Things that went well.
- We took part in a Kids Gone Wild session where we were set the challenge of creating a shelter, fire area and a plan for sourcing clean water .
- It was computer science week and we took part in some online Teams sessions, to create our own game, we looked at coding and algorithms and worked together in groups to create our own dance algorithm sequence.
- We have secured a loan from Seafield Community Education Centre to start us off on our Enterprise Project.
- We took part in tasks relating to Talk Money week.
- Visit from Rev Boyd and we made some crosses for the Remembrance Service on Friday.
- We attended the Remembrance service on Friday and represented our school well.
Things that were Tricky.
- Some of our Maths word problems were tricky as there were several steps to work out before the final answer.
- It was quite tricky researching and recording our reliable sources for a UNCRC writing task.
- Some people found the algorithm sequence of steps tricky especially when working in a bigger group.