Tickled Pink
- We started looking at measure in maths and had fun measuring the height of beanstalks using interlocking cubes.
- We enjoyed playing different games during literacy, especially the popcorn game. One person is the teacher and chooses a piece of popcorn(scrunched up paper with letter or word on it), then they read it to the student and they have to write it on the whiteboard and then the teacher checks it.
- We had a great circle time to talk about our next topic, People Who Help Us. The children identified some people who help us and spoke about what they know about them already and this helps plan what we want to find out.
Green for Growth
- In writing this week we were focusing on adding detail to our drawing and life-like hands. Some of the children found this tricky so we will keep practising.
- Some children found addition a bit tricky, we are going to keep working on this to increase confidence.
Our lead learners next week are Daisy Rymel and Ernest Gasior.