Tickled Pink
- In Outdoor Learning we had a choice of what to do in the playground. Some of us chose to build dens, others chose to do gymnastics and others chose ball games.
- We started to learn about fractions. We had to think about how we could share out bars of chocolate, we even got a little taste afterwards!
- We finished reading The Boy at the Back of the Class. It was a great novel but there were lots of sad parts as well as funny parts.
- We had lots of great ideas during our pupil voice groups.
Green for Growth
- Using a ruler and protractor to draw shapes was very tricky.
- We found it tricky trying to learn about the numerator and denominator in a fraction but a song helped us.
Lead Learners this week were Niamh and Henry and they chose the following targets:-
- Use a ruler correctly
- Don’t fight and
- Pay attention in class