Tickled Pink:
- This week we wrote about how to make a jam sandwich. We are very excited because next week, we swap our writings with a peer and make our jam sandwich based on their instructions.
- Yesterday, we had Play All Day where we did lots of fun activities bingo, Uno, dominoes, colouring, we made a farm out of Lego based on our class novel The Sheep-Pig and created lots of towers with our blocks. We also created different European landmarks out of spare cardboard boxes and other recycled items.
- We finally harvested our potatoes this week! We have spent a lot of time looking after our potatoes, feeding them compost and watering them and next week, we will cook our potatoes.
Green for Growth:
- In maths, we were learning about probability. A few of us found some of the words we were learning a bit tricky to remember.
No lead learner this week as next week is our last week of school.