Primary 2/3 had a fantastic first week back from their Easter holidays.
Tickled Pink:
- We started our new topic ‘Farming’ and discussed the different types of farms that can be found in Scotland.
- We wrote a recount of an activity we did during the school holidays and were so proud of our writing.
- In outdoor learning, we were putting our time knowledge to the test by becoming human clocks! We had lots of fun creating our clocks and pretending to be the hour and minute hands.
Green Growth:
- We’ve been continuing with multiplication this week. Some of us found counting in 5’s tricky when learning our 5 times table.
- During literacy this week, we had been learning about putting commas in a list. We are trying very hard to remember to use commas instead of ‘and’.
Lead learners this week are Ellie and Cade.