Tickled Pink
- This week we have enjoyed getting to know our new student teacher, Miss Campbell in class. She will be with us for 10 weeks and will be taking some lessons alongside Miss Halliday. She has been very kind and friendly and has gotten to know us very well in such a short time.
- We have been recapping the class rules and used our pupil voice to discuss the class charter and the Halliday Bucks rules. We agree that we are going to be our best and try really hard in all our work.
Green for Growth
- We have been recapping in maths and have found that subtracting with regrouping was the hardest part. With lots of practice, we have managed to remember and even try some super hard sums on the board.
- P3/4 have chosen a Scottish poem to remember and recite for a special Burn’s Assembly at the end of the month, We have our poems in our bags and also on Seesaw to help us learn it.