Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Mrs Denholm

P5/6 Friday 23rd February 2024

We have had another busy week this week in P5/6.

What went well;

  • Outdoor learning – Collecting control water samples, Looking at different collection points – Dean Burn at different locations and different puddles. Considering moving water and pools of water. We all returned with dry feet!
  • PE – Creating a group algorithm dance / gymnastic routine relating to our class novel, retelling the story so far thorough expressive movement.
  • Creating a fair test and changing variables when setting up a Cress growing experiment.
  •  Project Based Learning Brainstorm – As Scientists and Global Citizens investigate a Big Science Question to share at Seafield Science Showcase.
  • Microbits coding with Edinburgh University Students.
  • Send a picture of nature to astronauts at the International Space Station.


Tricky –

  • Some issues with technology this week after the February Break
  • Division and times tables

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 9th February 2024

We have had a lovely week in Primary 1/2.


Tickled Pink:

  • We have enjoyed learning about Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday in RME. We have been doing lots of activities related to pancakes – Writing instructions on how to make them, tricky word pancake game, pancake cafe role play and even had some pancakes in class to practise spreading the toppings all by ourselves!

  • We have been working really hard in maths this week doing lots of subtraction sums and the P2s have been doing sums that have missing numbers meaning they have to work out the answer by adding.
  • We have enjoyed taking part in Mental Health Week by doing an activity each day that makes us happy (Dancing, Going Outside, Colouring in, Listening to Music and Playing with Friends).
  • We had a live lesson with the author, Tom Nicoll, and illustrator, Ross Collins. They read us two stories and we did a draw along with the illustrator.


Green for Growth:

  • Some children found the draw along with the illustrator a bit tricky as he was going too fast, but they turned out great!
  • We have been learning about Chinese New Year… some people found it tricky to make their paper chain dragon.


Have a fantastic holiday,

Mrs Wallace

by Miss Cooper

P2/3 Friday 9th February

Primary 2/3 have had a fantastic week.

Tickled Pink:

  • We watched an author live where an author read us his stories and told us a little about how he writes them. This was followed by a draw along of a cheetah with the illustrator of the book which we all really enjoyed.
  • We’ve had a Sumdog competition going on throughout the school this week in celebration of Number Day. The whole class have enjoyed competing against other classes to try and see who will get to the top of the leaderboard.
  • As part of Children’s Mental Health week, we were challenged by the Health and Wellbeing hub to do a few wellbeing tasks in class throughout the week. We have enjoyed activities such as a just dance party and meditation.


Green for growth:

  • As part of our narrative writing, we based our writing on a story where a sheepdog gets lost while trying to bring a sheep back to the farmer. Some of us found it tricky to predict what was going to happen and when linking our writing to the story.
  • A few of us where learning how to use the column method when doing our subtraction sums. We found it hard to make sure the method was written correctly but had lots of practice throughout the week.

No lead learners this week as we’re off for the February break. I hope that everyone has a lovely holiday!

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 6/7 – Friday 2nd February 2024

Primary 6/7 have had an excellent week with lots exciting learning in class. On Friday morning, we discussed our learning throughout the week and decided that we would like to share these reflections about our learning:

Tickled Pink (things that we feel went well):

  • We enjoyed learning about algebra on Friday morning with Mr McConville from Deans Community High School. We all made good progress learning how to balance equations
  • We enjoyed football in PE, particularly the passing game that we played and we also enjoyed fitness in PE with Miss McGregor
  • We made a great start with our creative writing activity this week and enjoyed using the idea of a school pupil with amnesia from our class novel Restart
  • We really enjoyed our outdoor learning as we researched and discussed what a “Moss” is and then went out to investigate at Easter Inch Moss
  • Our representatives in the Rights Respecting School pupil group enjoyed our Steering Group meeting as we discussed arranging our Rights day and other ways of promoting children’s rights
  • Our Primary 7 learners enjoyed finding out about a wide variety of jobs at the NHS carers fayre at Howden Park Centre on Wednesday

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning)

  • Some of us feel that we need to keep working on our passing in football in PE
  • A few of us feel that we need to keep working hard to think of ideas for our imaginative story in Writing
  • Some of us feel that we need to keep practising our reading homework questions
  • A few of us feel that we need to be a bit more careful during outdoor learning to avoid getting wet

Our lead learners were Chelsea, Megan, Sophie and Preston.  They were looking for examples of the following targets that they set for the class; be resilient in writing our story based on Restart, be responsible and kind outdoors and be respectful in class and to the teacher.  Our lead learners saw lots of the children in class meeting all of those targets, which is great news. Well done for a wonderful week, P6/7. Looking forward to another great week next week!

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 Friday 2nd February 2024

We have had a great week in primary 1/2!


Tickled Pink:

– Drama was really fun as we were listening to the story ‘Three Goats Gruff’ and telling the story by making still pictures and acting out the scenes.

– We were learning about Area in maths this week and the children worked together to measure the area of a table using post it notes and the area of our rug using pieces of paper. We then counted how many altogether to tell us the area… the table is 150 post it notes!

– Writing was fabulous this week as the children got to colour in the picture and then write descriptive sentences about what they could see… I was very impressed with what they wrote!


Green for Growth:

– For health and well-being we had to match emotions with faces… some children found this task quite tricky to draw the lines between the emotion word and face.

– During PE we learned the Canadian Barn Dance, the children done super but some found it quite tricky to remember which was they needed to move for some of the steps.


Lead Learners next week are Lucas M and Robyn, Well done!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Mrs Baird

P5/6 Friday 2nd February

Tickled Pink

  • For Scottish Languages Week we researched national dishes from countries that don’t speak English and tried to say these in their native languages to the class.
  • We were confidently able to read and interpret data from pie charts during our lessons on data handling.
  • Mr McConville, a Maths Teacher from Deans Community High School, joined us on Friday for Number Day.  We had great fun learning about the rules of mathematics!
  • We entered the Young Writers poetry competition and are looking forward to seeing if any of our poems get published.

Green for Growth

  • We ran out of time to complete all the tasks Mr McConville set so we’re looking forward to working on these again next week.
  • We’re also going to be busy practising for our class assembly, we hope lots of parents and carers will be able to join us for this on Friday.

Lead Learner Update

Our Lead Learners this week were Harvey and Matthew.

by Miss Cooper

P2/3 Friday 2nd February

Tickled Pink

  • It was Languages Week Scotland this week and the class enjoyed learning some new languages! We learnt our numbers in Spanish and had a Portuguese taster session from one of our learners in class.
  • We enjoyed our gymnastics this week and have learnt a few more rolls and balances.
  • We took part in our hub groups today and some of us went around different classes to present the work we had been doing in our groups. Some of our class presented PowerPoints to other classes about how to be safe online which was very informative.

Green for growth

  • We have been doing lots of work on subtraction this week and have found it quite tricky. We will keep using our practical materials to work out these tricky problems to show our resilience!
  • We finished our Scottish topic this week with lessons on creating a timeline of Seafield and the school and on Scottish food. We created a menu of a Scottish dish however some of us did struggle to think about what Scottish foods we would serve for starters, main course and desserts.


Our lead learners are Chloe and Brandon

by Miss Cooper

P2/3 Friday 26th January

Tickled Pink

  • We have had a fun week taking part in lots of Scottish based activities for our Scottish topic. On Wednesday, we watched the P5-7 rehearsal for their Burns supper that they were performing for senior citizens. On Burns day, we learned more about Robert Burns and what is eaten during a Burns Supper. A few of us were lucky enough to perform our Scottish Poems that we learnt in front of the whole school at assembly!
  • We made bird feeders this week as part of the RSPB Birdwatch. We loved making them and can’t wait to see what birds will show up in our gardens!
  • In our writing this week, we watched The Gruffalo in Scots and did a writing piece based on it where we learnt new Scots words to include in our writing


Green for growth

  • During maths, a couple of our groups were doing subtraction with exchanging. A lot of us found this quite tricky to do but using our manipulatives helped us to keep trying to practice.
  • We used BeeBots this week to help us with directional language which some of us found east but others had trouble working out the direction they were going.

Our Lead Learners this week are Olivia and Rosa.

by Miss Halliday

Primary 4

Tickled Pink

  • Learning about the Earth, Sun and Moon and how they relate to each other in space.
  • Watching our classmates, Ben, Ella and Jason recite their Scottish poems in the special Burn’s assembly.
  • Playing battleships when learning about coordinates in maths.

Green for Growth

  • Writing narrative stories using description bubbles and remembering the genre and core targets.
  • Recapping fractions in numeracy and remembering to add ‘th’ after the number
  • Placing different towns and villages on a map of West Lothian,

Lead learners are Ruaridh for resilience and Kellan for ambition.

by Mrs Baird

P5/6/7 Burns Supper

What a busy few weeks we have had in the upper school learning about Robert Burns and preparing for our Burns Supper for the Seafield DISCO group (Drop In Senior Citizens Group).  We have been learning Scots poems from a variety of poets and writing our own poems in Scots too .  We have been learning Scottish dancing with help from the Deans Community High Sports Leaders and we also learned some Scottish songs. We wrote letters to Tesco Bathgate asking for food donations and also made our own invitations and programmes.

All this preparation culminated in our Burns Supper yesterday which was thoroughly enjoyed by all!

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