet next to the correct number.

– We have enjoyed doing some Christmas crafts over the week too and are looking forward to taking them home next week.

– The children have loved exploring our Christmas Post Office in our role play area. Making pictures, putting them in envelopes, writing names and then posting it in the post box. We have had some great deliveries from the post office as the children acted out being a ‘postie’.


Green for Growth:

– Some children found the snowball fight maths a bit confusing when it came to recording their answer.
– Some children found their sound a bit tricky this week ‘th’ as it sounds quite similar to ‘f’ sometimes. We will keep practising reading our sounds and writing words that have the sound in it.


Have a lovely weekend and Well done again to all children for taking part in our nativity – you are all superstars!!

Mrs Wallace

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 Friday 8th December 2023

We have had a great week in Primary 1/2.

Tickled Pink:

  • We enjoyed making our own weather charts this week – recording the weather each morning, after break and after lunch. We discussed how the weather changes a lot in Scotland throughout the day and how it is important to dress appropriately.
  • We have been focusing on number bonds in maths and the children loved playing ‘Candy Canes and Fairy Lights’ (our Christmas version of snakes and ladders). The children have to move their counter and answer the sum that they land on. If they land on a snowman they can climb up the candy cane…but if they land on an elf they need to slide down the fairy lights.
  • We are super excited for our Nativity next week – rehearsals have been going really well and we wore our outfits one day!

Green for Growth:

  • Some children are finding the tricky words quite hard to read and remember because they are not words that sound like how they are spelt.
  • Some children found reading comprehension a bit tricky – they needed to find the missing word in the text and copy it. With support, the children are able to find the words and also orally answer the questions.


Our Lead Learners next week are Leo and Perri,


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Mrs Denholm

P5/6 8th December 2023

We have had another busy week this week preparing for our Enterprise showcase and practicing our songs for our Christmas assembly. Our Lead Learners , Niamh and Kyle have been kept busy identifying all the super learning.

Tickled Pink – Things that have gone well.

  • Outdoor learning activities this week were playing team games –  the best was a huge class game of hide and seek!
  • Microbits – North Pole Finder challenge
  • PE – Fitness tasks and a Celebrity Jungle Challenge
  • Picking a Christmas Advert and looking at how advertisements can help sell a product or service.
  • Brass – new children starting to learn an instrument.

Green for Growth – Things that were a little bit tricky!

  • Although some people found the micro bits really enjoyable but some found the coding quite tricky.
  • Some people found using a compass tricky, especially when measuring the radius and diameter.
  • Some of the timed fitness tasks were tricky.

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 6/7 – Friday 8th December 2023

Primary 6/7 have had a wonderful week with lots of interesting and motivating learning. On Friday morning, we discussed our learning over the week and decided that we would like to share these reflections about our learning:

Tickled Pink (things that went well):

  • We all enjoyed the creative writing for our winter themed stories which we are going to redraft and share with our buddies. We are planning to make the stories into a book to give to our buddies
  • Many of us enjoyed our fitness sessions in PE and although it was hard work, we knew that we were improving our fitness
  • We enjoyed our Mental Maths sessions this week as we think it’s important to develop our skills with calculating sums in our head and not always writing them down
  • We really enjoyed our Tag Rugby in PE again as we continued to develop our skills with playing small sided games.

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning)

  • Some of us feel that our fitness session in PE was quite challenging and tiring.
  • A few of us reflected that developing our mental maths skills this week was a bit tricky at times as we needed our times table knowledge to be a bit better
  • Some of us found planning our creative stories in writing to be a bit tricky as we tried to plan how our story would develop and end

Our lead learners were Paige, Coby, Alfie and Oscar.  They were looking for examples of the following targets that they set for the class; not to talk while the teachers are talking, to show the values around the school and to avoid being silly.  Our lead learners saw lots of the children in class meeting those targets, which is excellent news. Well done for an fantastic week, P6/7.

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 6/7 – Friday 1st December 2023

Primary 6/7 have had a fantastic week which culminated in an amazing presentation of our learning to our guests on Friday morning in our class assembly. The children did an incredible job and we are very proud of them. Later on Friday morning, we discussed our learning over the week and decided that we would like to share these reflections about our learning:

Tickled Pink (things that went well):

  • We all enjoyed rehearsing for and presenting our class assembly. It was a wonderful success and performing with Ethan our drumming teacher at the end of the assembly was an amazing way to end the assembly.
  • We very much enjoyed taking part in our outdoor learning activity this week as we worked on creating outdoor art with natural items that we found in the woods. We created some fantastic pieces of art.
  • We enjoyed our Maths lessons this week and felt that they were fun
  • We really enjoyed our Tag Rugby session in PE as we moved on to playing small sided games.
  • We enjoyed being able to continue researching and writing our information reports about our chosen topics

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning)

  • Some of us feel that it was a little tricky having to finish our writing quite quickly due to limited time available because of our assembly rehearsals.
  • A few of us reflected that we found our Maths work on negative numbers a little tricky.
  • Some of us found the artwork that we were creating in the style of Charles Rennie Mackintosh quite challenging

Our lead learners were Alfie, Oscar, Rose and Brodie.  They were looking for examples of the following targets that they set for the class; to respect our classroom equipment, to avoid shouting out when people are talking and to avoid throwing items in the classroom rather than passing them.  Our lead learners observed lots of the children in class meeting those targets, which is wonderful news. Well done for an amazing week, P6/7 and an absolutely incredible class assembly.

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 Friday 1st December 2023

We have had a fantastic week in Primary 1/2.


Tickled Pink:

  • We loved doing a tricky word hunt in the classroom – practising reading and writing the words we have been learning.
  • In maths we have been looking at number bonds and the children are becoming more confident at working out the different ways to make the different numbers.
  • We enjoyed being a quality audience for the P6/7 class assembly – it was really exciting seeing our buddies singing and sharing their learning.
  • We have been practising our Nativity and it is looking fantastic! We have been using the microphones this week and trying on our costumes (very exciting!!)

Green for Growth:

  • Some children found it tricky to bounce the ball on the beat during our NYCOS music session. We will continue to practise this skill and game.
  • Some children are getting a bit confused between types of weather and the seasons. We are going to be focusing more on the weather next week by keeping a weather chart record of each day. (The children loved making their own weather mobile this week).

Our Lead Learners next week are Lucas Y and Harriet.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Mrs Baird

1st December 2023 Primary 5/6

It has been a very excitable week in Primary 5/6 as the children has been counting down to December and discussing advent calendars.  A few snowflakes earlier in the week added to the excitement! We will have festive themed days to look forward to soon.

Tickled Pink

  • In the I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here fitness sessions we had great fun competing against each other,
  • Many of the class enjoyed their introduction to algebra and showed great determination and perseverance when trying to figure out the value of X.
  • We all loved the P6/7 assembly and thought they had clear voices and great presentation skills.


Green for Growth

  • Some of the class found it tricky learning about algebra and were confused when finding the value of letters in equations.
  • In outdoor learning, using the hammock was challenging and several people got stuck in the mud!
  • We continued to work in our enterprise groups and one group found it difficult when trying to crochet.


Lead Learner Update

The Lead Learners this week were Darcey and Che.  They chose to focus on

  • staying on task
  • not chatting across to people at other tables
  • and doing your class job properly.
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