Tickled Pink:
– we loved dressing up as an adjective for World Book Day! Lots of great ideas to be sparkly, sporty, sleepy and more! Throughout the day if the children heard a bell ringing they had to stop everything and read a book for 5 minutes. The children engaged well with this and were very excited each time they heard the bell.
– we read Room on the Broom and used the book as inspiration for decorating our door. The children loved doing a draw along video to draw the witch. (They turned out fantastic!!) We also wrote a persuasive text about why we think Room on the Broom is a great book!
– today we had lots of activities planned for Rights Respecting School day… including a quiz, fruit taste, scavenger hunt and active play. We discussed the rights that these link to and enjoyed working in our hub groups all day!
Green for Growth:
– in maths we were looking at the number after and number before and some people found this a bit tricky. We introduced number lines and explained how if it is less the number gets smaller and we move towards zero… and if it is more then the number gets bigger so we jump forward. We will keep practising this to help develop a good number sense.
Our lead learners next week are Struan and Olivia!
Have a super weekend,
Mrs Wallace