Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

P2/3 Friday 7th June


Tickled Pink:

  • This week, we started on division in Numeracy. We have using our times table knowledge to help us divide into equal groups and did lots of activities to help us work out what we already knew about division.
  • In our writing, we started on procedures and we wrote the instructions on how to brush our teeth. We did a great job remembering to include our goal, materials and steps.
  • We watched the Primary 1/2 class assembly this week and loved learning more about friendship! Great job P1/2!

Green for Growth

  • For outdoor learning, we took out metre sticks and tried to decide where we thought would  be the best place to put planters for a vegetable garden. We found it a little bit tricky to find a suitable place that had enough sunlight, not too much shade and not on a slope for our planters.
  • We were learning about speech marks this week and learning where to put them in a sentence. Some groups needed to remember that there could sometimes be two sets of speech marks in a sentence.

Our lead learners this week are Oliver and Harley.

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