Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Miss Halliday

Primary 4 – Friday 8th March

Tickled Pink

  • We loved working in a round robin today for Rights Respecting Day. We worked in our hub groups and did 6 different rotations all day: quizzes, play, posters and more all about Rights of the Child.
  • Miss Tillbrook started teaching us all about Scottish Wildlife as part of a new topic. We are working independently to research a Scottish native animal and we will use that information for an activity next week.
  • It was a lot of fun yesterday for World Book Day. We dressed up as adjectives, we had everything from sporty, cool, comfy to stylish, colourful and dark. Throughout the day, a bell sounded and we had to stop everything to read for 5 minutes, it was a lot of fun.

Green for Growth

  • We started fitness challenges in PE with Miss Tillbrook that was hard. Our arms and legs were almost aching by the end of each station.
  • For writing, we are persuading someone to read our favourite book but are finding it hard to think of ideas to persuade them.

Lead learners this week were Abi and Harris.

by Miss Halliday

1st March Primary 4

Tickled Pink

  • We are so proud of ourselves for doing our class assembly twice this week to an audience. We performed for the school on Wednesday and then for our families on Friday morning. Both went really well and we are so happy that we got to show off all of our hard work.
  • In maths we have been learning about equivalent fractions which is going well.
  • We wrote a persuasive letter to the teachers to persuade them to let us have extra break that day. It worked so well that we were given an extra 10 minutes outside!

Green for Growth

  • We are working on our handwriting skills in class. We practise twice a week and are starting to understand the importance of good presentation.
  • For comprehension, we sometimes find it tricky to find the correct information, so we are working on using clues from the text to help us.

Lead learners this week were Ruaridh and Kellan.

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 Friday 1st March 2024

Tickled Pink

  • We enjoyed music this week as we were exploring Boomwhackers. The children took it in turns to play along to different nursery rhymes and songs.
  • For writing this week we were looking at persuasive texts and writing our own about whether cats or dogs are the best pet. The children done really well with this and all included their opinion by writing ‘I think….. because…’.
  • During outdoor learning we played a few class games including Duck, Duck, Goose and Fruit Salad. We had lots of fun!


Green for Growth

  • Some children found maths a bit tricky this week as we were focusing on numbers 11 to 20. We are going to keep practising reading and writing these numbers.
  • Some children are still a bit unsure with tally marks too. We will continue to practise when making decisions (like which activities we want out during literacy, which story to read etc) and during outdoor learning.


Our Lead Learners are Lucas Y and Lucas F.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 6/7 – Friday 1st March 2024

Primary 6/7 have had a wonderful week with lots engaging learning in class. On Friday morning, we discussed our learning through the week and decided that we would like to share these thoughts about our learning this week:

Tickled Pink (things that we feel went well):

  • We enjoyed our taking part in handball this week both in school with Mrs Donald and at the West Lothian handball qualifying event with Mr Hamilton. A wonderful effort from all
  • We enjoyed presenting our famous Scot projects to the rest of the class
  • We really enjoyed our buddying activities and teaching our buddies how to play various different games
  • We enjoyed football in PE and the football team enjoyed taking part in the first morning of cluster football league games on Thursday. A great effort from all players has left us second in the league table before the next round of matches

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning)

  • Some of us feel felt multiplication work in Maths was a little tricky
  • A few of us feel that our persuasive writing was a bit tricky as we get used to writing in a different format and style again
  • Some of us found learning about empathy in Health and Wellbeing a bit difficult

Our lead learners were Alexis, James, Logan and Shiva.  They were looking for examples of the following targets that they set for the class; be polite to adults around school, don’t shout out in class and be a good role model.  Our lead learners saw lots of the children in class meeting all of those targets, which is great news. Well done for a fantastic week, P6/7. Looking forward to another great week next week!

by Miss Cooper

P2/3 Friday 1st March 2024

Primary 2/3 had a great week!

Tickled Pink:

  • As part of our Weather topic, we were learning about hot and cold climates. We discussed how countries nearer the equator are hotter and decided what we would take in our suitcase if we were visiting hot and cold countries.
  • For outdoor learning, we learnt a rain dance and performed these with bells to learn more about weather in different countries. It didn’t rain while we were performing but we were happy to see that it rained later that evening.
  • In literacy this week, we learnt what onomatopoeia was and explored some onomatopoeia words.


Green for Growth:

  • Some of us struggled with two-digit by two-digit subtraction using the column method but we kept trying and Miss Cooper was very pleased with our progress.
  • During music, we used instruments to make the sound of different types of weather and made our own composition. We found it a little hard trying to work out our composition but we had fun trying!

Our lead learners for this week are Harley and Grace.

by Mrs Baird

1st March 2024 Primary 5/6

Tickled Pink

  • In PE we created games for the P1/2 class and they gave us some excellent feed back including words like fantastic and amazing.  We were also reflective and talked about how we could improve what we offered them if we did it again.
  • In HWB we learned about food labelling.  We now understand the traffic light system and the vocabulary used in food labels.
  • Some P6 and P7 pupils went to a Handball Festival at Deans Community High School and they found it really fun.
  • We were delighted to learn that some of our poems were chosen to be included in a poetry book and we will now be published authors.
  • Some P5-7 pupils went to Deans Community High School on Thursday to represent the school in the cluster  football league.  It was a really great experience and they won four games and lost two.
  • We made water filters during outdoor learning  and created a cress experiment to learn about how to undertake fair tests.

Green for Growth

  • We made various graphs during data handling lessons but kept forgetting to label them correctly.
  • For Empathy Week we created posters and we found it really tricky to draw entwined hands.

Lead Learner Update

This week our Lead Learners were Georgia and Emma-Jo.



by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 23rd February 2024

We have had a great week settling back into school routines.

Tickled Pink:

  • We have been learning about tally marks this week and the children are very good at remembering that we draw the fifth tally across to ‘shut the door’. During Outdoor Learning we observed the cars passing the school and recorded tallys of their colour. The children loved this but it was a bit tricky to keep up when lots of cars were passing at once.

  • We were learning about the Green cog from Emotion Works this week which is all about how we show our emotions using our face, body, actions etc. The children enjoyed dancing along to ‘I feel good’ and acting out the different emotions using our whole bodies.
  • For drama we listened to the story ‘The Tortoise and the Hare’ and had lots of fun pretending to be the different animals and making ‘stills’ of the Tortoise winning the race.


Green for Growth:

  • Some children found the tally marks a bit tricky. We will continue to focus on this next week.
  • We were learning how to make fact families in maths. This was a bit confusing at first but then it started to click.


Lead Learners next week are Fraser and Evie!


Have a nice weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Miss Halliday

Primary 4

Tickled Pink

  • Our assembly practices are going well and we can’t wait to perform it next week
  • Fantastic PowerPoints for IDL using different transitions and animations.
  • Using 2 hand chest throws and 1 handed under arm throws in PE with Miss Tillbrook.

Green for Growth

  1. We are continuing to work on self editing in our writing lessons, checking that our stories make sense and have the correct spelling and punctuation.
  2. Equivalent fractions are tricky but we are being resilient and will keep going.

Our Lead Learners this week are Ruaridh for showing respect and Kellan for demonstrating ambition.

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 6/7 – Friday 23rd February 2024

Primary 6/7 have had an excellent first week back after the February break with lots exciting learning in class. On Friday morning, we discussed our learning through the week and decided that we would like to share these reflections about our learning:

Tickled Pink (things that we feel went well):

  • We enjoyed our Writing activity where we were developing our skills with using persuasive language to convince our reader that either cats or dogs are the best pets and we are looking forward to completing this task next week
  • We enjoyed creating our own fitness activities in PE with Mrs Donald
  • We really enjoyed our buddying activities and helping our buddies to learn how to play card games
  • We enjoyed our final computing science session with the wonderful students from Edinburgh University as we learnt about coding using “Python” and sent messages to the International Space Station!
  • We enjoyed our art activity where we were creating pictures of the famous Scots that we have been researching and learning about for our personal projects
  • We enjoyed continuing to learn about and practise the grid method for multiplication in Maths

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning)

  • Some of us feel felt that the famous Scot portrait art activity was a little tricky, especially the part where we used tracing with charcoal and then printing with those line drawings
  • A few of us feel that the times table practise this week was a bit tricky as we were using more difficult times tables
  • Some of us found the writing about cats or dogs a little difficult as this was our first persuasive writing task this session

Our lead learners were Logan, Shiva and Megan.  They were looking for examples of the following targets that they set for the class; be kind to the adults in school, be responsible with school equipment and property and be resilient in your learning.  Our lead learners saw lots of the children in class meeting all of those targets, which is great news. Well done for a brilliant week, P6/7. Looking forward to another great week next week!

by Miss Cooper

P2/3 Friday 23rd February

Primary 2/3 have had a lovely week this week.

Tickled Pink:

  • We were learning about time this week. All of us were learning about o’clock and half past and some of us were learning about quarter past. We used practice clocks to show our answers.
  • We had a focus on nouns, adjectives, and verbs this week. We looked through the books in our class library to hunt for these parts of speech.
  • For our weather topic, we had lots of fun in outdoor learning learning about wind direction. We used wind vanes, compasses and a wind cone to work out which direction the wind was blowing.


Green for Growth:

  • This week we started a new type of genre in writing, persuasion. We wrote about school friends and why having them was good. We found coming up with our series of arguments quite difficult.
  • Some of us were using the jump method for subtraction in numeracy which we found very tricky.
  • During our gymnastics P.E. lesson, we learned that we needed to listen carefully to instructions to make sure we know what we are doing and are being safe.

Our lead learners are Fatoumata and Oliver.

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