Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 19th January 2024

We have had a fantastic week in Primary 1/2.


Tickled Pink:

  • For writing this week the children were writing descriptive sentences about a snowman using the describing bubble to help us think of adjectives. The children all done fantastic with this!
  • The children enjoyed outdoor learning this week. We were exploring the playground and found lots of ice! We spotted some autumn leaves that were still on the ground and had been frozen inside the ice which was really cool to see!

  • In maths, we have started looking at subtraction and the children loved playing squashy subtraction with the playdough.
  • The school were set a task to do something kind for another class this week, P1/2 enjoyed making friendship bracelets and a picture for P2/3. Threading the letter beads on to spell the children’s name was a bit tricky to ensure it is the correct way round! P1/2 were very happy to receive their picture from P2/3 and the Kindness jar which we will use if we are feeling a bit down.


Green for Growth:

  • Some children found alphabetical order a bit tricky, they were given three letters and had to sort them into the correct order. We will continue to practise this and singing the alphabet song to help us.
  • During Buddy Time, we made snowflakes. Some of the children found folding the paper a bit difficult and cutting through the paper as it was so thick after it had been folded. They turned out great though and we will continue to develop our scissor skills.


Our Lead Learners are Lilidh for being kind to everyone (including teachers!) and Daisy R for being ambitious in maths and challenging herself to do extra sums.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Mrs Egan

Excitement in P7!

There was great excitement in P7 this morning as the pupils were given their Leavers Hoodies to wear!  We have decided to give them out earlier so that the pupils can get good wear out of them during their last few months of P7.  We’ve all agreed to wear them on Monday so that Mrs Egan can get a group photo!

by Mr Hamilton
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Primary 6/7 – Friday 19th January 2024

Primary 6/7 have had a fantastic week with lots exciting learning and more visitors coming into school to inspire us and help us with our learning. On Friday morning, we discussed our learning throughout the week and decided that we would like to share these reflections about our learning:

Tickled Pink (things that we feel went well):

  • We enjoyed our Scottish dancing again with the S6 sports leaders as we continue to prepare for our Burns Supper
  • We enjoyed writing our own poems using Scots language
  • We all engaged brilliantly with the Edinburgh University students who came to work with us in Computing Science with the Microbits
  • We really enjoyed the Pupil Voice sessions on Friday morning as we discussed the importance of equality and diversity in school and helped the younger learners in our school community take part in the discussions
  • We enjoyed lots of our learning in Maths this week, especially working with dragon data on Friday morning with Mr Hamilton and the Maths lessons that had with Mrs Donald and Mrs Egan

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning)

  • Some of us felt that we need to keep working hard on learning about our famous Scottish people to make more progress with our projects
  • A few of us felt that learning and remembering the dance steps for our Scottish social dancing was a bit tricky
  • Some of us are finding it a bit tricky to learn our Scottish poem for the recitals in class next week
  • We know that we need to keep working hard on practising singing our Scottish songs for the Burns Supper next week

Our lead learners were Alieu, Olivia, Lily and Jessica.  They were looking for examples of the following targets that they set for the class; be resilient in football in PE, don’t talk back to the teacher and don’t be silly.  Our lead learners saw lots of the children in class meeting those targets, which is great news. Well done for a wonderful week, P6/7. Looking forward to another fin packed week next week!

by Mrs Denholm
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P5/6 Friday 19th January

We have had a really busy week this week in preparation for our Burns Supper for the senior citizens of the village. We have been writing and reciting poems, improving our Scottish dancing skills and learning about Scottish settlements.

Things that have gone well.

  • Singing with P6/7 class – Scottish songs
  • Microbits with Edinburgh University students
  • Our daily timed number task
  • P6  Nursery Buddy Visit
  • Writing our Scottish Poems
  • Bench Ball
  • Scottish Dancing with Deans Sports Captains
  • Investigating strength of ice during outdoor learning.

Things we found tricky.

  • Maths –
  • Using some Scots vocabulary
  • Dance


Our Lead Learners Isla, Faith and Amelia were kept busy looking for children demonstrating our school values and taking care of our resources.

by Miss Cooper

P2/3 Friday 19th January

Tickled Pink:

  • We have moved onto narrative writing this term and have enjoyed using our imaginative writing skills to create stories.
  • We learnt more about Seafield as part of our Scottish topic on our local villages and explored what the differences were between a town and a village.
  • As part of our Be Kind week, we gave a sticker picture to each P1/2 as well as a kindness jar filled with lots of lovely messages to the whole class.


Green for Growth

  • We are still practicing our poems for our class performance on Monday. We’ve all been trying to learn the poem by heart and trying to add actions as well.
  • We were learning North, South, East and West during maths this week and were struggling to remember which direction was which but we did come up with our own mnemonic’s to help us remember. Our favourite’s were Never Eat Soggy Waffles and Naughty Elephants Squirt Water.


Our Lead Learners this week are Blake and CJ who are looking for good lines, being responsible outside and showing resilience in their work.

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 12th January 2024

Happy New Year and welcome back!

We have had a fantastic first week back at school.

Tickled Pink:

  • We have started focusing on our new whole school topic ‘Scotland’. The children enjoyed using Google Maps to explore our local area. They were very good at moving about on the screen to get themselves from school to their house.
  • We have also started learning a Scottish poem… I was blown away with how well the children knew their poem after only 1 day!! We will keep practising this at school (and home) so the children are confident reciting the poem on Monday 22nd January.
  • In Maths we have been learning about the months of the year and enjoyed singing along to a song to help us remember the months. We have made a class calendar and added children’s birthdays to it. The children are making their own calendar which we will finish next week.

Green for Growth:

  • Some of the children were getting a bit muddled with the order of the months (September – December). We will continue to practise this!
  • Some of the children found alphabetical order a bit tricky, they enjoyed singing the song but needed support to fill in the missing letters in the alphabet maze.

Our Lead Learners are Murren for being kind, and Emma for being ambitious – Well done!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Miss Cooper

P 2/3 Friday 12th January

Happy New Year from primary 2/3. We have had an amazing first week back to school and can’t wait to see what 2024 has in store!

Tickled Pink:

  • We decided on which Scottish Poem we wanted to perform and will be practicing these throughout the next couple of weeks. We will perform these to the class on Monday 22nd January and some of us will be lucky enough to perform to the whole school during our Burns assembly!
  • We learnt about the new year and discussed how new year is celebrated in different countries, made new year resolutions and learnt part of Auld Lang Syne.

Green for growth

  • In P.E. we’ve started gymnastics where we began with learning different balances. Some of us found it tricky to keep the bean bag balanced on our head while balancing on one leg but we were resilient and found ways to improve our balance by choosing our strongest leg and using our arms to help.
  • During literacy, we have looked at alliteration. Some groups struggled to find adjectives that fit into our alliteration sentences but we worked together to try and come up with different describing words to use.


Our lead learners for the upcoming week are Cade and Grace.

by Miss Halliday

Primary 4

Tickled Pink

  • We have a new student teacher, Miss Tillbrook, who started with us this week and will stay with our class until the end of term. We are very excited to share our classroom with her and can’t wait to see what exciting lessons she and Miss Halliday have in store for us.
  • We have begun doing more mental maths before our numeracy lessons this week. We love being challenged to answer 15 questions in a short space of time. We can already see that we are getting quicker and more accurate after only a few turns.
  • The first week back has been great, we thought about 1 word to inspire us for the new year, some of us chose brave, kind, sporty, courage and confidence. We designed these words to look 3D and glued them on to paper so that in one direction it shows our word and in another direction it shows 2024. They need to be seen to be believed.

Green for Growth

  • Today we tried a problem solving task where we had 9 small triangles with numbers on them. The aim was to make one large triangle but the numbers that touched had to make 10. this was really tricky for most of us and we had to have a lot of resilience to keep trying and not giving up.
  • When we use the hall, we can be a little loud and forget that other classes are trying to work. Our aim is to not scream and shout so that we can continue to be happy and safe in PE.

Lead Learners this week are Jodie for being respectful and Ella for being ambitious.

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 Friday 22nd December 2023

We have had a wonderful last week of term!

The children have enjoyed various Christmas activities, crafts and games. They tried really hard to follow the instructions to draw their reindeer and Santa – they did a fantastic job!

The children took part in a Christmas Assembly with Reverend Boyd – joining in with the songs (It was on a Starry Night).


We went to the cinema to see ‘Wish’ yesterday which was a great film and the children done themselves proud as they represented the school on our trip.


I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and I look forward to hearing all about your holidays in January!


Stay safe and Merry Christmas,

Mrs Wallace

by Mrs Denholm

Merry Christmas from p5/6 22.12.23

We have had a fantastic week of festive activities and celebrations. We started the week finishing  our final preparations for our Conscious Christmas Ethical Class Enterprise which was taking place on Wednesday. We had Power- points to present to parents and family members sharing our business plan, our strategies and the skills we developed throughout the topic. We made a selection of items for sale in our groups, decorations, crochet baubles, origami, art work, wind chimes and some Christmas games and  we were  a very successful sales team.  We had a small selection of items remaining at the end of the session and the children decided to sell all of these at 10p each in the infant playground. We have repaid our initial investment to the Community Council and paid our expenses and have a total in the region of £95, we will clarify this next session as donations are still coming in. We will be voting on who we are donating this money to and considering if a small percentage of the amount will be used for new felt pens or glue sticks for the class.

We had a lovely assembly with Rev Boyd on Tuesday, our school disco on Wednesday and a trip to the cinema to see Wish on Thursday, followed by an Achievement Assembly on Friday and class talent show.

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone and look forward to seeing you in 2024!


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