We have had a good week this week and it has been busy as we creep closer to the summer.
Tickled Pink
- We worked hard on our Food web activity- it was interesting researching different habitats and ensuring that the correct species were in the web.
- We enjoyed sharing the food webs with our classmates
- We looked at different ways of presenting the foodweb – posters with collage, moving parts, word document inserting a photo , a powerpoint with media links or a scratch game.
- Developing scratch skills, creating moving animals with sound and speech bubbles
- Sharing our work on Teams
- Uploading work I am proud of onto personal Glow Blog space
- Achieving our Silver Rights Respecting Schools Award
- Writing a recount of our class trip last week
- Outdoor learning
- Parents coming in for ‘sharing the learning’
- P1/2 class assembly
- Winning the cluster football trophy ! Well done Seafield!
Green for Growth
- Further develop ICT skills to be able to upload photos
- Further develop our Scratch skills
- Converting units of measurement in maths