Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

Friday 4th March 2022 P1/2


Things that went well.

This week we have continued to learn about Fairtrade  and different products. We have looked at maps and learned about bananas, chocolate and coffee beans. These items and more have been added to our Tappietourie Gift shop and we have used our learning about money to help us purchase items in the shop. We have linked our learning about books this week – Jack and the Beanstalk and have had a sign on a mystery jar saying do not open. We have been very curious about what is inside the jar and we didn’t find out until Friday! Some people thought it might be potions – Alice in Wonderland? or a genie? – Aladdin ? But it was in-fact coffee beans! These have been investigated today and we are looking to add coffee to our gift shop and have been making a menu.  Our chocolate playdough has been used to create birthday cakes this week and we added candles and decorations.

As part of World Book day we did a Stop, Drop, Read challenge and also decorated a wooden spoon as one of our favourite book characters. These were wonderful and we enjoyed getting the opportunity to see what other classes had created as all were displayed in the hall for a while.

For the second half of the week we had another favourite book in our tuff tray, Six Dinner Sid and the children really enjoyed creating crates for animals at the vets, using their knowledge of time to book appointments and to use test tubes and syringes in their play!

We wrote persuasive texts to Mrs Egan to ask if we could have a Fabulous Fairtrade Friday Feast on the 4th to celebrate the end of Fairtrade Fortnight. Some children created tickets for the event and planned what we would do.

The Lead Learner, Rosa and Adam had a busy week looking for examples of kindness, good listening and taking care of our resources – lids on pens and glue! The boys and girls are becoming much better at this,

We had another great  week of learning!

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