P2/3 have had a great week this week. Eadie, Ryan and Struan did a fantastic job standing up and performing their Scottish poems for the schools Burns assembly. Well done!
Tickled Pink:
- We have been working on our group work this week and it has been going amazingly! In our groups we did research on Scottish animals and learned how to use Padlet to feedback our information to the rest of the class. We also worked in our groups during RME to draw and label the inside and outside of a church. This was an amazing piece of work and the team work that we used made them even better – We decided in our groups to split the work up which was a fantastic strategy!
- In Health and Wellbeing we are learning about safe and unsafe substances. We had a class discussion about the different things we think are safe and unsafe and made a chart to sort them.
Green for Growth:
- In numeracy we have moved on to our 5 times table and are going to continue to practise some different strategies that we have learned to help us like times table flowers!
Our lead learners this week are Evie, Lilidh, Robyn and Eadie – Well done!