P2/3 returned from the Easter break energised and enthusiastic. They were excited to see how well their potatoes had grown. Thanks to Jack’s family for taking care of them during the holidays.
Learning Highlights
- We brainstormed ideas for our enterprise topic and wrote letters asking for a loan of money to help us set up.
- In literacy we learned about fact and opinion.
- We made mobiles with our buddies to celebrate Earth Day.
- We listened to songs about times tables and many of the children are now feeling more confident.
Tricky Tasks
- We learned about the different parts of a letter but the school address was quite tricky to write.
- We were using our boost words to write in sentences and some of the class found this tricky.
Lead Learner Update
Niamh and Zac will be our Lead Learners next week and they have chosen to look out for classmates who are
- being sensible in class
- saying thank you if someone holds the door open for them and
- following the school values.