Tickled Pink
- During outdoor learning, we found a new area which we named Jess’s Jungle. When we found an abandoned tent we decided to be explorers and created our own dens.
- We wrote explanation texts to explain about Seafield Gala Day and did a fantastic job peer and self assessing these.
- We enjoyed trying hurdles in our PE lesson and found that ‘Jump Master Jake’ excelled with these.
- We loved being an audience for the P2/3 assembly and really enjoyed their French weather song.
Green for Growth
- We found time durations difficult to grasp during our maths lessons.
- Although we understood the importance of scale we found it tricky trying to do our own drawings to scale.
- During a cool down game in PE, chosen by Henry, we found it difficult trying to think of lots of different ways to move.
Lead Learner Update
Our Lead Learners this week were Matthew and Julia and they were please to report that everyone managed to achieve their sitting safely on a chair target.