Tickled Pink
- Maths with Mr McConville and Mrs Orpon was fun because it was a different way of learning and because it was new teachers. We had to create 30 different answers using only 4 digits.(see pictures below)
- Creating our 500 words stories was interesting because we got to choose what to write about. We used immersive read to read our stories back to us and this helped us to edit them.
- During Outdoor learning we did a tour around Seafield to show Miss White and Annie the village. We learned about when different streets were built and compared the older and newer houses.
Green for Growth
- In PE, we need to work on our volume as when we are very enthusiastic our voices become too loud.
- In Outdoor learning we will keep reminding ourselves how to stay safe when near roads and parked cars.
Lead Learner Update
Our lead learners this week were Alfie and Amelia and they chose to work on being respectful to the adults, take care of equipment outside and listen to the person that is talking. They saw many pupils in the class achieving the targets they had chosen.
The blog post this week was created by Alieu.