Our learning highlights in P3/4 this week were:
- We enjoyed making rockets and tested what could make them fly better.
- On Wednesday we were lucky to have a taster Judo session. We enjoyed the skills that we learnt.
- In preparation for our trip we were researching Edinburgh landmarks which was very interesting.
Tricky tasks:
- In maths we worked on angles with Miss Herd and were learning about obtuse, acute and 90 degree angles.
- We have been continuing to work on division and working hard to use long division which we will continue next week.
- In our research of Edinburgh landmarks we used maps to find where that landmarks were which was sometimes tricky but good for practicing our mapping skills.
Lead learner update:
This week our lead learners were Faith and Calla. We have been working on being resilient and responsible. Our lead learners also spotted pupils being ambitious in their work.